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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. ^It's worth noting that at Carowinds in particular, I can see no justifiable reason to get Fast Lane. Hardly any of their popular rides are in the lineup. Perhaps they too are in testing to see if the system could work at their park. Quite unlike KI where literally only like 3 rides are not part of the program, and only one coaster. I know CP's Fast Lane features most of their popular rides. I know little to nothing about any other Cedar Fair parks. And is it just me, or with the water park overhaul, do I see potential for them to add a program called Splash Lane (or something just as cringe-worthy) in the near future? EDIT: I'm tempted to file a trademark for Splash Lane now...
  2. To answer someone's question a few posts ago about how other CF parks handle Fast Lane, I can say that Carowinds is a lot like KI was last year. They only have a handful of rides, and typically they only use it on rides that already had the infrastructure for it in place. It's worth noting, however, that crowds the day I was there were ridiculously light, with most coasters being one-train operation and still walk-ons. As such, I didn't see many takers. I had actually put aside money to buy Fast Lane since I was only spending one day there, but since it was so light, I went with a snazzy Afterburn T-shirt and a souvenir cup instead.
  3. I will pitch in one more thing. I think we can all agree in the irony of this photo I took earlier this summer at Carowinds:
  4. I do not think I deserve a Big Mac if I do not buy it. I also do not think that buying a Big Mac means I necessarily deserve it. What if I had just robbed a bank and then decided to spend the stolen money on a Big Mac? I know, arguing with Terpy is treading dangerous water, but I personally believe I have a point. Besides, I don't really feel that anyone really deserves anything that can be bought with money. For example, having been an obedient child who never caused trouble, I feel that I deserve my parents' love and care. I do not deserve the car that they bought me, though I am grateful for it. Maybe it's just me, but I feel that saying you deserve something implies entitlement, and I was raised to not believe that anyone is entitled to anything.
  5. Even with your claim that they deserve it because they have more money, consider this: I have plenty of money that I COULD spend on Fast Lane. But I choose not to. So by your logic, if I were to choose to spend this money on Fast Lane, then I deserve Fast Lane, but if I choose to spend it on something more substantial, then I no longer deserve it? What about the people who are frugal? I understand that those who work hard and earn more money deserve the nice things they have. But what if those same people decide to save their money? Does that decision then make them no longer deserve nice things, simply because they chose to have different priorities? I fail to see how the way you spend your money determines what you do and don't deserve.
  6. Does an Arrow looper exist that has lap bars instead of OTSR's? And if so, are they actually Arrow-made trains, or were they retrofitted from some other company?
  7. Well, I would hardly say they DESERVE it because they paid for it. That brings up the whole more money=more valuable person debate. But I certainly would say that since we are presented with the same opportunity to purchase Fast Lane and choose not to, we can't really complain.
  8. The building doesn't really have to be involved in their plans (if any exist). It would be quick work to demolish that building, I should think. Certainly an easier task than demolishing the 200-foot tall wooden thing that isn't there. And I think the 200-foot tall wooden thing that isn't there will stand longer than Crypt's building will. Yes, all threads lead there eventually.
  9. I don't view Planet Snoopy as a kids area. I love many of its rides, and I'll be of legal drinking age in just a few months. I view it as more of a "kid-friendly" area. But perhaps nostalgia makes me enjoy things that other people my age wouldn't.
  10. I haven't. The only parks I've been to are KI, Carowinds, Magic Kingdom, what was once MGM studios at Disney World, and what was once Camp Snoopy at the Mall of America.
  11. But if we had a Mario theme, all the XBox fanboys would complain that it isn't Call of Duty. Besides, Pokemon is WAY cooler.
  12. I would love an indoor Wild Mouse ride. Not one like Wildcat, but something more akin to Ricochet at Carowinds/Dominion. It worked very well with the Dark Knight Coaster. I think the sidden turns in the pitch black where you can't prepare for them could make for a fun and wild ride.
  13. I made this argument a while ago. I still believe that the game series Metroid could have been Tomb Raider's salvation. For those who know the series at all, the spinning gondola's movement is reminiscent of a screw attack. The Bat demon could have been replaced with a Ridley animatronic, and the Outer Space theme could have avoided any potential issues, because my understanding was that they couldn't use an action-adventure cave exploration sort of theme. I don't think a Space theme would have violated this. Not to mention, the back story between Samus and Ridley would have allowed them to still have an awesome pre-show and a cinematic ride experience. Also, if the ride were to take place in Norfair, the lava could have been kept. BTW, if Kings Island creative staff has any openings, I'll be graduating college in May of 2014
  14. I've said it before, I'll say it again, there's no such thing as a bad time to ride Vortex. Then again, I have a mad love for Vortex. She's rough with me sometimes, but I wouldn't have it any other way. And yes, Vortex is a lady. I don't care what the advertising campaigns try to claim.
  15. Keep in mind, KI may only fill the souvenir cups with soda, but any cup you may bring from home, you can get filled with Ice water for free. But not an actual water bottle like you'd buy in the store. Apparently there are laws and/or regulations that prevent them from refilling those.
