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Columbus Zoo


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I got bored yesterday and decided to take a drive to the zoo and see the progress on the new Water park. I didn't get any photos but WOW this is going to be a great addition to the zoo. Everything is going up very fast. I only drove around the parking lot but I haven't seen much on the dry park end of it. I don't know whats going to happen with that yet. Hopefully I'll take a visit to the zoo once the weather gets nicer and grab some photos.

Other than that way too nasty to go in the zoo so not a great TR i know.

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I recall reading that there will be a roller coaster and other rides in the zoo.

Last year I visited the Columbus Zoo for the first time and was impressed. Unlike my local zoo, it's in a nice neighborhood, has excellent food, musical shows, and is physically more beautiful.

If I lived in or near the Columbis, I'd apply for a job at the Columbus Zoo. It is the finest zoo that I ever visited.

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My understanding is that the waterpark, zoo, and "dry park" will be accessed through a common tickeing and entry plaza. Earlier I heard that there will be a few different ticketing options including zoo-only, zoo & waterpark combo, and waterpark only. I heard that the dry park will be "pay as you go", with each individual ride/attraction being a separate charge. (I wonder if they'll use some sort of "stored value" card system like at GameWorks, Disney Quest, etc.?)

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The "dry" park, named Jungle Jack's Landing, will open as scheduled for the Summer 2008 season. The footers are currently being poured for the Hafema log flume. The center tower for the Larson flying scooters has been set into place. In addition to these two rides, the park will feature Chance antique cars (themed as safari jeeps), a Zamperla Galleon Ship, Zamperla Family Swinger, the refurbished Tilt, Scrambler, and RDC Bumper Cars from Wyandot Lake, and of course Sea Dragon. It will also feature a brand new set of children's rides including Zamperla mini-tea cups, Chance frog hopper, Zamperla flying elephants, and a Zamperla mini-train.

Admission to the Zoo includes Jungle Jack's Landing, and remains unchanged. If you choose to go to Zoombezi Bay, your admission includes the waterpark, Jungle Jack's Landing, and the Zoo! The rides will be pay-as-you-go, using a stored value card. You will have the ability to purchase an "all-day" ride card if you choose.

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Looks like there have been some changes to the Zoo/Zoombezi Bay web sites since I last checked them out... (Granted, that's been a few months ago.) Now, whether you go to columbuszoo.com or zoombezibay.com, you'll be taken to a centralized splash screen where you can access either site (and also the Safari Golf Course site...)


It's sort of a virtual representation of the new entrance plaza I guess :)

I'm really excited about this expansion...if they put the same kind of themeing and detail as they have into the zoo attractions over the last several years, this should be quite a cool waterpark!

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