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Mrs. No Chickens

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    Fairland, IN
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    Indy cars, Football, COASTERS!!!

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  1. I thought it was a great park!! We had a wonderful time!!
  2. And there's our Michigan's Adventure slammer! LOL ;-)
  3. CP and KI are not the same park. CP is in a resort town. KI is not. CP has a Hotel on the property. KI does not. CP has a beach. KI does not. I love KI but the fact is, any teen or college student is going to want to be at CP rather than KI. Recently we went to MA. We loved it there and after posting on FB, we were all slammed about how lame MA is. It's a clean, well kept park. But because it only has 7 coaster, and doesn't offer what most Cedar Fair Parks do, most kids will call it lame. It's the same between CP and KI. Most college student would rather go to CP. What's better than drinking on the beach by a fire pit? Walking the beach at night, live bands on the beach....That's what drives college student to CP. If KI had all that, I'm positive they would have more students. Me personally don't care for CP. It's a big park with a lot of coasters, and I love Maverick, but it doesn't have that feeling that KI has.
  4. Wow, Are you serious?? Do you honestly think that music on IStreet is going to draw college students in?? It is not a genius marketing plan. McDonalds doesn't play music?? People don't come to the park for the music and anyone that thinks so is obviously out of their mind!! If college kids want to be at the park, then they are going to be at the park. Putting pop music at the front gates isn't going to make a college kid say, hey, I think I'm going to come here all the time because they play pop music at the front gate. Will there be advertisement saying, come to the park, we play pop music at the front gate LOL. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. Do you or anyone honestly think that if they don't hear pop music when they walk in, is going to make them turn around and leave? Further more, I'm almost 52 years old. I like pop music. I'm a music mixer. I have 2 sons that are college students. The last time we were there, 1 of them said to me, as we were walking in, "I feel like I'm at Disney". He had a huge smile on his face. I then explained how instrumental music just came back to IStreet and they thought it was pretty cool. They are not enthusiasts. They are the general public and they are college students.
  5. I think it will be a flat. 1 of those European flats CF went hunting for last year. I don't know it to be a fact, but I had heard, The Whip was on that list to hunt for. Crosses fingers :-)
  6. Sorry, but I must throw this troll a snack. Everyone has their own opinion, but to start a thread like this is childish. I can't stand water parks. Do I cry and stomp my feet because we got Tropical Plunge? No. I'm an adult. Not a spoiled child that didn't get their way. A true coaster enthusiast welcomes whatever that comes to their home park. I have never seen so many cry babies, as I have in these forums. That's what Facebook is for. If it's drama and attention you're looking for, you can plenty of that there. You know what really BUGS me? People like you, being allowed to start threads like this. People that claim they are coaster enthusiast and then start drama and cry about everything. Grow up. Don't be a baby. #dramaqueen
  7. I believe the RT location is one but maybe there are actually two locations. Why would KIPR say What KIC is looking for can only be found by those who know where it's at? Wouldn't behind the fence in plan site be obvious? Just looking deeper into the hint wording. Maybe too much so. I totally agree with you!!! The wrong coordinates to a corn field. They don't want us to know where it's going to be.
  8. I have every intention of going and buying my printed copies on Monday. Will make a nice souvenir to add to my collection. I will not be posting them in any forums or social media until the park make their announcement. By that time, it won't matter to anyone if I did or not and would be no sense in doing so. Wait... How far back do these plans go back? It would be cool to get a copy of say The Beast blueprints for my basement... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk I have no idea what blue prints are available from the past. These will be my first copies. When I said, "add to my collection", I meant souvenir collection. Not blue print collection.
  9. I have every intention of going and buying my printed copies on Monday. Will make a nice souvenir to add to my collection. I will not be posting them in any forums or social media until the park make their announcement. By that time, it won't matter to anyone if I did or not and would be no sense in doing so.
  10. The Interpreter, on 14 May 2016 - 01:39 AM, said: I'll take a GCI! I absolutely love American Thunder, and Thunderhead! The only way I would be in utter shock though, would be if it were an RMC or Intamin. Unless of course utter shock means, people have said, KI would never build another wood coaster again.
  11. OMG, You all should have seen this girl in the bathroom! It was the most disturbing public display I have ever experienced! Princess Sparkles, " I'm putting my hair up!" She was with me and saw it all too.
  12. Rumors, speculation, and drama! Yay! It's coaster season!
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