  16. I have a quick question about FUN perks, since I just got my first reward. If I were to redeem a reward, would that effectively start me back at square 1 (a la Speedy Rewards), or would I continue gaining higher status and be offered better rewards next time I get them? Or does anyone who posts on here really know? (I worded that carefully to keep Terpy away, lol). If there is already a topic for this, please forgive me for making another.
  17. I rode Vortex today probably 4 times and experienced no such thing. They WERE assigning seats, but had no issue with allowing us to wait one extra cycle for the seat we wanted. And yes, seat choice does matter. A lot. For example, even though I practically worship anything associated with Ron Toomer, I will not ride Vortex unless I can sit in row 1-1 or row 5-1. And I also prefer to avoid train 3 if at all possible.
  18. I'll be at the park tomorrow, with a camera. In the unlikely event that I see ANY trace of activity on or near Son of Beast, I will be sure to take pictures. Assuming there is no miraculous occurrence, expect not to see any pictures.
  19. If something actually ends up being announced on Wednesday, then I think somebody will probably also be losing a job Wednesday, if not already. But, he did say that something would be announced on a wednesday at 11AM. If I give the entire 11-11:59 window as still being considered "11 AM", then that leaves 1/7 days and 1/24 hours. 24 * 7 = 168, so in theory, he has a 1/168 chance of being correct, even if that was a 100% fabrication. Math is fun.
  20. Diamondback is the newest coaster, and as such is still VERY popular, however, Diamondback has fantastic hourly capacity, and therefore should be saved for after you finish Firehawk and Flight of Fear. Trust me, Though Diamondback's line is often long, it moves very quickly.
  21. SoB has a line that looks remarkably like a Fast Lane line... But it isn't. Son of Beast has a FRIGHT lane line, as a result of Wolf Pack being there. Unless something has changed since I was last there the first week of June.
  22. To answer my own question, Yes, it looks as if Vortex could have fit quite nicely where Top Gun is now. Granted, I'm not sure about terrain in that area, and the queue would also be different. The queue would have to almost merge with SoB's exit (granted, SoB's entrance merges with Top Gun's exit already, so not much would need to change. The amount of Zoom was the same in both screenshots. No way to prove it, you'll just have to believe me.
  23. Ffej was right. I was implying that the park would not likely have built a second Arrow suspended coaster. I wonder if Vortex could fit where Flight Deck is now. This calls for aerial photos and some photoshop. I'll have to look into that later. Then again, a park can have two of the same type of coaster and it be popular. CW built a B&M hyper in 2008, and then built what is essentially a taller version of the B&M hyper just this year (Can you tell I'm not a fan of B&M hypers and gigas?). And of course, many parks have two or more woodies, but I think every woodie is a little different, even when the layout is similar. Though it would make no sense to put them in the same park, I could tell stark differences in the ride experience between Racer and Thunder Road when I went to Carowinds and those rides seem at first glance to be near-identical. Oh, and in response to Medford about having the same conversation in 20 years, I do think that's very possible. But I can think of one key difference that may or may not play a role. A lot more people got to ride Son of Beast than got to ride The Bat, and a lot more information about its stats, it's layout, etc, exist on the internet. To people who weren't alive for The Bat, it seems to be shrouded in mystery. Compared to any other roller coaster in KI's history, I think less is known today about The Bat than any other defunct roller coaster, except perhaps the Bavarian Beetle, but I've always assumed it was your basic Galaxi Spiral and had a similar layout to Python at Coney. There isn't a wealth of info out there about the Ghoster Coaster either, but I think at very least most users of these forums were alive before its removal.
  24. This is an interesting question to me that I don't think many people discuss on this forum. But it poses interesting scenarios. If The Bat had been successful, I think it is safe to say we never would have gotten Top Gun/Flight Deck. It can also be somewhat safely assumed that we would not have gotten Vortex either (maybe another Arrow Megalooper, but not Vortex as we know it today). Furthermore, what about outside of KI? Do you think Arrow suspended coasters would be more prevalent than they are now? These things considered, I'm actually somewhat glad that it failed. Bat's failure gave me two of my top three favorite roller coasters in Ohio. What do you guys think about the subject?
  25. When I go to the waterpark, I have a method to avoid lockers AND keep all my stuff safe. My wallet and car keys go in a waterproof tacklebox that fits in my swimming trunks pockets. I have a glasses strap, so I can wear them on the slides (Which, in addition to keeping them with me, makes the experience much more enjoyable). My box doesn't have room for my phone, so that goes in a ziplock bag in my pocket. Just to be safe, on days when I know I'll be at the waterpark, I swap my sim card into an old Nokia I have lying around (also doubles as a weapon should I get into a confrontation, just throw it at them lol) Anything else stays in the car. I have everything I need with me, and none of my valuables run the risk of theft. So if you see the "super-cool" guy in Soak City with a glasses strap, talking on an old Nokia phone, say hi, lol.
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