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Everything posted by ohiocolts

  1. On the construction site, there continued to be more and more footers. They kept on coming, and the speculation continued. (Photos taken by me) Just 37 days left until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 38 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  2. You said first week of April back in February, Mr. Ride Op Expert Guy.
  3. They have non-scary mazes. There's a hay bale maze and a nursery rhyme themed maze over in Soak City for your enjoyment! Just givin' you a hard time! Oh, that's ok. Kings Island also has roller coasters, and I like roller coasters. So I can ride those.
  4. I'm trying to balance them out. I might use it again in a couple days.
  5. I really hope a ride opens again in the tin box some day. I also really hope they do the lights-on tour for Madame Fatales again this year. Please KI. Pretty please....
  6. On June 9th, 2013, Kings Island and all Cedar Fair parks held Coasting for Kids, and event where riders donate to Give Kids The World, and marathon roller coasters. This is my trip report from last years event. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/27578-coasting-for-kids-2013-at-kings-island-ptr-6-9-13/ You can also now register for this years event on June 8th. http://support.gktw.org/site/PageNavigator/coastingforkids.html Just 38 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again and 39 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  7. I'd like the scare factor of the mazes to be toned down.
  8. Soon, some of the first teasers started to show up on the outside of the construction fence. This one is the famous "No Camping" sign. (Photo taken by me) The countdown has entered the 30's, just 39 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 40 days until Opening Day 2014!
  9. I suspect Mr. ohiocolts would NOT agree with you. At all. RFYLCB looks like some innocent kiddie ride. But then you sit in front of 3 guys including an Interpreter and you will get drenched. I'll stay away from that ride at all costs next season.
  10. I think Banshee looks like a legit rollercoaster.

  11. Hey, it's been 4 days since I last did "Now we".
  12. Now we look back to one of the best time of the year, the start of summer. So, here is a trip report from when I went to Kings Island after the last day of school. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/27473-kings-island-5-31-13-ptr/ Just 40 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 41 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  13. The next new ride Kings Island is getting is going to be Banshee, the world's longest inverted roller coaster.
  14. After some rain, the construction site gets a little muddy. Here is what the construction site looks like in late May after some rain. (Photos taken by me) Just 41 days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 42 days until Opening Day 2014! Have a good weekend everybody!
  15. On Memorial Day weekend, Soak City finally opened for it's 2nd season at Kings Island. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/statuses/338316340425289728 Now just 6 weeks, or 42 days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 43 days until Opening Day 2014!
  16. If you turn your head it kind of looks like Pac-Man.
  17. On that same day, Coasterbob62 had his first video in his "Behind the Fence" series. It's crazy to think how much progress our Banshee has made. I can't help but laugh at 0:56. "Look daddy, the octopus!" Just 43 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 44 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  18. Now we go to mid May, when The Brady Bunch came to Kings Island. The following is the link to my PTR from May 19th and May 20th, which includes a few cool videos too. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/27410-kings-island-5-19-13-and-5-20-13-double-ptr/ Just 44 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 45 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  19. On this snowy Monday, we look back to what will be remembered as one of the greatest KICentral threads of all time, the now locked, Starting to Decode 2014. With a total of 13,755 replies, this thread even found it's way onto WLWT News 5. At first, many people thought that this new attraction would be a B&M Giga Coaster. But, as more and more progress was made, more people believed it would be a B&M Invert. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/27275-starting-to-decode-2014/ Just 45 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 46 days until Opening Day 2014! 4 days have passed since I started this, so, it's got to be passing the time a little bit faster, right?
  20. Now, we look back to the beginning of possible teasers tweeted by KingsIslandPR. These may have been irrelevant tweets, but they were the first unusual ones of the regular season. https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/statuses/330782249857458176 https://twitter.com/KingsIslandPR/statuses/331464579639017472 Just 46 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 47 days until Opening Day 2014!
  21. Now, we look back to the beginning of the footers, or professionally, footings. They started to begin forming in the spot that once featured Thunder Alley. Many thought they were for a station or transfer track. More and more started showing up all summer long. (Photos taken by me) Just 47 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 48 more days until Opening Day 2014!
  22. Today, we march forward to Kings Island's 2013 Opening Day, which was also the day the Reds Hall of Fame Grille opened. Here, I have a link to my Opening Day 2013 PTR. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/27273-ki-4-27-13-opening-day-2013-ptr/ Just 48 more days until Banshee Media Day and Scream for A Kid Again, and 49 more days until Opening Day 2014! Have a good weekend everyone!
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