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Haloween Haunt Preview!

Ki Man

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Wow, last night was ALOT of fun! There was supposed to be Flight of Fear and Firehawk open to keep the party in the "X-Base" area. Welllll, Firehawk broke down so they opened Vortex! (Which is way better!) Halloween Haunt props were everywhere; spiderwebs, the KI Haunted Mansion things were out in Coney Mall! And out front, the old SOB cars with skeletons in it! Not to mention the SOB old cars with skeletons in them outfront!

The maze called: "Death Row" was open last night (last year called the Asylum)

Pretty much no wait for it so I went on it twice. For the Halloween Haunt guys, they did a pretty darn good job for a "Test Run" Night. All the scareactors had black and white outfits on, with much blood and wounds allll over. The maze took about 5 minutes to complete; 3 if you were good. There are TONS of tricks and traps all over. I heard a group was lost for almost 1/2 hour! LOL! Most likely because the scareactors told you the wrong way to go and they blocked the right way! There was the same heartbeat bass music playing throughout, coupled with sirens, strobe lights, and mirrors. There are parts that are **VERY** hard to see through, the fog is so thick and there is no light! AAANNNDDD mirrors confuse the crap out of you! I was the leader of my group when I went through, and I only jumped about three times. I'm not really the typical scared guy, haha. About every five feet, you have to part a plastic tarp, and there is usually a ghoul behind it ready to attack. The only thing I can see improvement on is the scaring. Sometimes the scareactors would just look at you as you walk by, or when there is a perfect spot to scare, no one is there. Yeah, it's a test run, so I really hope it will be better when I come back in October!

Overall, it was really fun! I went on it twice; once with a group.....and second by myself. It was ALOT scarier by yourself....haha, SO much more vounerable to everything.

The maze: This is truly a maze! [9/10]

Scarefactor: 7/10

Effects, show: 8/10

Makeup/costumes: 9/10 Dead prison mates are freakin' creepy!

-KI "Last year, CK Cars...this year SOB.....what next?!?!?!?" Man

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I will have some tomorrow.

Other random things I discovered today. They have lots of skeletons dressed up in random places throughout the park. At the base of the Eiffel Tower is a Dorothy and Wicke Witch skeleton with a small doll house with legs sticking out from underneath it. Over by the Paramount Theater is a skeleton wearing a Bengals jersey. Right near there, is a dog house and dog skeleton. The dog house has a name written on it, which would happen to be Vick.

The ride tombstones that were on International Street last year, have found their way over to Rivertown from the train station, down to The Beast entrance. Also, over in Coney Mall, they brought out some of the airplanes that were removed from what is now Blue`s Skidoo. In the airplanes, of course, are skeletons.

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Awwww now you can always count on good old Karen to end up at something like this - begged and bribbed my way into that party!!! You know me!! Not about to miss out on anything Halloween Haunt aka old fear fest.

Yes I have pictures that I have posted on facebook at:


Check them out at your leasure as I have posted information and a surprise guessing game. Those of you who loved fear fest last year check them out and tell me if you can identify some of these scare actors from last year and where they were located. ONE is VERY POPULAR if you can search him out and Identify him - trust me it is NOT EASY.

Yes it was an awesome time - The Prison was awesome as I am in a wheelchair and this year it was highly accessable to me I am happy to report!!! I only did it once because it took sooo long for me to get out of there that I was told they sent a guy in to direct me out!!! OMG the mirrors threw you off - I was leaning over and feeling on walls - usually you go through those ripped white things and that was the path you take - NOT THIS YEARRRRR.....some of them were right and some were not - well you make a wrong turn and the front of your group and guess what?? PILE UP - try getting out of that he he. I was seperated from my group and I think it took me about 10 minutes to get out lol I had to wait until groups went by me and there was some time there that I did not run into anyone but the scare actors who were more than happy to scare the ever loving beeeepppppp out of me!!!

