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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. So thanks to my parents decision to go on a vacation in the South, I get to go to a new theme park, and that's Carowinds. My trip is in Early June, so I guess I should ask a few questions - 1. How crowded can I expect it to be? Not sure if I'll be going on a weekend or weekday, so info on both would be appreciated. 2. Any "must rides?" I love anything and everything Arrow, so obviously the Carolina Cyclone and the Mine train (whose name escapes me) are musts. Are there any rides that I should make sure I get to go on? Suggestions for Coasters and flats are all welcome 3. If I understand correctly, any Cedar Fair souvenier cup can be refilled at a discounted price at any Cedar Fair park. Is this correct, and could I use my 2011 KI cup? 4. For those who have ridden multiple WindSeekers - is the new view worth it? I know the view is part of WindSeeker's appeal, but I don't know if it's worth waiting in line for a ride I can ride any time I want at home. 5. Boomerang Bay - would it be worth it to take out of my one day at the park to go to boomerang bay? Is it significantly different from ours? Thanks to anyone who answers my questions
  2. Well, there's Right Now by Van Halen, due to my utter surprise early last season when I learned that Drop Tower played one of my favorite songs of all time. Then there's Wheel in the Sky by Journey, which I still think should be in WindSeeker's lineup And Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams, because the feelings he describes in that song describe to a tee my summer of 2010, and my fond memories at KI that year. 2011 was just not as good for me, maybe because of my bi-weekly trips not seeming quite as special as the 3 I enjoyed in 2010. That, and 2011 was when I lost my coaster buddy and KI was never the same after that. We shall see what 2012 brings in that regard. Anyway, lastly, I think the theme from Chariots of fire should go in my list too, because when I ride the first drop on The Beast, I can picture it in slow-mo with that music playing, lol.
  3. Park Services is an underappreciated department. The sweeps are, in my opinion, among the most important staff in ensuring a good experience at the park, as there's nothing as bad as walking around in a dirty place IMO. And I am thankful for them that real life isn't like RollerCoaster Tycoon, where every other guest pukes after getting off the kiddie rides. I don't usually have sympathy for fictional characters, but man those RCT handymen have it rough.
  4. Interesting that you say that, because I'd favor just about anything over U2. But now that I've said that, it'll probably be a Glee cover of U2, which admittedly, would be worse. In my humble opinion, every ride should follolw Drop Tower's footsteps and play Van Halen. Though it probably wouldn't work as well for most rides as it does on that one. And you, as well as most people, likely disagree. Which is likely the reason they DON'T exclusively use songs by one artist, lol.
  5. I miss my Vortex. There's nothing quite like going upside down, head over heels all while getting shaken up a little.
  6. I do it in the front seat, but only in the fifth car. At least on Arrow coasters.
  7. I voted one star. But it isn't KI's fault. My opinion of the park itself in 2011? 5 star completely. However, the season itself was very hard for me, due to the loss of my best friend and KI partner. The season was the worst I have ever had, and hopefully ever will. But I loved WindSeeker and DA. I loved the brick pavers. Kings Island did great things this year. I only wish WindSeeker could have opened a few weeks earlier so he could have ridden it. Oh well. That's all over now, and it's time to move on. I don't think it'll ever be the same for me, but here's hoping I can make new memories with new friends for the 2012 season. Just don't mistake me for on of the complainers. As I've said, management made stellar additions this year, I just wish that I had been more able to enjoy them.
  8. As you can probably guess by my avatar, this is very sad news to me indeed. But on the bright side, my KI buddy who died this summer (and loved Vortex as much as I do) finally got to meet his biggest unsung hero up there in the great amusement park in the sky.
  9. Haunt on the 15th will be my first trip since mid-august, and my last of the season. Furthermore, for my last two trips in august, I was with guests who are afraid of coasters. And so, I bought two Fast Lane tickets so that my girlfriend and I can make up for lost time and ride some of our favorites over and over. I have only gotten one ride on Vortex since its reopening, and I intend to use the time saved by using Fast Lane on other rides to ride it a few times.
  10. This was a hypothetical. I will not waste my day riding backlot, I'll actually be wasting my day marathoning Firehawk and Delirium, two of my favorites that always have long lines (on weekends). Of course, whenever possible, I go to the park on Mondays and Thursdays. On those days, I just scoff at people who bought Fast Lane. It is rather pointless on days like that (but hey, if it makes KI tons of money without increasing waits too much, so be it). Also if it's worth anything at all, Fast Lane has no effects on my favorite ride, and unfortunately, my typical 8-ride marathon just before close on Vortex may not be possible. Oh well, I rode it plenty this summer, just not in July lol. *I should clarify, when I said "I will be using it," I don't mean this "flaw" I mean Fast Lane in general.
