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Where are the SOB getting Villian's trains threads?!


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Forgive me if this has been posted about in another thread, and if so, then go ahead and close my topic, but I would have thought this would have been a semi-big deal!?

If for any reason, because it seems to show what future Villian has with CF, or lack thereof!! I was kind of hoping maybe KI would at least get Villian (yeah, the El Dorado flat will be good), but not as good as KD getting Dominator....b*stards!!

But at least I can (potentially) look forward to an even better SOB ride in 08 when my 45 year-old dad will finally be making it to KI for the first time since 01 (which obviously he hated SOB then!) And I'll also continue to look forward to KI's 276' B&M hyper dive-machine coming in 09 to Rivertown...

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They're not going on either Beast or Racer officially yet, its just for KI's wood coaster team to test out the feasibility of using them on a regular gauge track such as Beast or Racer. Right now all thats planned is testing. The parts and upkeep on G trains is drastically cheaper than those of PTC build, whether the ride is more comfortable or not with these trains is another thing....however CF is about being cheap. Dont be surprised if you see these trains on a KI wood coaster next year or in future years. And remember, there are 2 other G trains from GL that havent gone anywhere yet.

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Im really starting to dislike Cedar Fair. Why would they put it on The Racers? It be stupid, it would take the whole concept of the ride away, is it gona return to faceing forward? The Beast, the trains are a classic, why get rid of those? I cant see another train style on The Beast. <_<

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  Rumor Smasher said:
Im really starting to dislike Cedar Fair. Why would they put it on The Racers? It be stupid, it would take the whole concept of the ride away, is it gona return to faceing forward? The Beast, the trains are a classic, why get rid of those? I cant see another train style on The Beast. <_<

Neither can I, those Beast trains still have the original chasis and some original parts on them. THe wood coaster maintenance team at KI is a splendid team and even if they do end up going with Gerstauler because thats what CF wants them im sure theyll do a fine job. Like Hendrick said, nothing is certain.

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KI probably has some of the worst PTC trains in the entire chain. Mainly, the lapbars are terrible. They don't rachet like they should. Don't be so emotionally nostalgic. If they did happen to put new trains on either Racer or Beast someday, it might turn out to be more fun than it is now and improve load times. If that was the case, I doubt any of us would be complaining for long.

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I would love to see KI get The Villian but I heard it was going to be scrapped. In the deconstruction thread on GLtoday they said we might loose 3 coasters. The Double Loop, The Villian, and The Raging Wolf Bobs. This would be terrible if this happened. We can only hope to save the best ones. The Villian was a great coaster to ride however it had a short life span if it's scrapped.

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  cstrwomann said:
I would love to see KI get The Villian but I heard it was going to be scrapped. In the deconstruction thread on GLtoday they said we might loose 3 coasters. The Double Loop, The Villian, and The Raging Wolf Bobs. This would be terrible if this happened. We can only hope to save the best ones. The Villian was a great coaster to ride however it had a short life span if it's scrapped.

I wouldn't mind getting Villian. If I could choose from any ride in the park I'd choose Dominator, (DUHH!), but Villian is a good Coaster. Heck, it's better than nothing. Even though were not getting it. Who knows what the cars are for. I think the only ride I'd like to see them on is SOB. I meen, how could you fit The Beast logo on the cars (by the way, am I the only one who noticed they took the Claw Marks off The Beast Cars! <_< )! And the PTC cars on The Racer give so much airtime! The Villian is a good coaster, stop bashing it! It's not the best, no. But, I could see it new for 2008 at KI.

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The Villain is an awful rollercoaster, rougher than SOB, maybe KI could better up keep it, but that would be hard as even when the thing was smooth it still sucked. Just cause its posted on GL Today does not make it fact, just pure speculation like on here.

Oh and Cstrwoman if your gonna claim wild rumors nad what not are on this site or that site, how about doing us all the minor conveinence and taking two seconds to link to those pages.

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I got it all figured out!!!!

The Villian is going to Kings Island.

They are gonna use 3/4 of the track to FINISH Adventure Express.

The rest of the track will be used to "enhance" The Beastie (or whatever it's called now)

The trains will be modified with engines to shuttle people around the parking lot to get to their cars.

After the 2008 season, both rides and the parking lot will be removed because too many people said they were now too "bumpy"!!!!


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where is the boneyard that they would be storing these trains in ?

last week during the jdrf walk, i noticed that the king cobra trains and track

were at the bottom of the hill behind Firehawk. i didn't see anything else.


hey gordon, your comment should have said "rougher than The Beast".

sob is getting smoother as the days go by.

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Villain would not fit in with the wood coasters, I think its horrible to use steel supports and a wood track. I think We should not get this coaster. I wish someone would buy KI from Cedar Fair, I would like KI to return to a theme park.

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  Rumor Smasher said:
Villain would not fit in with the wood coasters, I think its horrible to use steel supports and a wood track. I think We should not get this coaster. I wish someone would buy KI from Cedar Fair, I would like KI to return to a theme park.

For some reason, I believe that steel suports on a wood track ruiens the feel of the ride. Maybe when the move it down here they'll rebuild it with wood suports so it'll be smoother! And, anybody could buy KI and I wouldn't care. (Even SF! ;) )

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