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Season Passes 05


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Hey I was very mad when I got the flier today for season passes. Normaly you get a free ticket to bring a friend on ANY day you choose for each pass you buy. Now this year you still get a free ticket but its only good on a certain day. It is pretty much like a bring a friend free day and would almost be worthless to go to the park.

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i agree. a pass to return any day for the rest of the season is a great deal.... one that is only good on the 29th of august is horrible. 1) because like fof said it would be no mroe than a BAFFD, and 2) because i am most probably going to be in hilton head that week... lol

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I got that flier through the mail too. I guess there raising the prices of the pass too, (enless you renew) If I remember right last year a Gold pass was only $79.99 now its $99.99.

If you renew your pass, do get a different picture taken, or do they use the same one ? just wondering

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It says 84.99 on PKI.com for 05 the same as last year for gold and the free tickets was that way last year.

Yes you get a different picture taken.

It also says if you get 4 or more you get them each for 69.99 so PKIC members could meet up and get them for less.

New this year...The Four Pack Season Pass! Buy any combination of four or more passes and the price drops to just $69.99 each. No need to be related or live in the same household!

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Saturdays FearFest will be open until midnight. However, on Sundays, it will close at 9, an hour earlier than last year. I don`t know how that will allow for much time to experience the haunted trail, which didn`t open until 8 last year, and had really long lines.

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