  11. I will start by saying that this post is somewhat satirical before everyone flames me. Mostly pointing out a flaw in the system (which I will actually be using on October 15th. Already bought my Fast Lane pass) If you want Kings Island to get rid of Fast Lane, the answer is simple. Show them its flaws. Get 36 people to buy it. Next, have ALL of them line up for Backlot. Monopolize the WHOLE ride, all day. Yep, all three trains. All day long, thereby not letting even one other person ride. Surely, this would highlight a flaw in the system, and make them change or remove it. Just a thought. Or it could backfire, and they'd place a limit on consecutive rides. Either way, something would happen. Is anyone else twisted enough to think of things like this, or is it just me?
  12. So since it has been determined that the 10th is not Labor Day weekend, would it be a decent day to go? The park is small, so even on a busy day, I should be able to ride everything, right?
  13. My roommate and I are planning a day trip to Kennywood on Saturday September 2nd. My question is, how are Saturday crowds at that park? Would I have time to ride everything in one day? I've been to KI during Haunt, so I know what a crowded park is like... And I wouldn't like to experience it again, lol. Any information or tips would be nice.
  14. I do have to add one thing that hasn't been acknowledged. Let's say, hypothetically, that you love Action Theater and hate WindSeeker. Then you not only got nothing new to add to your experience, but had something you like turned into an upcharge, Not that I liked Action Theater or dislike WindSeeker, just playing Devil's Advocate here.
  15. I would make an idea happen that I discussed in the Crypt Enhancements topic. Metroid: the Ride. Where you are Samus, seeking revence on Ridley for killing your parents many years ago, as you travel through space. Sadly, this COULD theoretically happen. But if Cedar Fair was going to license something for our Giant Top Spin, I would think they would have just licensed Tomb Raider...
  16. As long as we were on the subject of game themes (After all, Tomb Raider was a game before it was a movie), another that could work well is Metroid. The gondola could represent Samus doing a screw attack. And where the demon sits now, you could have Ridley. Female protagonist would be the only similarity. They could theme it to space. Not jungle-y at all. Where Durga now sits (sort of), they could have a chozo statue. Thematically, this would not infringe on Tomb Raider's theme. I know this would never be considered, I say this only to prove that there is A LOT they could do to add theme without infringing. Unless of course, there's more to the copyright than we understand. Also, perhaps they are not adding theme, not because they can't, but because it isn't worth the money to overhaul a less-than-reliable ride. But if I had to make an uneducated guess, I'd bet it's a combination of the two. EDIT: Just so you don't think I'm completely ADD, here's what Ridley looks like. The Bat demon reminds me of him every time I see it. http://images.wikia.com/metroid/images/1/12/RidleySSBB.jpg
  17. Demonic bat demon? Aren't all demons demonic? But all joking aside, I know what you mean about people confusing beast and Son of Beast. I had a family try to argue with me and tell me that Beast had been closed for 2 years... I kindly told them they were misinformed, but they swore they heard right and then claimed they were going to ride the King Cobra next. Sometimes I think we need membership cards so people just trust me that I do, in fact, spend WAY too much time here, and at this point probably know everything worth knowing about KI. In fact, I think someone should make us a template in Microsoft Publisher lol.
  18. Well, they could. They could park at Great Wolf and walk over. However, doing so may be against the policies of both Great Wolf Lodge and Kings Island.
  19. I post on my ipad using the app for this type of forums. There's an app called IP.board communities or something like that. Just get it, add www.KICentral.com/forums as one of your communities, put in your login info, and you're good. I can go into more detail if you're interested and that wasn't clear enough.

  20. Even still, I find it funny that right next to that shirt was a very accurate cartoonish rendering of Diamondback with a similar caption. And I also find it funny just how similar that coaster looks to Son of Beast.
  21. I know it's an idea that's been thrown around on these forums before, but I like the idea of licensing the Uncharted video games and using that license to theme a ride. Maybe even our Crypt. And there's so much stuff from Tomb Raider that you have to wonder why it was removed. First thing that comes to mind is the video screens in the queue. I'm sure maintenance was little to no issue for those. As GYK said, the ride is less themed AND less thrilling than it used to be. They could still have a great themed ride without stressing the ride. They could keep the cycle it has right now and even just giving us something pretty to look at would help. I guess the fact that Paramount patented not just the ride, but the experience, is likely a cause of the issue.
  22. Hey, I just wanted to know, I'm going to Boomerang Bay tomorrow. What's some stuff I should keep in mind when I go? Also, I have glasses, and will be carrying a wallet and a cell phone. What do I do about that? Finally, I'm not a very strong swimmer. Is the water deep enough that I won't be able to stand up in it? I'm about 6'1". Thanks in advance!
  23. Not to speak for others, but I think it's because many of its problems pertained, at least in some way, to the support structure. Think about it. The loop was, in many peoples' opinions, the smoothest part of the ride. It had steel structure. The rest is widely viewed as being unenjoyably rough. Wood structure. Same wooden track, so I blame the structure. Add to that the breakage of the structure causing problems on at least two other occasions...
  24. Yesterday at the park, I heard somebody say the one thing that obligatorily must be said about any ride that is closed for more than a few days. Yep, the "Somebody died" rumor has finally started to circulate regarding Vortex. Even though from WindSeeker, you could clearly see workers doing repairs to the lift hill...
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