Once out there were several that are going to be scareactors for this year - some from last that are returning had a fantastic time practicing on me!! OHHH MYYY I would innocently drive along when suddenly someone comes barrelling out of a corner calling my name as they scared the crap out of me!!! His name was Josh but did not catch his last name and said he met me at the KICentral outing on August but in that makeup hmmmmm had to go over the various people I met that day!! I think I remember who he was lol.

UncleHenry and Hauntguy had a blast seeing who could scare more life out of me as well. Hauntguy tends to love to call my phone with messages of coming to get me - wellll he has apparently given my number out because another person called me tonight on a number I do not recognize from CINCINNATI area code.......hmmmmmm who did you give it to Hauntguy??? All I know is that they are coming to get meeeeeeeeeeee.....

From what I saw Friday Night the new Halloween Haunt is going to be fantastic and OUTDO last years fear fest - which I thought was awesome. I keep hearing from the scareactors that as scary as it was last year it is going to be really beefed up - to go all out to scare people and they will let them know when they go far enough but do not expect to see them telling them......hmmmm maybe you all should make sure your life insurance policies are paid up and where you families can find them hmmmmm.....

There was also a think on the evening news where Kings Island is advising parents to leave small children or children easily frightened at home because this is not meant for children under 13 years of age. So to those scareactors the word is out. As far as I see, if a parent is stupid enough to bring in a small child to something like this - go and scare the pants off of them and if the parent says one thing to you - even a dirty look - smile at them and state - HEY YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE... Don't blame me if I am doing my job well!! Then run off to your next victim. This is your fun time - go and enjoy it - do not let these goofy people stop your fun.

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Ok now i did go to the party (went with my sister) and we went in the maze 5 times but unfortunately 5/5 times we went in there we never got scared (of course I lost my group once lol well they lost me) but anyways i don't want to be mean because its there first try but a lot of people just stood there looking at me. they didn't even pop out at me, if anyone from death row reads this just pop out more and scream your hearts out. but here is where i think I'm mean a little out of 1-10 10 being extremely scary i have to give it a 2. I wasn't impressed but after working fearfest last year (Psycho Path, Scarecrow) you get better with more hints and more time practicing. i will come to HH some time this October to check things out so keep an eye out for me. Oh and today I got a ticket to visit P&G night at KI and seen the Vick thing i thought it was funny but i have heard a lot of people complaining that. but as KI has stated NOTHING IS OFF LIMITS!!!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!

Oh by the way i was picking on the greeter for death row i asked him if he lost the fight with a chain saw. :lol:

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Awwww now you can always count on good old Karen to end up at something like this - begged and bribbed my way into that party!!! You know me!! Not about to miss out on anything Halloween Haunt aka old fear fest.

Yes I have pictures that I have posted on facebook at:


Check them out at your leasure as I have posted information and a surprise guessing game. Those of you who loved fear fest last year check them out and tell me if you can identify some of these scare actors from last year and where they were located. ONE is VERY POPULAR if you can search him out and Identify him - trust me it is NOT EASY.

Yes it was an awesome time - The Prison was awesome as I am in a wheelchair and this year it was highly accessable to me I am happy to report!!! I only did it once because it took sooo long for me to get out of there that I was told they sent a guy in to direct me out!!! OMG the mirrors threw you off - I was leaning over and feeling on walls - usually you go through those ripped white things and that was the path you take - NOT THIS YEARRRRR.....some of them were right and some were not - well you make a wrong turn and the front of your group and guess what?? PILE UP - try getting out of that he he. I was seperated from my group and I think it took me about 10 minutes to get out lol I had to wait until groups went by me and there was some time there that I did not run into anyone but the scare actors who were more than happy to scare the ever loving beeeepppppp out of me!!!

Once out there were several that are going to be scareactors for this year - some from last that are returning had a fantastic time practicing on me!! OHHH MYYY I would innocently drive along when suddenly someone comes barrelling out of a corner calling my name as they scared the crap out of me!!! His name was Josh but did not catch his last name and said he met me at the KICentral outing on August but in that makeup hmmmmm had to go over the various people I met that day!! I think I remember who he was lol.

