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Everything posted by VortexBFForever

  1. Now it's been approximately 5 months and 2 weeks since Closing Day (the last time I was there). On the other hand, it's been only 8 days from when I was at Dollywood.
  2. Happy 26th birthday, Vortex!

  3. Tennessee Tornado was really great! I liked the hang time in the first loop when I sat in/near the back, and the little pop of airtime on that turn before the brakes. The first drop and loop are my favorite parts; the ground-hugging turn before the first drop really gets things started! I rode it 7 times; 5 of those times involved the handy little Q-Bot. On top of that, I was the last rider of the day on the ride when the park closed at 8. I'll tell more about it in a trip report when I write it in the near future (it may take a little while; my PC is having problems).
  4. I got Q to Q when I went to Dollywood on Wednesday (it was PACKED!). It is well worth the $20 plus tax; I was able to ride all the roller coasters multiple times! I also highly recommend it. If you go on a crowded day, go for it. You'll be glad you did!
  5. ^Me too! I just checked; of course, they're still down. Maybe they're hiding something?
  6. That would be nice. 3 more days until I visit Dollywood!
  7. Fascinating pics. I once went to NYC in 2002, but I don't remember much except riding the elevator up and down the Empire State Building (I had/have an obsession with elevators and escalators thanks to OCD and Asperger's Syndrome!)
  8. Easy: Any sign Hard: Inside of a ride's station Expert: A show inside Festhaus
  9. I had another dream - not about Kings Island, but a short and sweet dream about Dollywood (maybe I'm really excited about my trip there next week!) I was riding Tennessee Tornado. That's it. (I told you! Short and sweet!)
  10. Sorry for the bump, but it's official - I'm going to Dollywood for sure next week! (most likely Wednesday, April 3) The tips have been helpful and I am making sure to keep them in mind! (speaking of Dollywood, I had a dream last night that I was riding Tennessee Tornado.)
  11. Sorry for the double post, but it's been over two days... Easy: A flat ride on a sunny day Hard: Pic taken inside of a restaurant Expert: Pic taken inside of a LaRosa's
  12. I might possibly be going to Dollywood during my Spring Break! :D

  13. 4 months and 17 days! (I can't really imagine not riding Vortex for that long during the operating season! )
  14. I don't think it's that bad...I think it looks great! As for the most recent "Expert" option...I did take a picture of the ACE plaque on June 4, 2011, but I lost it when my computer's hard drive failed in September Carry on...
  15. Easy: A roller coaster Hard: A looping coaster, mid-inversion Expert: A park trash can
  16. My Spring Break starts in less than 3 weeks.

  17. I'd like a shirt as well. I think the new KIC logo looks cool! And yes, if the whole "username-on-the-back" thing works out, then I'm all for it!
  18. ^Look in post #8, the one made by Vortex2012. It contains a link that goes directly to the page you're looking for.
  19. I MIGHT be going to Dollywood during my Spring Break (there's a slight chance at the moment), so the tips are helping me too. The rides I want to go for the most are Tennessee Tornado, Mystery Mine, and Wild Eagle. So far I've heard about this park having very great rides, and just now I was reading the posts about the friendly employees. And yes, I've never been to Dollywood.
  20. I just watched it online. It's nice to see my favorite ride as part of a TV show again. (ever since Insane Coaster Wars, to say the least!)
  21. I'm getting my braces off on Friday!

  22. I just checked today; now all of the cams EXCEPT the WindSeeker one are up. The Soak City Cam is pointing at its front entrance area now, instead of pointing at the top of Rendezvous Run's slides. Breakers Bay, part of Tidal Wave Bay, and the sand volleyball court are also in the cam's picture. http://www.visitkingsisland.com/online-fun/webcams
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