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Everything posted by homestar92

  1. But, as of last season, you could park in preferred parking for only $5 with a gold or platinum pass.
  2. I have had a similar situation. Typically, anyone can redeem the voucher. The photo ID is for identification purposes in putting your name on the pass. As always, though, neither KICentral nor myself are representatives of nor affiliated with Kings Island. I recommend calling the park for the most accurate answers possible to your questions.
  3. His name has to be either Carl, or Jonathan, after a certain member of this forum who I hear loves the noodle very, very much. And I'm referring to the OTHER Jonathan, not myself.
  4. I love the noodle. I look forward to seeing him in person. I'm not yet sure how I will react to his presence. Presumably, I'll be moved to tears. Before the noodle, I was a follower of Lord Helix (Props to anyone who gets THAT obscure reference), but thanks to his cheesy goodness, I have seen the true light of our Krafty leader. *I will note that I am actually a very religious person, and in no way am I being serious with my love of the noodle. The noodle is cool, but I have my actual beliefs, and I don't truly worship a giant fiberglass noodle. Rather than a god or deity, I equate the noodle more with a benevolent king. Perhaps the noodle can be the king of Kings Island...* </anti-blasphemy disclaimer>
  5. ^Or that they continue selling an item that is in its 4th season...
  6. I like the thought of a Polercoaster for a park where land is scarce, but honestly, even if this were the case at Kings Island I think it would be a tough sell at a park of its size. Compared to rides like Diamodback, The Beast, and Banshee, they are very tame and uninteresting, but they are too tall and intense for the crowd who favors smaller rides like Adventure Express and The Bat.
  7. Food prices are aimed at the average once-a-year splurge trip crowd, not season pass holders. Prices were lower last year, and it helped make passholders more likely to eat in the park. This year, with options like the all-season dining plan and the 10% gold pass discount, the park is clearly trying new approaches to maximizing profits while offering some value to loyal customers.
  8. Kraft has got instant free advertisement every time some shmoe uploads his picture by that thing on Twitter. For the price of the sculpture, and the rental space, it seems they are getting their dough's worth. Also, I was hungry before bed last night and all this noodle talk that's been going on prompted me to make some Kraft Macaroni and Cheese for my snack. Whoever thought up the giant noodle is Krafty.
  9. I think the building should be used as a museum outlining the history of our noodly overlord. At least until Goble sees the light and realizes the true majesty and wonder of our giant noodle.
  10. I believe Kings Island is doing that on any plans/discounts associated with season passes (examples being the season long dining plan and the 10% gold pass discount). I may be wrong, but I recall the photo of the passholder appearing when the pass is scanned.
  11. I have had three Gold Passes (2011-2013) and one Platinum Pass (2014). I have never had an issue at Kings Island. We shall see within the first couple weeks of May whether I have an issue using my Platinum Pass at Canada's Wonderland. I have no reason to believe I will. I hope I am not disappointed. -homestar92, searching for his receipt from the Platinum upgrade.
  12. I think FUNTV needs more noodle coverage. We need to be able to check in with our noodly overlord at least once every 15 minutes in case he decides to share his cheesy wisdom. Also, now that The Bat is painted, perhaps we could move its webcam so that we have a noodle cam.
  13. I think a certain prominent user on this site could tell you wonderful stories about his remarkable success in using his Platinum Pass at Carowinds.
  14. It is Cincinnati Financial. And apparently these company buyout days are great times to go if your company has one. My brother has taken many opportunities to inform me that everything is a walk-on today. I suppose it's karma for sending him so many pictures of Banshee on Media Day...
  15. My nephew rode The Beast today for the first time And my brother is a Cincinnati Financial employee, so that's why he gets to be at the park today.
  16. Typically, the park has you fill out a small piece of paperwork that allows you to specify the department, ride, restaurant, etc to which your comments (positive or negative) pertain. I have filled out those sheets many times, but not always because I have a complaint. If something is done really well that day, I always fill out a comment card. I figure not many people think to comment on the good things, so maybe I can help offset the stream of complaints.
  17. Not in Ohio, unless S&S says it's OK.
  18. At least you're up front about it.
  19. Not Diamondback, but that's how I felt riding Phantom's Revenge with its lap bars that are nearly worthless for skinny riders. I think I had at least 6 inches between my lap and the restraint. But I love that ride so much, that I'll happily take the Chance and ride a Morgan.*Note: I'm not implying that the restraint on that ride failed. The bar was down. Fully. The restraint functioned exactly as it should for the whole ride. I just don't really feel like functioning "exactly as it should" seems adequate for skinny riders on that particular ride, as it doesn't make contact with my lap, or even have handles to hold on to...
  20. Speaking of test seats, I was surprised to see that Delirium's test seat got painted as well. That's a detail that I think would be VERY easy to overlook (and go unnoticed by the general public) I can't praise Delirium's new paint enough. It makes my favorite flat ride at Kings Island as enjoyable to look at as it is to ride.
  21. ^^We don't have a RIGHT to know anything. If the park chooses to reveal such information to us, it would be a privilege. I don't think they will, and that's their right. All we know is, Diamondback has seatbelts, and I think it's a safe assumption that they aren't going anywhere. Then again, two seasons ago, I would have assumed that the seatbelts on Backlot Stunt Coaster and (what was then) Flight Deck were here to stay as well.
  22. And in time, once the crew and public adjust, I think capacity will return to normal.
  23. I'm sure eventually it'll catch back up. Most of the coasters have seatbelts and they move the lines just fine. It's just a new thing for the crew (and riders) to get used to.
  24. There's a Cane's on the Grove City exit?! I pass that exit on my way home from college quite regularly. I will have to stop and try it out on Wednesday.
  25. Seatbelts are present on Diamondback as of today. Per reports from another KICer, they are not the adjustable kind as you would see on Racer and Beast, but they are made of a stretchy elastic material. They go across the lap like on the woodies rather than clipping to the restraint like on FoF, Vortex, Banshee, Invertigo, etc. Presumably, there is nothing more to discuss here, unless someone wants to post a picture. I know at least one KICer has a pic and has put it on Facebook, but I'm not going to be uploading somebody else's photo.
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