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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. Highly unlikely but not impossible. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I really want some more information on this. (on the Dinosaurs Alive expansion) New scene for DA in 2013 http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=522399961116988&set=o.155893938367&type=3&theater
  2. Death, Taxes and Fun: those are the 3 things that will never go away

    1. fanofFirehawk


      where'd the fun come from, I thought it was Taxes and Death are the too things that are certain in life.


    2. SonofBaconator


      I added fun. Ben Franklin would be proud

    3. TheCrypt


      If death takes your life, you no longer are entrapped in endless taxes, not are you capable of fun.

  3. "I am Iron Man, riding The Beast as fast as I can"

  4. The inside does need a little bit of change as well as the outside....
  5. I'm hoping to see a themed restaurant in the near future. Like rain forest cafe except Dino themed, highly unlikely though..
  6. I noticed many rides in action when I visited. If you can view it 45 degrees you will see many awesome things North: Delirium being worked on Vortex in its helix DB going up the lift hill/ passing the cavern of terror building The Beast going up the first lift hill and speeding through the ravines East A single racer train Drop Tower going up/down The park opening South DB on the second hill surf dog in action The front of the blue train in Soak City West Both Racer trains completing the first hill One Firehawk train going through the loop and the banked turn (map error) Vortex going down the first hill The Beast going through the transfer track section to the first hill DB on the block section on the 6th hill The great pumpkin mural on the boo blasters building
  7. Doesn't Cedar Point have a petting zoo? I wouldn't really mind an animal enclosure in the park if it was like by congo falls or something...
  8. You can thank that little bunny right there for scaring me for life when I was 4.
  9. Whats your favorite family ride at Kings Island?
  10. ^^ ^Not anything huge, just like a little section of the park thats not at all crowded with some small aniamls
  11. Being a volunteer at the zoo, I love animals. I always thought that KI should have a petting zoo some where in the park during the summer season. I think it would appeal to the families who would like something a little different to enjoy while they're at the park.
  12. I don't really mind Soak City. It serves its purpose as a water park with plenty of water activities, plus some. So what, if they got rid of some Koalas?
  13. I miss the fact that Kings Island was Paramount's premier park like how Cedar Point is Cedar Fair's.
  14. Even though I'm happy that Cedar Fair owns KI as well as KD, etc, I do miss a lot of things from when paramount was the owner. What do you miss from paramount?
  15. When ever I'm at the park, I always go to Charlie Brown. He always tells me the most accurate information...
  16. I'm hoping a couple nice flats once the Action Zone is expanded. A large Ferris Wheel, the return of Flying Eagles and one other flat would satisfy me.
  17. I played a golf match at the course across the park in 2008 and I accidentally hit someone because it was to focused on Diamondback being constructed.
  18. It could also be put into storage or just really old...
  19. Many people have posted about possible attractions coming up, so I created this thread so that people can post any possible teasers. So, if you guys have heard, or seen anything online or anything that you might think is a legit teaser, this is the thread to post on! Have fun!
  20. I would like a big, nice, sit-down restaurant with a nice view like the Crown Colony Restaurant in BGA http://seaworldparks.com/buschgardens-tampa/Dine-and-Shop/Dining/Crown-Colony-Restaurant
  21. ^Agreed, plus if it was a legit scavenger hunt, park guests would be taking the items. Have you ever done the golden big boy hunt at the zoo? Its not fun when people are jumping in bushes and you have to call security...
  22. ^I'm more of an Afro Circus person..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwAXNIEXyRk
  23. I didn't want to waist a thread for this so anyone know what this is? It's the little white building between the blue racer side and FOF, hardly noticeable.
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