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Everything posted by APE

  1. Anything by Mercyful Fate.
  2. I've been on Wild Eagle I thought it was really comfortable so if the restraints are similar ill be happy. As far as the fat conversation I'm 5'11 260lbs. The only ride I have not fit on so far is Drop Tower. I even fit on Top thrill Dragster. I guess I am lucky as far as that goes. I however am in the middle of working on my weight. Maybe one day ill fit on Drop Tower again.
  3. King Cobra is what I miss the most. As a kid it was the last milestone I had to reach in the park. It took years to finally be tall enough to ride the thing after I got on others.
  4. Best moment of 2013 for me was the birth of my first son. It was the day it was announced that Banshee would be announced a week or two later. Favorite moment involving a park was definitely the one and only visit we got to do anywhere this past season. The wife and I went to Kings Island for her birthday about ten weeks after my son was born. We went on Delirium first. As soon as we sat down it started pouring rain. Dispite being soaked and it being very crowded we had a great time the whole day.
  5. What am I supposed to do now? I am in the habit of checking the Banshee cams every five minutes.
  6. It's a little easier to see what's going on now. I can clearly see where the track is leading to and the support they just put up.
  7. APE

    Intamin or B&M

    I hold a well paying job, I think I'm good. Noted: Capitalization taken very seriously on this site.
  8. APE

    Intamin or B&M

    An entire thread wasted by incorrect capitalization, such a shame.
  9. I love that they are doing this.
  10. This topic made me have flashbacks of working games one year. Nothing is rigged because all games are possible to win they just may be harder than in a normal setting. Baskestball for example when I was working was regulation size opening for the hoop but it was double rimmed so if you hit the rim there was no give and the ball would bounce away easier. I believe now they are more oval shaped but still very possible to win. The only game I saw working there that was almost impossible to win was on the walkway towards Firehawk and Flight of Fear. You had to throw a ring around this flower and have it go all the way to the base. The leaves off the sprout made it get hung up. They removed that game before the end of the season. I've won almost every game in the park throughout the years the only one I have not won is ring toss.
  11. APE

    Intamin or B&M

    I usually prefer intamin because I enjoy a more intense crazy ride.
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