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2008 Coaster?


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I keep on repetively hearing about a Coaster in '08 in Rivertown. Up untill recently I have thought this to be false untill I relized that in 1999 we got Face/Off & Rugrats. Thee next year we got a 3 (now 2) record setting coaster called SOB. Could the same thing happen this year? If so, What Kind of coaster will it be? I'm siding on the Idea of a B&M Floorless in '09-2010, but anything can happen. Thanks for your oppinions.


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I think we may get a few flats from GL for 2008. That would make the most since to me. Also we could very well see a water park expansion, we know Cedar Fair and Waterparks. It's been 3 years now, since anything has been added to BB. Some of the slides are getting a bit out dated over there. Down Under Thunder anyone?

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I don't think we'll be getting a coaster in 2008 and there is abundant evidence to support my opinion.

#1. Behemoth is going to cost CF a lot of cash. Plus, they'll probably be spending a bunch more to relocate the major coasters and rides from Geauga Lake. This is all on top of the company's large amount of debt which it incurred after buying the Paramount Parks which they'll have to spend more money on in the coming years to get rid of all the licensed theming, rides names, ect.

#2. We just got Firehawk lat year. I know that we got Drop Zone and Face Off in the same year followed immediately by in 2000 SOB and then in 2001 came RRR. We've all heard the argument before. However, it seems highly unlikely given the current state of the theme park industry, CF's financial woes, and the economy in general that we'll be seeing any kind of back to back major expansions like that in the near future.

#3. Several areas of the waterpark are in desperate need of tearing down or making over. There have also been some credible rumors that DUT will be torn down and replaced which further support this theory.

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I don't think we'll be getting a coaster in 2008 and there is abundant evidence to support my opinion.

#1. Behemoth is going to cost CF a lot of cash. Plus, they'll probably be spending a bunch more to relocate the major coasters and rides from Geauga Lake. This is all on top of the company's large amount of debt which it incurred after buying the Paramount Parks which they'll have to spend more money on in the coming years to get rid of all the licensed theming, rides names, ect.

There is not a whole lot different from your theory and what actually happened in 2007.

CF built Maverick, Renegade, and Sierra Sidewinder new for 2008. They spent big bucks on all the work done for SoB, including new trains. They also removed two rides from GL, relocating one of them with the other ride to be reconstructed in 2008.

Not to mention, CF has not given a timetable of when they are going to remove, transport, and reconstruct rides from GL. It could drag out for up to five years.

Or CF could put some rides for sale and put the cost of taking the rides out onto the buyer.

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We got new roller coasters in 98,99,00,01 four years in a row. Then in 02 we got TRTR, 03 Delirium, 04 BB, 05 IJST, 06 NU, and this year we got Firehawk. I think there is a very good chance that we'll be getting a new roller coaster next year. If not then we'll be getting a pretty good collection o flats.


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Seems like Geauga Lake is the newest "Flea Market" for amusment parks.

Everyone jumping over each other to get the goods for nothing!!

If that park was such a dump that no one wanted to go, then why does everyone want their old rides?

The best ride I was on there was The Villian, and I think somebody already has dibs on that one!!!

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When did you go that the Villain was enjoyable? Boddah, Dane, zosobeast, and I went last year and that thing hurt worse than SOB! We had to practically carry zosobeast out of the park while he held his ribs and could barely walk.

GL wasn't necesarily a dump, it was a pretty decent park, there were other factors that turned guests away and it actually has a pretty decent collection of rides.

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We got new roller coasters in 98,99,00,01 four years in a row. Then in 02 we got TRTR, 03 Delirium, 04 BB, 05 IJST, 06 NU, and this year we got Firehawk. I think there is a very good chance that we'll be getting a new roller coaster next year. If not then we'll be getting a pretty good collection o flats.


History clearly shows that it is not a factor when it comes down to a park's plan for new rides.

Especially now with Paramount out of the picture and the park being under CF's ownership for over one year now.

