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Is Kentucky Kingdom going to make it?

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I'm wondering how this park stays open. Not only have they not had a real new ride in years, they opened this year with 2 less rides. Superman tower of power was removed for obvious reasons, and i understand that. Twisted Twins will not be opening this year...but why? They won't say.

When I first went to the park in 1998, it was still "kentucky Kingdom: The thrill park", and I saw a lot of potential for an alterternative to Kings Island that also wasn't too far from home. I had a blast that trip. It wasn't very busy so I rhode everything multiple times. When I went in 2004, I rode Chang 2 or 3 times and left. I found the Vampire was no where to be seen, and to replace it, some ancient Screamin' demon clone that originally came from Six Flags Great America. Chang was dead but all the rest of the rides were packed, so I gave up on the park rather quick.

From what I read on Wikipedia the Six flags takeover was supposed to be a good thing, but right now it sure isn't looking like it. When are they ever going to expand that place?

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Actually, Mile High Falls is also not open to the public this year. And they DID get a new waterpark attraction, Mega Wedgie. Greezed Lightnin' is not a Screamin' Demon clone. The latter was an Arrow...the former is a Schwarzkopf, and if it rode the way it did when it was in Chicago or Atlanta, it'd be quite the ride:


And you are upset with the park because it is busy? Empty parks close soon. See: Geauga Lake after the Cedar Fair takeover from Six Flags. You could walk on X Flight almost any time, any day. Now that ride is at Kings Island, and you almost never can....

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no thats why I left it that day. After riding chang it just didn't seem like there was much to do. It was a saturday. I really just don't see why they replaced an awasome vekoma boomerang coaster with a lame coaster that does basically the same thing but only has ONE LOOP!

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no thats why I left it that day. After riding chang it just didn't seem like there was much to do. It was a saturday. I really just don't see why they replaced an awasome vekoma boomerang coaster with a lame coaster that does basically the same thing but only has ONE LOOP!

As has been discussed here many times in the past, that Boomerang had numerous problems and required a great many ride evacuations its last couple of seasons. After it was moved (to Massachusetts), it got a catwalk. There are many things in the park business that go on for very good reasons that the public is not aware of. This is one of them. Also, changing rides in a park is one way to keep the place fresh. The old Six Flags was known for its "ride rotation" program. Many Six Flags steel coasters were in two or three parks before being retired. CBS had planned something very similar with the Flights of Fear, and the Kings Island one was leaving the park....Cedar Fair wisely cancelled that plan.

The newest owners of Six Flags had nothing to do with the removal of Vampire. If they had been in charge, it would have undoubtedly been closed. I doubt it would have been moved....more likely sold to a park in Idaho or something. It's deja vu all over again!

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Well KI's very own boomerang has seemed pretty reliable and for that I'm greatfull! Face Off/Invertigo is one of the highlights of every trip for me!

Anyway what I'm saying though is it seems That Kentucky Kingdom just isn't getting any new rides. In fact the last true new ride seemed to be Twins. I'd love for them to give me a reason to go there, other than riding Chang and going home.

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Well, if you don't count waterpark additions or relocations as new rides then the newest is still their skycoaster or Road Runner Express. (2000-2001 era) I think in the last 2-3 years the park has done very well with upgrading (even though it was the waterpark) and getting people in the gate (minus the accident). I know Deluge is a huge hit even when the waterpark isn't open. It's like having a second Mile High Falls, which, of course this year, is SBNO.

Now it does seem to be time for a year focusing on the dry part of the park, but you know they're in considerations for next year with the closing of the entire Northwest Territory, so that seems to be a good indicator. My hope, however, is that even if Six Flags does add to the dry side next year, they will sell the park to a company like PARC Management. It was a company of that type that really built up the park in the old days.

