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Everything posted by CoasterGeek101

  1. ^Shame, I was actually looking forward to it. But I think I might still try it if the line is ever short.
  2. @Jdawg1998 - Yeah! I really wanted to do Club Blood. I will do it first thign the next time I go. Yeah, I just feel they rushed Mysteria. @Unrealsk8er - Really? It looked like it may be interesting. Then I will only do it if the line isn't bad. I still think it deserved an 8, but yeah, Trail of Terror and Urgent Scare were downgraded because of the stupid DA.
  3. After a long night of screaming on roller coasters and in haunted houses, I have a review of this year's Halloween Haunt for you guys. Haunted Houses Mysteria - Worst haunted house I have ever been in. DO you want to know why? Because it was the SAME thing throughout the entire house. Using the same fencing from Death Row, all it was was a bunch of people in rubber green tight suits jumping out throughout the same thing. No props at all. The only neat thing was this green laser lighting as some parts throughout the maze. Do NOT waste your time on this. Cornstalkers is better than this. Final Rating - 2 Holiday Horror - I did not get to experience Holiday Horror, but when I do, I will edit my post with the review. From the looks of it, since it is in the Planet Snoopy theater area, it looks quite small and that you could probably go through it very quickly in a bout 2-3 minutes. Final Rating - Unknown Nightmare Alley - Obviously this is a new attraction that isn't an attraction. All it is a few people on the path from Carnevil down to Diamondback and then to Holiday Horror. Little to no money was put into this. I think they just wanted to advertise three new attractions this year. Final Rating - 4 Massacre Manor - One of my favorite haunts. This maze is very well done. Themed to your typical haunted house throughout the maze you encounter different rooms with different crazed people. You also see many pictures of a girl that supposedly haunts the manor. There were a variety of props that looked very professional. Well done Kings Island on Massacre Manor. Final Rating - 9 Carnevil - My favorite haunt of all eternity. As you go through the maze, you really feel like you are in a carnival that has gone mad. There is even one part where 2 people are camouflaged in color which really makes you jump because you don't see them! And at the end, a room spins! Not really, but you feel like you are spinning and it is really neat. Well done KI. Final Rating - 10 Wolf Pack - An OK haunt. Not terrible, but could be better. There were some good props in there that were wolves eating humans and that kind of thing. This was in the Son of Beast station which was really neat that they still used that space. This is a haunt that is worth a try. Final Rating - 7 Cornstalkers - Not really the greatest Haunt. Quite boring. This one takes place in the Paramount Story area. All this one is is a bunch of corn fields on the side and crates were scarecrows are wating to jump out at you. What made it interesting was that some of the scarecrows were hidden in corn and you didn't even see them! This made it kinda fun. OK job KI. Final Rating - 6 Slaughter House - My second favorite Haunt. A really unique experience. There were a lot of unique props like crazed butchers with cut off legs and that sort of thing. There was even a real surprise at the end which I am not going to tell you, because it will ruin the fun. Good job KI. Final Rating - 9 Urgent Scare - This is a very Gorey, but fun Haunt. As you go in this one you feel like you are in a hospital that has gone mad. You see a lot of crazed nurses cutting open people's bodies. You really feel like you are getting a virus. Make sure to do this one. Final Rating - 8 Cut Throat Cove - Didn't get to do this Haunt. By the looks of it it looks like it could be a long Haunt. That is all I can say about this pirate themed one. Club Blood - To my disappointment, didn't get to do this one. but it looks popular. The line was the longest line on the park for the reason that it is a night club with women in it half dressed. Tombstone Terror-Tory - Another terrible one. After riding the train and then getting of and then having to wait in another line, just bad. It was the same props used throughout it, which was crates that monsters were hiding behind. It could take an hour to do this one. Final Rating - 4 That about wraps it up, I might add to this review in the future.
  4. Kinda like everyone is saying, if a new coaster is coming in 2013, it is set. I think the Cedar Fair parks that need a new coaster in 2013 are Kings Island, Cedar Point, and Knotts. If it is a coaster we should see some construction by as early as this May.
  5. Wouldn't surprise me if Invertigo was removed from CGA to get a WindSeeker.
  6. I am really going to miss this ride. They need to find a way to still keep it if they want to do this pathetic Dinos alive.
  7. UGGGG! This annoys me. I usually say if someone cuts "Hey Man, thanks for cutting, its completely fair" In the most sarcastic tone possible. Than I politely ask them to go to the end of the line, if they don't then I tell park management. Simple.
  8. This week I am thinking even though it may be closed they are preparing for Haunt which I love!
  9. I think the three question marks stands for 3 minor attractions. I think one is a DA expansion, the next one is a water coaster, and the third is a BB expansion with another wave pool. If not that, my money is on texas giant SOB. Three question marks, three letters in SOB.
  10. YES!!!!!! I don't care what it is, I just want something new and I want to know what it is! I am keeping my eyes on Facebook As much as I can.
  11. Eh, you guys are crazy! I still find it as smooth as glass. No bumps.
  12. ^^ I hope. I really want something like Leviathan, wouldn't it be funny if it was 307 ft. tall!
  13. ^^HA!!!! Take that Cedar Point! I actually don't want a Top Thrill looking coaster. Something more like Leviathan.
  14. I managed to get Photo 51 from riding the Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad. Thanks for commenting!
  15. Oh! I will be, I might be going tomorrow!
  16. I have 80+ pictures of one of the best roller coasters at Cedar Point! Comments are greatly appreciated. http://bit.ly/npRCcv
  17. I agree. Action Zone needs some sprucing up. I would be happy with anything really. Something like Leviathan would be cool, but I know that won't happen.
  18. Yeah, I mean the sounds of Millennium won't make it feel like you stepped back in time, as they say.
  19. I thought this might be a fun poll............. I prefer Red.
  20. Whatever happens, I am good with. I just want something new next year, even if it is an option to only get BB tickets.
  21. You never know with Cedar Fair............................
  22. Dinosaurs Alive is great at some parks, not Cedar Point. I hope they get the message. Bad move Cedar Point. Very bad move. You aren't getting my business for this.
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