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Everything posted by DontWantToWait42mar0

  1. The good thing about this being a wooden coaster is that Kings Island doesn't have to worry about the carpenters interacting with guests like they would have to if it were a steal coaster being constructed by Ironworkers. Ironworkers are a different breed.
  2. Wow no one else had even gone there m8. I know it was having problems with launch and such the last few years, so I was curious of other people's perspectives..
  3. I haven't ridden Valravn yet, but assume it's just a one trick pony. How would you rate/review Valravn Malem?
  4. I hadn't taken the time to stop and think about all of the coasters in the time span of 2008 until now. Great point Rustbucket. I rather have Banshee over Gatekeeper and Diamondback over Valravn any day of the week.
  5. The last time I rode Flight of Fear it seemed much more jerky and less fluid than I ever remembered it. (Post OTSRs) Perhaps they did work to it and greased up the bearings this past offseason. I will consider giving it another ride.
  6. Good points you made Kenban. Thank you for your intelligent and articulate response.
  7. I will be coming out this year.
  8. To me the ride quality on Flight of Fear has gone down considerably in just the last few years. I haven't had the chance or desire to ride it yet this season. Can anyone attest to how it's currently operating? Why do you all think that is or isn't going downhill?
  9. If Kings Island builds a giga soon, then they can stick a fork in having to add any other coasters for a long time.
  10. Well you might see it differently once you're older than 10. I sincerely can't work out the complexity behind you accusing me of trying to shut down anyone I don't agree with and two minutes later, returning to the thread to shut down the SAME POSTER by calling them a child. You are truly a Trumpian wonder! 1) We're not allowed to talk politics on this site, I would know I tried. If you support Hilary, well that's your business, or lack thereof. 2) I was already in the process of responding to him, when there was a notification of a new post. I responded to yours first so I wouldnt have to quote 2 different posts. I'm not going to waste time having a back and forth with you no matter how desperately you try.
  11. Well you might see it differently once you're older than 10.
  12. Do yall hear the sirens? It's the unofficial internet police, here to shut down anything he doesn't agree with in an attempt to win the internet.
  13. ^ They can also double as a protein filled snack when sitting at the front of the coaster trains at night.
  14. I miss the Top Gun music most of all. Just like I miss Van Halen playing in the queue for Drop Tower.
  15. I appreciate this history of Top Gun and now The Bat. It could have gone without the Flight Deck era in my opinion.
  16. Maybe they counted Adventure Express? Or they're still counting Son of Beast?
  17. So much for having a civil conversation. Mods pleas close this thread, it's not worth the trouble. For the record I do not want Racer to close. It is in my top 4 favorite coasters at Kings Island.
  18. You think only 1% of the people going to Cedar Fair parks are dissatisfied with the food quality and service they are getting for the price they are paying? I'm sorry, but that just seems way off the mark to me.
  19. What's your deal man? I ask QUESTIONS about possible correlations at Cedar Fair and you are repeatedly flaming me. Back on topic: Look at what happened at Six Flags, it started with one coaster and it has led to closing others. The general public seems to prefer steel coasters to wooden ones, and it looks like the industry is starting to take note. Also it's true that wooden coasters cost more to maintain than steel coasters do. Businesses often look to cut costs to increase profits, which couldn't be more obvious than the quality of food sold at Kings Island.
  20. This points out the problem. They serve fake over processed food at extremely steep prices, putting more money in their pockets, but having people's families eating junk.
  21. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Kings Island's second "big" announcement is adding another flavor additive to their Coca-Cola freestyle machines.
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