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Everything posted by SonofBaconator

  1. I've been on the upper platform everytime this year on the right elevator.
  2. Wasn't Vortex also painted in the 1990's?
  3. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=top+gun+at+kings+island&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1002&bih=582&tbm=isch&tbnid=1qSsmcmxixk5lM:&imgrefurl=http://www.themeparkreview.com/photos/kingsisland/topgun.htm&docid=wCZ8eJ72XBx_tM&imgurl=http://www.themeparkreview.com/pki/fpki10.jpg&w=460&h=314&ei=wkIEUKfWKcX20gHs0fHKBw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=353&vpy=146&dur=863&hovh=185&hovw=272&tx=144&ty=104&sig=114574327318334437953&page=1&tbnh=122&tbnw=163&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:81
  4. i agree, but without those 4, we would have the "world's best kids area" but I totally agree
  5. At almost every park, there is a ride that is not as popular as the rest. Which ride should be on the to go list if you could decide?
  6. Well, if they filled the indor ques, then no one would be on the outside ones. So if everyone's waiting in line for the ride inside, then everyone outside will think its a short wait.
  7. I don't mean to come off rude; but do you have any clue what you're saying? Space Spiral is an observation tower that slowly spins and moves up to give you views of the park. It doesn't spin as fast though. and it isn't as high.
  8. idk. i just read his quote and it made me laugh
  9. Who's that icecoldfirebird guy?
  10. Do they intend to keep the Australian themed fencing by the train station?
  11. cool report!!! I'm going there this week!!
  12. And it made sense that they are taking down Space Spiral bc that's basically what WindSeeker is except for ride time difference and it is in a constant fast spiral motion.
  13. Thanks a lot. It would make sense why they would take it down.
  14. I would hardly say that the roller coaster FACE/OFF was in any way themed to the movie of the same name. Same with Drop Zone, Days of Thunder, etc. The movie posters in the plaza were the only indication that the movies existed to begin with. I think it was 30% a clever way to market the company's films and 70% just good use of the titles they had in their portfolio. "Drop Zone" was just a good name for a Drop Tower and they had the exclusive rights to use it, so why not? "FACE/OFF" made sense with the face-to-face seating, Top Gun had the aviation feel, and Days of Thunder was about racing, just like the film. Face off was a movie about a guy who takes changes his face and drop zone was about a guy standing on top of a building.
  15. I just thought so bc it is similar to Disaster Transport and I got kinda worried
  16. Maybe thay could tear it down and put in some scenery for DB and the train.
  17. This is an odd question that came in my head today.We all know that Cedar Point is getting a new ride and they are taking out Disaster Transport to make room for it. My question is that if KI wants to build a new ride, will Flight of Fear be on the destruction list for a new ride besides SOB?
  18. I know that Cedar Point is the roller coaster central but they don't need a new coaster. Places like Valley Fair, Michigan's Adventure and Worlds of Fun need more coasters.
  19. Still. Regardless of if its unlimited or not, I'd make sure I rode some big rides like Diamondback, Beast and Vortex as long as I could.
  20. I know this is a very strange topic but who knows anyone who works at KI and if you do could you state what they do?
  21. Just don't waist your fast line passes on something that can wait like Adventure Express.
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