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Everything posted by BeastForever

  1. Kings Island@KingsIslandPR Everything is ready to fly for tomorrow night's 10pm announcement. #KingsIsland2014 https://www.visitkingsisland.com/online-fun/social-networks
  2. In Action Zone, I'm guessing near the construction area. I have a feeling where the old water tower is seems to have a lot space there. Nobody wants to be smoosh up to a fence. some people don't mind. I always have people in line that want to be standing right on top of me!! I like personal space, though! Most people do. The Wing Rider,Invert and GIGA coaster fans need to be spaced out. haha jk I'd be in favor of that! I believe that is negative Banshee ghost matter...
  3. Besides, all Madam Fatale's Cavern is doing is making up for for our former "best trail at Haunt" (Trail of Terror).
  4. The more I've thought about it, the funnier it gets... Don: Ladies and Gentlemen, Kings Island is proud to announce our new attraction for 2014, "The [loud thunder interrupts]..." .... "Well, how 'bout that?... Once again, ladies and gentlemen, announcing the new [[[boom! Crackle crackle!]]]..." .... "Ah-ha. Yes. Okay. One more time. Let's give it up for our new ride, the b-[[[Crack-ack-ack-ack Rumble,rumble rumble!]]] .... "Ladiesandgentlenournewrideiscalledtheba-[[[Crackle-kaboom!]]]..."Oh, come on!" ....GP: "Did you hear that, the new ride is going to be called Oh, come on!" ....Don: *facepalm*
  5. Go Screamin' Swing or go home.
  6. How about ditching this stupid tapawhatever bullshizz... You have no idea how annoying it is to read through and seeing "Sent from blah blah blah whatever" every other post... at least erase the signature lol. Use your phone as its meant to be, free up some data, and ditch tap-dancing. U mad bro? Ok, that is officially the LAST time I'm going to say that.
  7. Intaminisnumber1 will be getting lumps of coal in his stocking...
  8. U mad bro? (Wow I've gotta stop saying that.) Great post by the way...
  9. ^^ Are you sure they aren't indigo?
  10. Depends on how many more times Don decides to screw with us before Thursday night...
  11. ^^ Really, Stengel built SOB? I didn't know the old man was that strong...
  12. Well, we've reached 400 pages... we officially have no lives.
  13. What's with you people and you're inverted wing coasters?!?!
  14. While you're at it you might also want to look up what a stratacoaster is and what a hypercoaster is...
  15. Don: "According to our 5-10 year plan Kings Island will not be installing a giga coaster in 2019, or any other year. U mad bro?"
  16. I don't think "the occurence of mysterious and bone-chilling screams" and "evil phenomenon" neccessarily result in a bat. Just saying... That is Manta at SeaWorld Orlando.
  17. Or Don has been putting something in your blue ice cream...
  18. No reason to be bro. It's not what it seems. I sure hope it's not. This would actually REALLY suck if that's were getting because it would completely spoil Thursday's announcement... Just like many other past announcements.
  19. ^^ Yeah that's for our giga in 2019. I heard that its going to be such a large coaster that they have to start now to fabricate all the steel in time...
  20. ^^ But we can't, it hasn't been built yet!
  21. Reminds me of that one advertisement for The Bat...
  22. Then why don't you make some more?
  23. Did someone find more blueprints?
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