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Underground trains


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Last night I was watching a You Tube video that was supposedely done by someone from KIC on a backstage tour. At the end of the video, there is a tour of what looks like an underground train circuit! I had no idea this existed, and does it really? Or did someone just throw that in there to throw people off? Here's the link to the video:


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Ha, no. Kings Island does not have an underground light rail circuit. That video is by long time KIC member and good friend Tom Allen. For a couple of seasons now there has been a running joke about the "train tour." I think, but am not certain, that at Beastbuzz 2005 the KICentral.com staff was speaking with then PR director Jeffery Seibert. Well, they were escorted by Mr. Seibert from the picnic grove back to the train engine house for a few photographs and to see the area, they then returned to the picnic grove. However, when Mr. Seibert invited them on this "train tour," Bill (a.k.a. ZosoBeast) and Robbie (CoastersRZ), were getting drinks and missed the invitation and missed the group leaving, so it since then has been a running joke to talk about how AWESOME the train tour was and how much they missed out on. When in all reality it was nothing special (I'm just saying that to be nice BIll, the train tour was by far the most epic thing ever!!!). When I joined the staff in 2006 it became part of the running joke for me to talk about how I had been there even though I hadn't met them yet and how awesome I thought the train tour was, well Tom was hanging out with us that day and has since gotten in on the joke. I believe that footage is his from a trip in Washington DC's METRO subway.

Sorry for the long story, but theres a bit of KIC staff trivia for you. Since that fateful train tour we have made up songs about it, exaggerated the story beyond belief, and even wrote a musical about it...

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