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The log flume and that stupid elephant


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  raptor said:
still rather see Dumbo fly away :)

Sorry – but I think you may have mistaken the pink elephant at KI for Dumbo at another park as those owners of that park would Never ever allow Dumbo to spray water in any guests face. That other park only wants happy guests to come off their attractions not some happy and then risk some angry or unhappy guest coming off their attractions after being sprayed with water in the face.. Yep…..they just want happy guests so they entertain their valued guests with great themeing and not cheap thrill trickery like spaying water in guests faces even if it was from a very lovable children’s favorite like Dumbo the Elephant.

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  Cory Butcher said:
Haha, if you've never been to Cedar Point than you have no idea how prophetic of a statement you may have just made!

Oh, I've been to Cedar Point ;) . I didn't know they sold those right there. It's a good idea! Maybe free plastic bag's with a noise and eye holes cut out in them. That would be cost effective. They have a bag for when they buy a picture too! lol. Only kidding. This is a joke, see the post below! (and not making fun of anyone.. just to make myself clear). It is never a good idea to use a plastic bag, and please don't start using one now! be smart (trying to rhyme, didn't work to well)! And I'm just going to stop now because I am not doing much to help this..:(

I don't want 'dumbo' to fly away. I'd feel bad for whatever he'd land on! Not to mention how wet they'd get when he squirts water at them! I really like this elephant, but the monkeys are a different story! AHH! lol. In all seriousness. I would love for the Elephant to stay... and maybe for the monkeys to get some CLR or Lime Away so they actually work, and maybe the mist back? The elephant is just the icing on the cake... If this log flume was a cake ;)

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This is off topic, but several weeks ago, I saw a mother put a plastic Target Bag over her child's head while she was walking to the parking lot in a down pour. That wasn't safe at all. I first thought the bag was just over her head, but no it was all the way over her head and over her mouth. I swear some people are dumb.

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  PKIVortex said:
Like what has been said before. It's a Water Ride, your supposed to get wet on them.

says who, there are many water rides you don't get wet on, you ride on a boat on the river you don't get wet, well unless you have serious problems,

For many years amusement parks had water rides including log flumes, which you didn't get drenched on,

I really don't mind getting somewhat wet as I said, I just don't want to get squirted in the face after the ride is pretty much over.

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Well the fact they are signs that says, you will get wet should be a warning. I think it's funny seeing people get squirting by the elephant. Just like I like watching Congo Falls and White Water Canyon riders getting hit by the geysers.

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  raptor said:
  PKIVortex said:
Like what has been said before. It's a Water Ride, your supposed to get wet on them.

says who, there are many water rides you don't get wet on, you ride on a boat on the river you don't get wet, well unless you have serious problems,

For many years amusement parks had water rides including log flumes, which you didn't get drenched on,

I really don't mind getting somewhat wet as I said, I just don't want to get squirted in the face after the ride is pretty much over.

There are 2 kinds of water rides, ones that get you wet and ones that dont. Kings Islands all get you wet. Now you know.

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Well an amusement park in my opinion should have something for everyone, and if you wanna get wet you have wwc, and you have congo falls(which I do ride), but it would be nice if it had an alternative, especially for the older people who don't want thrills or getting drenchd like my mom who loves amusement parks but is to old for thrills, these type of things seem to be disapearing from Kings Island it's either kiddie stuff or wild, there should be a variety.

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  welchce said:
  Cory Butcher said:
I am a little biased of course, as my favorite ride is Splash Mountain!

I love Splash Mountain as well, you get a little wet but not too much plus the theming and layout are great, IMO. One of my favorite rides at night as well because I've rode it once when Wishes was going on and it was beautiful. I would love to see a blueprint of it to actually see what part of the mountain you are in at different parts of the ride.

If I remember correctly, doesn't Splash Mountain have something similar to the elephant that sprays you towards the end of the ride?