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I can see a flat or two coming in from GL, most likely going in to beef up X-Base (and possibly giving it it's own area of the park). I am also really sensing a BB addition, especially is DUT bites the dust. I stated this in another topic, but I'd like to see a MammothBowl replace it. And in all honesty, I can;t see a new coaster next year. And for the next one, I'd really like to see a custom build, preferably Intamin of, even better, a B&M multi-looper. but we could all be surprised once the press release comes out.

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DUT stands for Down Under Thunder, one of the original sets of slides in Boomerang Bay:


Many people complain of its age and that it is not a very comfortable slide nor has it received TLC In awhile and has been rumored to be removed for some sort of new attraction in the waterpark possibly for 2008. I personally dont know if its a good slide or not, I havent ridden it since I was probably 8 years old.

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I don't see any of the flat rides coming to KI from GL. The only one worth riding has been rumored to being moved to Great America. I'm talking Texas Twister. According to a member I believe at Coasterbuzz, said they spotted a pic of TT on a brochure for GAM for 2008. Not sure if that's true or not. Oh, I did forget the Haybaler...that one may make its' way here. But, it wouldn't be a major addition.

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Well, I've been thinking that a waterpark expansion would be the obvious choice for KI in '08, although removing Down Under Thunder didn't occur to me. Actually, for a while I figured it'd be Snowy River Rampage (Rushing River) since the first couple times I went to the water park, that entire area was roped off. I'm hoping that won't be the case, though.

Now there is a small patch of cleared area to the right SRR's slide tower (as your going up to the ride). I wonder if they could do anything with that. And if removing DUT is true, they could almost connect that area to the clearing by way of bridge over the lazy river. Well.......that might be kind of a stretch, but the idea came to mind.

I guess the thing that's most clear to me is that BB seems rather one-sided and needs a more rounded-out layout. There seem to be two main sections: The area just to the left of the entrance with the lazy river as the center, and the long strech out to the wave pool and TT. The first, in my opinion, should probably be a little more opened up (which removing DUT could help with), and the second needs more on the left side. As you're walking back to TT everything is on your right (wave pool, flow rider, restaurants, lockers, ect.). Now I've been told that you can't put anything under the power lines in the field to the left for saftey reasons, although would it be out of the question to move these to the forested area even further to the left of the pathway? I'm just throwing ideas out there. I have no idea if that's feasible or not, but other than that, there really isn't anywhere for BB expansion to go besides the existing parking lot, taking down more trees, or removing existing attractions, none of which sound particularly good.

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When did you go that the Villain was enjoyable? Boddah, Dane, zosobeast, and I went last year and that thing hurt worse than SOB! We had to practically carry zosobeast out of the park while he held his ribs and could barely walk.

GL wasn't necesarily a dump, it was a pretty decent park, there were other factors that turned guests away and it actually has a pretty decent collection of rides.

We went right after Six Flags bought it, may have been Villians first year, not sure though.

We camped at the Silver-something campground, went to GL one day, and Sea World the next.

I suck at details, so I couldn't give you an exact year even....LOL

All I know is there were 10 of us in our group, and we all came home upset. So much so that none of us ever went back, and we all just kind of sighed and said,"yep,figures" when we heard it was closing.

What I remember about the Villian was a great sense of speed, and never-ending hills.

Maybe it wasn't that great though, the rest of the trip was so bad maybe I'm just clinging to one thing I enjoyed!!!! LOL

PM if you want the details, I won't go trashing the park on a public forum. Too many people are upset bout the closing, and I don't want to pour salt in the wounds...At least, no more than I already have.

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DUT stands for Down Under Thunder, one of the original sets of slides in Boomerang Bay:


Many people complain of its age and that it is not a very comfortable slide nor has it received TLC In awhile and has been rumored to be removed for some sort of new attraction in the waterpark possibly for 2008. I personally dont know if its a good slide or not, I havent ridden it since I was probably 8 years old.

last time i rode this water slide i got stuck half way down it and had to push myself down the rest of the way and that wasn't that much fun

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