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10/7/07 - The rise of Little Chef


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Today I went to KI with my wife and Little Chef. I now call my son Little Chef becasue he is now over 40 inches tall and 3.5 years old. Prior to today, Littel Chef never rode a ride without me or Mrs. Chef and nothing bigger than Little Bill's Giggle Coaster.

We got to the park very early and were the first people admitted to the park. First Little Chef and I rode Little Bill's Giggle Coaster. Twice. Next all 3 of us rode the Lazytown Sportcopters.

After that, Little Chef ran to Nick Jr. Driver. We placed him in a car next to a little girl. At first he cried because he never rode without me or my wife before. But he immediately began to have fun.

This ride changed his life.

Next Little Chef ran to Blue's Skidoo. He rode alone and wasn't the least bit scared of the high altitude!

Thereafter Mrs. Chef and Little Chef snacked on blueberry ice cream.

Then Little Chef ran to Fairly Odd Coaster. I rode it with him. And much to my surprise, he kept his arms up, didn't fuss, and had fun!!!!

After that Little Chef ran to Phantom Flyers. We rode it together. Much to amazement, he didn't get scared. And my son is only 3 and half years old!!!

All 3 of us then rode Timmy's Air Tours.

Our last ride of the day was Kings Island and Miami Valley Railroad, where Little Chef ran around in the pumpkin patch and took a pumpkin with him. By the way, he did trick-or-treat at Nickelodeon Universe, but not much.

Little Chef was hungry as it was a little after 1 p.m. Hence, we ate lunch at Wings Diner - and it was good. We spent another hour shopping. I bought Paramount shirts - 2 for $5. Hence, I bought 4.

Since all Paramount named items, including The Unofficial Guidebook to Paramount's Kings Island are 70% off, I bought 5 copies of my book and a sweatshirt for Little Chef.

Little Chef now loves KI as much as me. And I was so so so proud of him for doing the big boy rides.

Best regards,

Italian Chef

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I would LOVE to write a revised guidebook to Kings Island. However, its creation would be 100% dependent on Cedar Fair's cooperation. We'll see. It would be an exciting project because so much has changed in the past 4 years since my book was printed. Hanna-Barbera Land, Nickeloden Central, WaterWorks, and the Kings Island Campground no longer exist. Nickelodeon Universe and Boomerang Bay now grace the park. Cedar Fair now owns the park. The de-Paramountization of Kings Island is in full swing. The awesome GREAT WOLF LODGE now exists on Kings Island property.

And thank God, (1) I am now a father and (2) I no longer work at 5/3 Bank. On a sad note, my uncle, who I dedicated the book to, died last year.

If it is possible, I would love to write a revised edition of the book. Is it feasible???

Best regards,


PS - Thank you Lord that I no longer work at 5/3 Bank!

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