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I'm not completely sure about that. I do not think that there is a segment where you legitimately get hosed. Im thinking of the story line in my head and the scenery, and the last segment is everyone on the riverboat (one of the largest single animated attractions in the world) singing zippadee do dah. I still for the life of me, cant remember getting hosed anywhere even near there.

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  Cory Butcher said:
I'm not completely sure about that. I do not think that there is a segment where you legitimately get hosed. Im thinking of the story line in my head and the scenery, and the last segment is everyone on the riverboat (one of the largest single animated attractions in the world) singing zippadee do dah. I still for the life of me, cant remember getting hosed anywhere even near there.

Actually I am talking about after you go down the hill and are making your way to the unload station.

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I'm an employee and this is one of my many rides. I agree with you, i hate the elephant when i ride it as a guest, but i must say.. on a 13 hour shift, it is fun to watch people get soaked when they come around that last bend... :P

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When we were there a few weeks ago we got the biggest kick out of watching people's expressions when the elephant got them. I saw the elephant before I even rode it. It's not hard to miss if you stand and watch the ride before riding it.

Like others have said, it's a water ride. You are SUPPOSED to get wet.

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I had the "experience" of riding WWC yesterday with a lady and three teenagers. The one teenage boy YELLED the entire ride about getting wet. At the top of his lungs. Didn't like his shoes getting wet, every second he had something to yell about. Was even yelling at the people shooting the cannons. I've got to become way more choosy of who I get in line next to.

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I just fail to understand the concept of you shouldn't ride a ride if you don't wanna be drenched because it's a water ride which means you're suppose to get wet, sometimes that's the purpose, but that doesn't mean that is the only reason you make a ride on water.

Water ride means you're suppose to be on the water. Before WWC type rides few water rides got you drenched (a few did). I rode the log flume many times since it was built and it did not have the elephant and did not get me soaking wet, does that mean it wasn't a water ride before?

I don't mind getting wet if the wave hits me, but that is like someone walking up to you and squirting you with a water gun in the face, irritating, but it's a great ride

I was just kind of curious what others opinions were

It seems most people like it (at least on here) that being the case it should stay,

and i'll still ride just not as much.

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  welchce said:
  Cory Butcher said:
I am a little biased of course, as my favorite ride is Splash Mountain!

I love Splash Mountain as well, you get a little wet but not too much plus the theming and layout are great, IMO. One of my favorite rides at night as well because I've rode it once when Wishes was going on and it was beautiful. I would love to see a blueprint of it to actually see what part of the mountain you are in at different parts of the ride.

Now I assume your talking about the splash mountain at Disney World and NOT Disney Land, because the one at Disney Land gets you SOAKED even before you drop down the main hill.

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So in your opinion should the sprayers go at Congo Falls? I hardly got wet at all on the drop, but got hit by 2 sprayers on the way back to the station, I was a pretty wet let me tell ya. LOL As a Kid I was one of the ones that loved to stand on the bridge over and over again, as I got older I don't do that anymore.

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  Hank said:
Maybe they just need a different animal instead of an elephant! How about a spitting camel?

I like that idea - at least if the animal spit you wouldn't get drenched. I find it so ironic that this topic is here, given that I just had the wonderful surprise from the elephant on Thursday. I had not gone on the log flume in years - it wasn't even in the kiddie area the last time I was on.

I enjoyed it and turned around to say "that wasn't bad" after I got sprinkled coming down the hill -

and then WOW! I got literally drenched from head to toe. Only 2 of us were in the boat and I was in front and I couldn't believe how soaked I was.

I love water rides and getting really wet, especially when I am hot, but I thought that the elephant drenching was extreme... made Congo Falls look like nothing!

But, now I know - and now I will stay away!

I must have been a funny sight to onlookers because I got visibly mad at how drenched I was! :rolleyes:

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Guest TombraiderTy

I hate the elephant when I get drenched, love it when it drenches others.

I don't mind getting wet, but this thing gets you drenched. The only time I ride is after I've done WWC or CF, cause you do'nt get sprayed in the face. A few drops or something similar is okay, but the elephant is too much. Maybe if he shot out mist, then I'd enjoy it more.

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