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The CRYPT - New and Improved...AGAIN!

Ki Man

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Okay, so before, the ride area was like some...garage with techno music. NOW, about 3-4 weeks later...here's the new Crypt.

-Yeah, it still feels like a garage...until the ride starts

-Once the ride starts, everything goes black; before it was the same white spotlights on.

-NO MORE TECHNO! Now there's a really cool/creepy wind blowing as you enter. When the ride starts, it's more of an adventurous type theme that's really nice and fits in.

-RED, BLUE, and also many other color lights that shine, flicker, and strobe; some show different objects/things as you ride

-The ride is still the same 'berserk' mode. Awesome!

-Death Bat doesn't move any more.

OLD CRYPT - Eh, lacked many things...but a cool ride.

NEW CRYPT - Yeah, The Bat doesn't move...but a BIG improvement in a small amount of time. Maybe this is why it's been down recently.

Go ride this! It's a must stop at Kings Island! I'm very very impressed!


Um, so I've heard from a few PEOPLE~!!!! that there will be a water splash. There's a MASSIVE trench/ditch/valley being made. Holy crap...this ride is going to be freaking massive!

Edited by CoastersRZ
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Guest TombraiderTy

Several of those things have been around for quite some time, such as:

1. The Bat no longer moves

2. The techno music is gone

3. The bright lights were turned off

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Um, so I've heard from a few PEOPLE~!!!! that there will be a water splash. There's a MASSIVE trench/ditch/valley being made. Holy crap...this ride is going to be freaking massive!

This is already being discussed. But great initiative!

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OMFG, Cedar Fair sucks, The Bat/Demon doesn't even move, thank god they don't theme their rides.

GIANT VALLEY? SWEET!!!!oneoenoenoneoennoenoeoenoeon1111!

Heh... joke all you want, but the fact that The Bat worked for exactly one weekend was sad to say the least.

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-NO MORE TECHNO! Now there's a really cool/creepy wind blowing as you enter. When the ride starts, it's more of an adventurous type theme that's really nice and fits in.

i was fortunate to not have to hear the techno music, but the wind blowing noise gets really annoying after about 2 minutes of hearing.

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Am I the only one that wishes they would just remove the building around the ride, and just make it an outdoor, unthemed ride? I personally love when they just have top spin rides go crazy with flips, etc outside where you can see people/sky/ground going by.

I haven't been in The Crypt this yeah but last year I thought it was very weak, especially because they would just stop us to look at something for 30 seconds. When i did it the sound was also not working, so that probably hurt the experience.

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Am I the only one that wishes they would just remove the building around the ride, and just make it an outdoor, unthemed ride? I personally love when they just have top spin rides go crazy with flips, etc outside where you can see people/sky/ground going by.

I haven't been in The Crypt this yeah but last year I thought it was very weak, especially because they would just stop us to look at something for 30 seconds. When i did it the sound was also not working, so that probably hurt the experience.

I can say from experience that the new program on the Crypt doesn't "stop you to look at something for 30 seconds." It's a maniacal trip that has consistently impressed me. I think also that the darkness adds to the insanity on the Crypt because you just don't know what is going down (or up). I think it's great as is but some lights need to be turned on in the queue.

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Finally got on the crypt last week; I am not sure what all the "improved" talk is about. Can you say Disaster Transport? Seriously, either theme the ride well or dont theme it at all. What the heck is the room supposed to be? A warehouse with rocks in it?

1) The queue is great as always

2) The wierd bat-like demon is fun to look at, but what is it supposed to be? What's the story?

3) A room with rocks? That's a crypt?

Sorry, but that was a pathetic experience, and is right up there with Disaster Transport's attempt at theming. It is not Cedar Fair's strong-point, and I would vote just tearing down the building altogether and having a top-spin ride.


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