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Guest rcfreak339

The Vampire(boomerang) wasn't replaced with Grezzed Lightning it was replaced with skycoaster I belive. A day I went I asked what they where doing with TT and MHF they said they where referbishing that side of the park and they would have a Grand Opening celebration next season when it open's again. Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom can't expand it's landlocked, all around it there is a highway, football stadium, basketball arena, a arena and a convention center so theres no room to expand. I say take down TT and put Hypersoninc XLC there and add about 3 flats.

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And since Paramount Parks and Cedar Fair couldn't get Hypersonic XLC to run to their satisfaction, you think the company that couldn't get the Deja Vu's to run to their satisfaction can? I think it is just as likely that Six Flags will buy the Busch parks as it is that they will buy Hypersonic XLC. The current CEO of Six Flags is on a tear to get rid of any ride that can't run reliably every day of every season. Many of us are warily worrying about a certain other KK...over NJ way....

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The Kingdom was running fine: and all: it really was: it was a great park Even this year? Yes my question is why twisted sisters??? what is going on unless they have a big plan in that area of the park?? hopeful:

But overall that park is good and I'm sure six flags makes a big profit when they give up there park for 2 weeks in august its probably huge!!!

THats the ky state fair time:

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No...I cannot imagine Six Flags buying any flat rides at the Geauga Lake auction. If Cedar Fair did not want to reinstall this ride, there is a reason. Six Flags knows that...besides, they are in a mode of only keeping highly reliable rides...if they install flats at Kentucky Kingdom, they likely will be new (or perhaps possibly moved from another Six Flags park), not purchased used...

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No...I cannot imagine Six Flags buying any flat rides at the Geauga Lake auction. If Cedar Fair did not want to reinstall this ride, there is a reason. Six Flags knows that...besides, they are in a mode of only keeping highly reliable rides...if they install flats at Kentucky Kingdom, they likely will be new (or perhaps possibly moved from another Six Flags park), not purchased used...



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I understand all that. Now the ride is owned by Cedar Fair, as they bought Six Flags Worlds of Adventure from Six Flags, and renamed it Geauga Lake. And it may have been very popular, but it caused a large number of injuries, especially to fingers. There is a reason it is no longer at Kentucky Kingdom. I can guarantee you no one in that park's management wants to see that ride again.

Not to mention that, as I said, Six Flags is not in the business of buying things from Cedar Fair at the moment. They have a debt to pay. And if the ride were so splendid, Cedar Fair would have moved it to one of their parks. They did not. They are selling it.

Finally, there is no need to yell.

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Guest rcfreak339
The Kingdom was running fine: and all: it really was: it was a great park Even this year? Yes my question is why twisted sisters??? what is going on unless they have a big plan in that area of the park?? hopeful:

But overall that park is good and I'm sure six flags makes a big profit when they give up there park for 2 weeks in august its probably huge!!!

THats the ky state fair time:

I think that part of the park is in dier need of refurbishing. 1.The path is way to confusing and needs to be rerouted. 2.Twisted TWINS needs major retracking. 3. mile high falls also needs to be retracked with some new paint. 4.The snack stands/Sovenier Stands need to be torn down and rebuilt because they are just awful. So I think shuting down the Northwest territory and refurbishing it was a good idea because it was a total eyesore!

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Once again, Six Flags is getting rid of rides that are not totally reliable. Kentucky Kingdom HAD a boomerang coaster and got rid of it for that same reason. Cedar Fair is removing Hypersonic XLC due to the problems it has had with it. Kentucky Kingdom is not a dumping ground for rides that simply do not work properly. If anything goes into Kentucky Kingdom, don't expect it to be purchased from Cedar Fair. That is extremely unlikely.

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Easy. Substantial modifications were made to it that were quite costly (including, as I said before, installation of a catwalk). Due to the expensive nature of these modifications and other factors, it was decided at that time to move the coaster as well. Its reliability at SFNE improved dramatically. It may, however, given Six Flags current policies, not have an extended future. Similar rides at other Six Flags parks are experiencing substantial down time...this could end up being deja vu all over again...or not.

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