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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. Glad they came up with a good name. It would have been silly if they had called it a Slime Jeffery. Yes, I know what a Derrick is.
  2. Sorry for changing the subject seemingly randomly, but I always enjoy the people who complain about prices in the park. First off, with the addition of Hank's Nachos, a skinny non-health conscious person like myself can finally get a reasonably large plate of food in the park for around $5. Because of this, I did not leave KI to eat this past season as I have always done in seasons past. But I guess I get that normal people don't view a plate of nachos as a meal. But with the drink wristbands, the cost of drinks have DEFINITELY gone down for folks like me who like soda (or any other fountain drink available). And second, they should be thankful I'm not running the park. When I play RCT, I charge $35 to get into the park, AND every ride is an upcharge. And my people don't complain. Or rather, they stop once I introduce them to Mr. Lake (:<
  3. That 1974 pic of Coney Mall looks so darn classy. If not for a few recognizable features, it wouldn't even look like the same park we have today. I just wish we could have the early 70's look with the ride collection we have today. Although, having been to Carowinds, I wouldn't mind seeing those Flying Eagles back in their original previous home.
  4. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the Gerstlauer trains two rows per car? If so, I would absolutely hate to see them on Racer or Beast. I don't like wheel seats on woodies unless it's 1-1. Or did I miss something and we're talking about different trains?
  5. homestar92

    eBay Items

    Just a little update - I have the Queen of Kings Island record now and I still intend to digitize and upload it so I can share it here, but it'll have to wait until January or so. The equipment I need is at school and I'm on Christmas break. But just know that I do plan to share.
  6. homestar92

    eBay Items

    Well, I collect vinyl, and I, like so many of us here, am a die-hard Kings Island enthusiast. It fit in with two of my biggest hobbies, and when will I have another opportunity to combine my love for records with my love for Kings Island. Plus, I've never been to Kings Island while the Queen was functional. It will be refreshing to hear her music for the first time.
  7. homestar92

    eBay Items

    I'm just letting it be known that I bought the record, I have a working turntable and if there's a demand for it, I am willing to digitize it and upload to YouTube or some other site. Then I can post it to KIC for all to enjoy!
  8. I find myself listening to "Right Now" by Van Halen while watching POVs of Drop Tower in the offseason... I don't even care for Drop Tower... But I LOVE that song. Also, every Gyro Drop I build in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 gets synced to that song. And every Suspended Swinger gets synced to "Arrival to Earth" From the Transformers score. True story.
  9. I like to dress in an all-white hoodie and sit between groups of people on benches. I think I blend in pretty well.
  10. Am I the only one here with a soft spot for Arrow's... awkward... transitions? It seems people classify the coaster as "rough", but I think it's all a part of her charm. Yes, HER charm. Vortex is a classy lady.
  11. The day Vortex leaves is the day I stop buying season passes. And no, I'm not joking. Vortex and Beast are just about the only rides at KI that I can still enjoy every single time I ride them. The others have all gotten to the point where they frequently bore me. I love Vortex so much that it is one of the central reasons I visit the park as often as I do.
  12. Because it makes for a great location for a Haunt attraction. Wolf Pack is one of our most popular mazes. The station is pretty well hidden from view during the non-haunt season. Again, not trying to disrespect at all, only add a possible recommendation, but has Fight Commander's old queue been considered as a possible location for Wolf pack? It's even more well-hidden and while I don't know for sure (please correct me if I'm wrong) it seems like it would have as much room as Son of Beast's station.
  13. Yes. In fact, if you look to your right on the ground just before you enter the station part of the queue, you can see one next to the entrance of the shed where they park the trains at night. And if you look to the left in that same spot, you can see a footer from the Skyline Chili-vision. But that's another story entirely.
  14. Since he used the song "I'm sexy and I know it" which was an internet phenomenon, I wonder if Gangnam Style will be incorporated if he were to come back next year?
  15. There's also "Learn to Fly" by the Foo Fighters.
  16. As far as I'm concerned, it is demolished. It is in such a condition that sending a train on the track without it going airborne is an impossibility. Therefore, the ride is no longer complete, and is demolished.
  17. Flight Deck's Anti-rollbacks, which sound completely different from any other coaster in the park, including the other Arrows.
  18. FUN fact of the day, Woody Harrelson (Recently appearing in Zombieland and The Hunger Games) once worked in that very shop.
  19. Does anyone know if you can use Subway card rewards at KI? I have enough points on my card for a free footlong, and if I can use it, I'd like to (obviously). My assumption is no, since the prices are higher and KI undoubtedly gets a cut. But I thought I may as well ask and see if anyone knows for certain.
  20. In light of recent discussion, I wonder how many of the posters here are Kings Island owners? The only organization I own any part of is the Green Bay Packers. To have discussion more on topic, I'm also amazed how quick that Son of a Beast is coming down. I was hoping to get to see some of the deconstruction when I was home from school in October, but it looks like that won't be happening.
  21. I wouldn't try to redeem the VIP Fireworks viewing though. If you don't know why, just trust me.
  22. I love that song too. I was being sarcastic lol. Though I don't care for Drop Tower rides at any park.
  23. The variety of music sucks! I was waiting in line for Drop Tower, and I must have heard Right Now by Van Halen at least 20 times.
  24. I think this should be their approach to the demolition:
  25. Just don't steal fizzy lifting drinks. Because if you steal, fizzy lifting drinks, you lose! You get NOTHING!
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