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Everything posted by Original

  1. ^^I told you guys! 2014 was our year! Im so excited!
  2. Have you ever checked out KIC's history fact page? There is alot of useless, but cool facts there! http://www.KICentral...story/facts.php One of my favorites!: Two of the guys who started Kings Island were at a convention in Chicago and they found out that John Allen was there. They asked him to design The Racer for their new park, and he declined saying that he was retired, so they kept buying him drinks until he finally caved in.
  3. It all starts... with a great imagination.
  4. Much appriciated johnnyRingo. Lets all celebrate with a photo! Haha Pictures2 655 by KIC-Original, on Flickr Original, always trying to fit in a photo in some way.
  5. ^Indeed. I loved my first ride on Invertigo. But when I went down the second lift hill on the loop, my head wasnt on the head reast, I THOUGHT IT WAS GOING TO POP OFF! My head was being pulled the oppisant way I was going. ( ) Other than that I had a great time. Glad you like it!
  6. ^THANK YOU SNOWMAN^ JohnnyRingo- We like new members, and try to help each other out. And we would appriciate if you dont hurt all of the KIC family's feelings. People won't want to leave feedback, or help you out as much when we are offended by your avatar. Most people use your avatar to visualize you, and what kind of person you are. And it's not giving a good impression on yourself. I suggest you change it A.S.A.P for the good of yourself, and the KIC family.
  7. ^Thats why I always make sure before I get on. That is like my worst nightmare .
  8. These dinosaurs are haunting me, I CANT GET AWAY FROM THEM.
  9. That would be cool to have one pointed down on sob. But I dont think that they would want "to "broadcast" there mistake beingbtorn down to the whole world. I know usally when I look at the Soak City cam its uslly pointed at a pole, or part of the parking lot. So a real SC cam would be nice. A eifle tower one pointed down at the coney mall- ish area would be nice too.
  10. Hi guys. I have a flicker account to upload photos onto so I can post them on KIC. But I have ran into a problem. Apperently, I have uploaded more than 200 photos. Nobody can see the photos unless I delete the extra ones, or pay a fee. I was wondering if there was a site like flicker, but had unlimited photo uploads without a fee. I also have a photo bucket account but I never learned how to use it. If you guys know of a site as I described please let me know. - Thanks
  11. Surprisingly, I don't want one. It would ruin the fun of going to Kings Island!
  12. I was reading! Very nice PTR. And no, that isnt my horse! Here she is! Pictures2 608 by KIC-Original, on Flickr
  13. If you listen closely to the lyrics of the song, It fits Son of Beast Perfectly..... I was trying so hard to avoid saying that. haha
  14. I wish I could see your picture! I cant see it. Heres another... Its an original. haha Pictures2 627 by KIC-Original, on Flickr
  15. Vida La Vida is one of my favorite songs. But it does kinda fit SOB....
  16. I was there on monday and it wa squeeking pretty loud.
  17. ^ I was GOING to but I was waiting for someone...to....possibly...um... create a picture of my mondo monsoon vision. (hint hint!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I havent done mine yet and I'm going to soon.
  18. I love the first drop on The Beast. (Notice I was the first replier too!) haha
  19. He has got a point^ Here is a new one! Pictures2 631 by KIC-Original, on Flickr
  20. FOF would be really cool. Escpecially with the lights on. And like theBEASTunchained's topic: A Sign Shop tour would be neat.
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