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Eight Balance Sheet Accidents Waiting to Happen

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The same reason that you would remove two rides from the front entrance, and say that you are doing it to refreshen the parks appearance?

I don't believe that and don't buy into conspiracy theory, so I don't see any correlation to bringing in a used ride and a park going under, a ride is a ride is a ride, and I most certainly will always be back to...ride.

You're only going to expend additional capital if you need to make said park more attractive to another buyer or to keep the park in your chain. You're not going to move a ride to a park that will be closed or liquidated.

Right, I know that, you are the one that stated that adding a used ride didnt bode well for the park, not me. You also stated that since Dominion is getting a used ride that they are in the most jeopardy. This statement contradicts the statement that you just made,

You're not going to move a ride to a park that will be closed or liquidated

The same reason that you would remove two rides from the front entrance, and say that you are doing it to refreshen the parks appearance?

What do you mean?

Well, you said,

why would CF moved a ride from a closed park to a park that could potentially close?
. The reason they would do that is to make the park more attractive to buyers, or keep the public at bay and not riot by thinking they still will visit their beloved park for years to come. Its like "spin" in the media. I simply wanted to add another conspiracy theory, that I DO NOT believe in. I stated that the reason they woud do that is the same reason that CF announced they would "remove rides to freshen up the parks appearance at the main gate". Both things could have been done for the same reason. Which I once again DO NOT believe. I was just throwing out another conspiracy theory since we get so many going on here. Which is why I labeled that statement as something that I don't believe.I just wanted to put it out there.

You misunderstood.

My point was that the park is not even getting a used ride this coming year.

That does not bode well.

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CF is not going to sell a park and liquidate the assets unless they have to do it.

And the only reasons that they would have to do it is if the park(s) was costing more than it was bringing in, as in the case of GL.

Now GA could be sold due to the issues that they are facing with the proposed 49ers stadium, but even at that, those plans are still in the very early stages. Nothing has been finalized.

And I'm sure that someone will bring up CF's debtload. Another false misconception. Sure they have debt. But until they start defaulting on the loan (which will big public news) or start removing board members, especially Mr. Kinzel, CF is fine. Think of it this way; most people go into debt when they purchase a house, well you don't start selling assets to make a house payment until you have to.

Don't worry about KI, KD or any other park. There is no smoking gun that points to a park closing.

CF is putting up a fight with the 49ers CGA is getting FireFall this year and a GCI woody in 2009 i think CGA has a chance

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But part of the reason that Cedar Fair is installing those rides at Great America (and why they already announced that they are adding a new roller coaster in 2009), is to show that they are committed to investing in that park. They have a lot at stake with the proposed 49er stadium. They are trying to use their capital investments at that park to leverage their case for compensation with the 49ers, should they end up building a stadium on CGA`s over flow parking lot.

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But part of the reason that Cedar Fair is installing those rides at Great America (and why they already announced that they are adding a new roller coaster in 2009), is to show that they are committed to investing in that park. They have a lot at stake with the proposed 49er stadium. They are trying to use their capital investments at that park to leverage their case for compensation with the 49ers, should they end up building a stadium on CGA`s over flow parking lot.

Right on the money!!!

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CF is not going to sell a park and liquidate the assets unless they have to do it.

Now GA could be sold due to the issues that they are facing with the proposed 49ers stadium, but even at that, those plans are still in the very early stages. Nothing has been finalized.

CF is putting up a fight with the 49ers CGA is getting FireFall this year and a GCI woody in 2009 i think CGA has a chance

Yeah, nobody is counting out GA, but out of all the properties, that is the only property currently being discussed as possibly being pushed out.

Was it the: could be sold, proposed 49ers stadium, very early stages, or Nothing has been finalized that threw you off?

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You misunderstood.

My point was that the park is not even getting a used ride this coming year.

That does not bode well.

Ok Woofer, sorry, I was trying to figure out why you said that adding a used ride would put Dominion in jeopardy, lol. I understand now.

Now mind you I have faith that CF will make a lot of the corrections that need to occur in the park, but (and it's a big But) Cedar Point was competition and rival of Kings Island for years. Having CF manage Kings Island still is like having the fox in charge of the hen house.

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Woofer, prepare to faint.

True enough, but having Paramount Parks manage Kings Island was kind of like letting the tailors from the wardrobe department manage a restaurant. At least at first.

Oh I remember, and I don't underestimate when I tell you that the Paramount folk knew absolutely nothing about running a park. When they came in the former Taft people attempted to show them about planning, design and budgeting. They would have none of that as they felt they knew best.

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