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Everything posted by BeastForever

  1. I know, I had a better one drawn out before that looked more like Leviathan but I accidently deleted it. However in other words, gee I sure missed a lot when I took that nap! I think you guys need a Snickers break...
  2. It's not perfect but I tried my best.
  3. I'm just trying to move this topic along.
  4. Once I was the only one on the train on Adventure Express AT NIGHT! It was pretty cool but also a little scary because I was 8 when I did this.
  5. Based on the current footer placement, I have a feeling the new ride will go like this: White= Station Blue= Lift hill Yellow= Overbanked turn Pink= Helix finale Red= Brakes
  6. No, CF would never allow that. Only CP can get record breakers.Why can't people get out of this mentality? Dick Kinzel is gone. And rightfully so, I was getting tired of lugging around all those nickels...
  7. Screamscape update: 2014 - Banshee / New Coaster - Rumor - (7/7/13) A reader has sent in a new picture of the Kings Island 2014 construction site which is growing is scope and appears to have new footers under construction on the right side of the photo area which I believe is just behind the Adventure Express coaster, in about the same location of where the top of Son of Beast’s first lift hill and turn was previous located. Nothing new really, but whatever...
  8. Guys I'm not trying to act impatient or anything. Sheesh, I know they just got Gatekeeper and that it's a great ride. But ya know, it's never too early to start speculatin'.
  9. ^^ I went to that Rush concert with my dad too! Pretty good show. But no Red Barchetta...
  10. What do you think it will be? What ride(s) would it replace?
  11. But it's a Saturday. How can it be "a great day to get in a lot of rides"? Did everyone leave because of the rain?
  12. The world may never know... or it probably will.
  13. ERT is awesome for going alone, because usually half the people I see there are alone too. So you're like, whatever...
  14. ^That's what I was wondering. It looks as if someone did that on purpose because I think one of the screws that was holding the sign up against the tree is gone.
  15. After riding Dragster, none of the seats seem that intense for the launch. During the spaghetti bowl however the back seems the most intense.
  16. ^Thanks! I like to post these updated construction photos every once in a while as sort of a reminder for this thread to stay on-topic. Anything to keep this ludacris thread afloat.
  17. Construction photos: Look's like someone (or something) messed with the scarecrow and NO CAMPING sign...
  18. No, CF would never allow that. Only CP can get record breakers.Why can't people get out of this mentality? Dick Kinzel is gone. until it is proven otherwise. How much better was Cedar Point's WindSeeker than Kings Island's? Actually, a lot better. The view of Lake Erie is fantastic! But I don't think Mr. Ouimet can do anything about that.
  19. Yeah dude who cares about that sissy carousel?...Where are all the Intamin Gigas?! Knoebel's is a total bust... Just kidding, I actually agree with YoungStud on Knoebel's. Who WOULD travel 8 hours so they could go on a elaborate carousel and a couple of good woodies?... EDIT: Even if it is affordable, it still doesn't look like it's worth it.
  20. I just went today alone and it was great. It's actually very enjoyable in ways because you can walk around, go on rides, and look at stuff at your own pace. For example, I went on Eiffel Tower today and stayed up there for almost a half an hour just taking pictures of rides! The only thing I worry when going alone is someone I know seeing me all by myself and them thinking I have no friends.
  21. To Kings Island, AWAY! I should be back in the afternoon with updated construction photos...
  22. But just be glad our B&M hyper only has one...
  23. This B&M-Intamin war is getting good!
  24. ^What are you talking about? What does "stack" mean?
  25. Uhhh! The Diamondback cam is useless now... Last year, it was directed more towards the que line so that you could always tell if it was crowded or not that day. But now, since you can't see the que line you have no idea.
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