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Geauga Lake Double Loop

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  • 7 years later...

A lot of wisdom in this one.

And a poster being sarcastic predicted two things that did happen and one that almost did:

* Son of Beast DID have another accident and stood not operating for quite some time.

* Son of Beast was removed.

* CBS planned to relocate Flight of Fear from Kings Island (and Kings Dominion). Cedar Fair stopped that.

Terp, who'd like some pi, Mr. RailRider!

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I can think of an old adage that I learned at a young age which relates to this

"Weebles wobble, but they don't fall down."


I'm not saying that you're wrong or that Cyclone's days aren't numbered, just that I'm sure Cedar Fair is well aware of its structural integrity, and if any wobble that it produces were cause for concern, they wouldn't have operated the ride. Metal fatigue is going to affect any steel coaster over time, but I have full confidence that Cedar Fair would close down any coasters before the degree of metal fatigue became a safety concern for riders.

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Ahhh. Okay. That leads me down a rabbit hole that likely isn't the right place for here. But, I'll ask anyway. Would moving from competition to "sister parks" (but, much quieter, indirect competition) play in part in that? For example, I'm thinking adjustment in ticket prices for areas where the markets overlapped - such as Central Ohio.

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Early on, Cedar Fair tried pricing integrity--most notably charging extra for season pass parking with season passes. There was a near rebellion. The company quickly backed down, but the damage was done.

Paramount passes included free admission to sister parks. Under Cedar Fair, they no longer did...and you at first couldn't even pay extra to get it, except for the Ohio parks. (Remember MAXX passes?). This, too, quickly changed.

It was a mistake that wouldn't be repeated.

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I didn't know that about the passes. I went more than 20 years without a season pass (and only 3 visits during that time) so that was never on my radar.

There are decisions that leave lasting ripples for customers. Both good and bad. Yet, those bad decisions can make a customer refuse to come back. Some will be give the company a second or third chance while others will spend their money elsewhere. Seems like this is a lesson that should be learned by several companies recently.

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