UncleHenry and Hauntguy had a blast seeing who could scare more life out of me as well. Hauntguy tends to love to call my phone with messages of coming to get me - wellll he has apparently given my number out because another person called me tonight on a number I do not recognize from CINCINNATI area code.......hmmmmmm who did you give it to Hauntguy??? All I know is that they are coming to get meeeeeeeeeeee.....

From what I saw Friday Night the new Halloween Haunt is going to be fantastic and OUTDO last years fear fest - which I thought was awesome. I keep hearing from the scareactors that as scary as it was last year it is going to be really beefed up - to go all out to scare people and they will let them know when they go far enough but do not expect to see them telling them......hmmmm maybe you all should make sure your life insurance policies are paid up and where you families can find them hmmmmm.....

There was also a think on the evening news where Kings Island is advising parents to leave small children or children easily frightened at home because this is not meant for children under 13 years of age. So to those scareactors the word is out. As far as I see, if a parent is stupid enough to bring in a small child to something like this - go and scare the pants off of them and if the parent says one thing to you - even a dirty look - smile at them and state - HEY YOU BROUGHT THEM HERE... Don't blame me if I am doing my job well!! Then run off to your next victim. This is your fun time - go and enjoy it - do not let these goofy people stop your fun.

Oh my God....I was right behind you when I saw the skinny guy jump out infront of you! Haha, it was funny, but mean.

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Awww nooooo he was not being mean at all. He knows how I am about fear fest/Halloween Haunt! Dane kind of clued him in on me and I think he has something to do with the fact that this kid went after me. If you know who he was in reality!! But I keep their secrets.

As for MR. HAUNTGUY you got a major head start at that party and you know it!! But you missed it when the UNDERTAKER got me!! I was in the Coney Maul area with my daughter and was heading back to the party because I wanted to get a picture of Josh before leaving. Well as I was heading over I hear this familar....

Kaaaaaarrrrreeeennnnnnnnn MUAHAHAHAHAHA

OMG I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around honestly expecting to see him walking up to me. I thought Don was going to bust a gut laughing. Most know that his makeup along really and honestly creeped me out last year. With that voice, well the effect worked well for him.

If any of you see me rolling around in my chair - creeper / scareactor / or just visitor feel free to scare the crap out of me. I am likely to jump/scream then look around for who did it and laugh. I am just jumpy by nature. In all honesty I do try NOT to jump or scream and I think that is why my buddies like scaring me so much. It is a little game we play. I try to avoid them and they creep up on me and scare me. Yea my buddies usually always win lol but it is all in fun.

The only time I get really angry is when I see visitors making fun of these great kids. You go to Halloween Haunt to be frightened and have a great time. It is sad the people that go there and think it funny and "big / bad / brave" to abuse these kids. Think about this - they are not allowed to touch you - this is all halloween fun and is intended for entertainment with a scare value so being big and bad against people that are not allowed to defend themselves to me is kind of whimpy and pathetic. Geese I hope my chair does not run out of control - as it does from time to time. It is 4 years old and those toggle switches are not always that reliable.

Hey my Halloween Haunt folks, the kids from all the shows, and many many park employees know how much they all mean to me!!

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OOPS one more thing - Yes it is funny to scare the old woman in the wheelchair - go with the flow and have a blast!! If you see them scaring me go for the laughter and have fun - that is what this is all about - If I see them scaring you I am likely to laugh too!! Nothing person intended - just remember this is all FUN!!

If you see me at the park - please come up to me and tell me who you are and how you know me!! I love meeting new people and putting faces to the names in here!! You all are awesome people with great ideas and comments!!

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The maze took about 5 minutes to complete; 3 if you were good.

5 minutes sounds really short for a haunted house. I know KI's aren't usually as long as haunted houses outside of the park, but they are usually about 15 minutes, 10 at the shortest. I hope this is just because it was a rehearsal type night.

Anyways, sorry to sound negative. That being said, I can't wait for The Haunt! ;)

Edit - I have a quick question (sorry if it's been asked)

On the HH Hearse's myspace there is a video and at the end it says there will be 3 shows this year (which makes more sense since they have been saying 13 attractions and so far we only know of 11), what are the other two shows?

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