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Everything posted by BB1

  1. Still, guests will avoid that part of the park, it would do more harm than good. Besides, who cares if we didnt have a few goats?
  2. In my opinion this is a very baaahd idea in the first place. I dont think people want the fresh smell of manure floating around the Isle of the King..
  3. It brings me joy to hear people on the same page as I am on some topics! Terp, that is a greater idea than what we have!
  4. Easy: Train Water Tower Hard: BB1 ranting about Soak City, at Soak City (just had to , but seriously try to find one! ) Top Gun's model airplane in the queue Expert: Koi in the Oktoberfest pond
  5. I am, in fact I have been for quite sometime. I miss those summer days, talking about BB at SC, having stomach aches from ice cream, those summer dusk moments when summer just feels, alive, and more postings of PTRs to KIC.
  6. Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay, and Top Gun, so fun, so missed.
  7. As discussed in a past topic of a KIC meet up, some sort of activity should be planned for the day, in that light I have a few questions for a less broader sight of what would be most liked. Please answer all questions to the most of your ability.
  8. Woah woah woah, The Beast and Racers came from trees, that is a lie. I am intrigued on the topic of the fountain of the Kings park as well, possibly some Disney Magic in the fountain's movements? I just hope for one thing, keep them as close as possible to the past, but new as possible as well. All in all I like the steps he is making, wise but profitable to the market, I can tell near the end he was beginning to show how he wants to theme parks (like Knott's) and possibly he could expand the street-mo-sphere characters in many parts of the parks.
  9. Logical but expensive.... Sometimes one must do the most expensive things for the greater good.
  10. Well there is only one true liable source for all your Park needs, the Dippin Dots guy
  11. Really after you think about it, it's logical, just a bit of paint remover and some paint....
  12. Well, Tomb Raider+ ISJT= Just like home, I like some of the themes, but rango theme, I don't think that is on my list.
  13. Great of you to ask, just put in a place, that's heavily themed, it has alot of color that isnt that bad, and it is like Australia, you know BB1 would. Something along the lines of The Racers getting the TLC they need with the ye olde red lines that made the coaster look more carnival like.
  14. I think Mr. Lake demands a raise, even on his schedule, he has to make a profit. I gave him a 5% raise a few days ago as his Christmas Bonus, you should do the same before he quits
  15. So we all get it once, the KI Off Season Flu. So how do you wing it off? I usually listen to KI music and or look at videos/photos of KI.
  16. I slipped on ice a few days ago, does that count?
  17. I would like it yes, but it is cheaper and more efficient to use a trash can that one may find just steps away, I don't think we will see this anytime soon, a good quote goes like this "If it works, keep it" -BB1
  18. It looks like an apocalyptic land filled with rubble of a radioactive coaster...
  19. ..Or spat from the Zephyr, BB1 who likes water, not spit.
  20. What I did was I just pressed the button, which my screen popped up with "open in a new window" or "open" I went with the "open in a new window" try that and you may have success.
  21. Wow really, a girl copied my exact meme mentioned here http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?/topic/26554-re-designing-the-racer/ I must have a fan.
  22. My phone has the original site now than the mobile. Thanks Dane!
  23. If you remember, KI was in competition with the neighboring Beach Waterpark's winter event as well, with that event out of the area, one may think the profit margin may be larger, but not large enough due to the current management making the decision for no WinterFest, which I would visit a few times out of the year if in service. To believe that the growth could expand from a winter event at KI and or at other CF parks would not be the best idea, but it is a possibility in hindsight.
  24. The place you would look first for BB1.
  25. Once I found a wheat penny under the net.... Mainly flat bill hats, once a zippo lighter, and the occasional cell phone.
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