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Everything posted by Coasterama

  1. I kinda like the name "Dead Zone", or maybe "Midnight"
  2. Ignore the title, but I think this would make a fantastic Banshee station theme! (imagine a Banshee scream at the end): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8laoHw6ThM
  3. Ok, I believe this is a keyboard code! @ = the number 2 on the keyboard. If you go 2 letters into the alphabet that would make @ stand for the letter "B" so.... @ = 2 which = "B", ! = 1 which = "A", !$ = 14 which = "N", !( = 19 which = "S" , * = 8 which = "H", % = 5 which = "E" and % =5 which = "E" This "code" spells out the name Banshee. Hmm...this name was going to be given to Mantis when it first opened but was not used due to people complaining about it being offensive. Is the name making a reappearance? I think so! - Connor Saturday, July 14, 2012 at 12:31 PM -I discovered this while just browsing the On Point Blog for Gatekeeper teasers. Very interesting. EDIT- I had to read through it a couple times to understand it. The title of the blog post was @!!$!(*%%
  4. Last time I checked, Kings Island is nowhere near a 9,940 square mile lake, which is what really helps with Cedar Point's scenery.
  5. Well today was a very interesting day in the life of the Banshee Construction Progress topic.
  6. More track has shown up in the new cam.
  7. We'll just have to wait and see what direction Matt Ouimet leads us in. Until then, here's this: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/28843-theming-we-would-like-to-see-on-Banshee/#entry584327
  8. We all know about Cedar Fair's "lack for theming", but let's just use our imagination and say what would be neat to see throughout the 4,124 feet of mystic red track.
  9. Uhhh, you do know this is a Cedar Fair park we are talking about, right? Sorry... just thinking out loud (or typing in this case).
  10. On that note, I would also really like to see more gravestones at the front of the ride, near the plaza area. That way you don't have to be on the ride to notice it's articles of theming.
  11. No, you are not alone. To me, everything past the 2nd vertical loop looks like a big conglomeration of mystic red and blue.
  12. They are kickin' it in full throttle today. (pun not intended)
  13. Black Mamba has 7 tunnels, despite not being the biggest invert.
  14. It's hard to keep track of all of the activity this morning.
  15. I think it is a cement truck. Sweet. Let the queue construction begin.
  16. There is an unidentified green object near the dive loop.
  17. You're welcome. I believe that video was previously posted by Ohiocoasterman.
  18. In an interview with Don, he stated that there will be gravestones placed throughout the ride. here's a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSytUd1YyQs
  19. Montu's trenches really add to the theming. Maybe Banshee will have cool effects like fog or something.
  20. On that note, I have implied knowledge that I have been Terped.
  21. Would you care to specify on that a little more, considering I can't find any news concerning No Coaster Con on the internet.
  22. I don't think the crane is working on anything at the moment. It hasn't moved all day.
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