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Everything posted by gforce1994

  1. The ride ops were promoting snapping throughout the day at the Gliders.
  2. The ride ops kept saying yesterday "Oh we can't wait to see what you do tonight". The ops kept promoting the event up to 1 minute before the ERT began. When I was getting into a dive, while close to snapping, they E-stopped and sent me nearly into the center pyramid. For that I got kicked from the ride.
  3. I was playing with Google Maps and Nolimits and got one heck of a bizarre answer. Yes a B&M hyper would work but assuming the lift is 360 feet, the maximum height of the following element if heading towards SC if you are talking about a coaster entirely in the woods is about 80 feet. So after that overbanked turn, an airtime hill and a Fury like turnaround could entirely be kept in the woods, with the overbanked turnaround protruding into the picnic grounds a bit.
  4. True, but what I'm saying is that while Arrow Dynamics is out of business, and replacement parts need to be fabricated, Hopkins was bought out by WWW, so replacement parts are cheaper. I'm saying it is more relevant to get rid of Congo Falls, then it is to get rid of the log flume.
  5. Guys, they wouldn't demolish the log flume. Why? Because in the year 2000, Kings Island, then owned by Paramount, hired Hopkins (now owned by White Water West) to completely refurbish the log flume. Hopkins rebuilt over half of the log flume, and the ride has high reliability and popularity. When was the last time you've seen the log flume have a breakdown? I haven't seen a breakdown in 10+ years. Carowinds had their 30+ year old log flume removed because of the OC/rehab costs. KI, if they honestly wanted to remove the flumes, would never have hired Hopkins.
  6. I think that's where the staircase to the old WWC crossover bridge was, and the concrete path is the beginning of the old queue line..... The big question is why remove everything in the funnel cake building area except for the old queue line path? If it was the old support for the queue line path, why are the faces so smooth?
  7. Woohoo! Something is happening! Is it too early to start the #GIGAWATCH2017 hashtag?
  8. I have no idea. It certainly wasn't there before last season ended, so it is new
  9. I think it's the size of the B&M footers for the storage shed for the cars. It looks like what Diamondback has for it's transfer section, but I can't tell by the angle
  10. Just to clarify things, you know the GM sent out a tweet earlier this year, with a quick glimpse of the blueprint. Call me a narcissist but, GCI's don't have hammerhead turns.
  11. That certain CF park doesn't have to deal with as harsh of winters as Kings Island as well. Sorry to double post, but I think he means Gatekeeper.
  12. No, but digging would only commence once rebar and concrete pours are ready. In regards to Canada's Wonderland, their site was cleared by late July, so they open one month later, so if this is a giga, the land has to be cleared by late June at the latest.
  13. There are footers. One that looked like a transfer track footer was in the video teased by the park themselves.
  14. Ok, I think we ARE getting a Giga. I think numerous pieces of evidence support it. ~~~~~~~~~~~Guess Below~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` First, why on earth would they hype up a wooden coaster that would be smaller than the park's main wooden coaster, located in the same exact region of the park? Second, there has been many improvements to Rivertown. Ask this question, would it be worth the reward to spruce up Rivertown for a GCI. Honestly, Coney Mall wasn't spruced up when Firehawk or Backlot was added. Diamondback and Banshee led to refurbished areas. Just a thought Third, CF renewed the copyright for Centurion. Why is this important? Think about it. A coaster over White Water Canyon. I think KI might be retheming a section of Rivertown into a Roman themed area of the park. Fourth, it would make perfect sense for a collosal coaster named Centurion to be in a park in a suburb of Cincinnati, named after Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a Roman dictator, White Water Canyon would pick up a Roman theme as well, possibly being re-themed to the Rubicon. Now on to the coaster. What do we know? First Decker, from CF, is known for emphasizing height. Diamondback, Gatekeeper, Leviathan, Intimidator, and Fury 325 were all placed in a location where the people could get a relative sense of how far off from the ground they were. How can that be done at Kings Island? The ride will likely start with a chain lift towards Soak City, since what better emphasizes height than seeing tiny people from 300+ feet up in the air. The first drop will likely be followed by turns, bringing the ride over WWC, figuratively "Crossing The Rubicon". We know from a photo tweeted out, that there will be some sort of turnaround. I think the turns will be small overbanked turns (like Fury), with the main overbanked turn, being by the waterpark. The ride will likely have smaller airtime hills then Diamondback, but it will provide serious airtime.
  15. I doubt it. Counting Surf Dog, that would make 4 family coasters. We already have the Miler ride.
  16. Here are my two bets: 1). A gerstlauer Sky Fly for 2017. The area is perfect for a ride of the caliber and theme. Call the ride something like buzzsaws, and theme the seats to sawblades. It's a perfect fit for being right up against a log flume. 2). A wooden coaster( a possible clone of the Aeroplane Dips). Why? KI tried to build the ride 3 times in the 1990s. With a need for an airtime filled wooden coaster, wouldn't it be a perfect fit to nestle a tight fitting GCI into the woods? 3). A hyper coaster. SAY WHAT? I think if anything KI will build a second hyper coaster. Why? Since the area in that section of the park is on a decreasing gradient, it might provide Cedar Fair the chance to try out something similar to what Kennywood did with Phantom's Revenge. Have a 270 foot coaster, with a 300+ foot drop into the woods.
  17. Just turn the tables on them and take your camera out. I wonder what their reaction will be.
  18. Anyway, it's going to be better to attend KI's pass preview night than CP, since at CP, they have the pass preview as well as the OSU day crowds, so if you want to ride Valravn, you may be out of luck. However, isn't the preview day for the Waterpark the same day as Coasterstock?
  19. I can't see them putting a ride like that anywhere else but the old FC spot. It would be the perfect addition to that area, since people who aren't thrillseekers won't probably make it back to that region. It's almost a "mini-me" of WindSeeker.
  20. Correct, it makes a good distraction. I'm more focused on Rivertown, since they have made so many infrastructure improvements over there.
  21. I know KD and Carowinds had started sheet maps this year as well. Dorney had the foldable ones.
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