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Diamondback Construction Thread (Updated 3-19-09)


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I know, I am seriously about to go insane. I can just not wait until the countdown on my computer desktop reads "Diamondback!- 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds" and the date in my school agenda says Diamondback Preview Day!!!!!! That day will be surreal, I will have to ride SoB just to make sure I am not dreaming!

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  G-Force said:
I know, I am seriously about to go insane. I can just not wait until the countdown on my computer desktop reads "Diamondback!- 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds" and the date in my school agenda says Diamondback Preview Day!!!!!! That day will be surreal, I will have to ride SoB just to make sure I am not dreaming!

If you hit all zeros, won't you be at KI?

It will be awesome to finally ride this thing, after watching it sprout up.

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  Kawana said:
  G-Force said:
I know, I am seriously about to go insane. I can just not wait until the countdown on my computer desktop reads "Diamondback!- 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds" and the date in my school agenda says Diamondback Preview Day!!!!!! That day will be surreal, I will have to ride SoB just to make sure I am not dreaming!

If you hit all zeros, won't you be at KI?

It will be awesome to finally ride this thing, after watching it sprout up.

ok seriousaly e covered that. now we all want to ride Diamondback :rolleyes:

so back on topic ;) i wonder what will be done today.

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^Today? Likely nothing you'd care about or anything that'd keep you glued to the webcam.

Mr. Derek Beasly (From Chanel 5 (Whom I trust)) said wind chills will stay in the upper 20's (Not prime for construction work) and a steady snow should be falling throughout the day covering the grass (Not prime for construction work).

My advice? Go play in the snow and don't stick yourself to kiDiamondback.com

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I'm just anxious for the weather to break so we have something to talk about on here. Not that to, too & two puns aren't a party! -David, who has learned the art of disclaimers and states that he means no offense.

Is anyone else really excited about hearing that signature B&M roar come to KI?

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Something tells me if they didn't do work on any day "not prime for construction work," they would never get finished. They do work in the cold, and they do work in light snow (a dusting like today won't prevent much of anything from happening). Even wind, while it can stop vertical construction, doesn't stop work all together. Heavy snow and such can definitely delay a project, so let's hope there isn't a lot of snow this winter! Slight cold, and a dusting of snow shouldn't stall much. Think of parks like CP where it's far snowier, and far colder in the winter, and they still manage to get coasters built on time. Construction workers are adapted to working in cold.

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  74Gibson said:
Is anyone else really excited about hearing that signature B&M roar come to KI?


You are the second person to mention B&M roars this morning..

.. right after I have a dream about going to Cedar Point. I was just getting ready to ride MF when my alarm woke me up. :angry:

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You, obviously have never had to drive in Cincinnati when there are a couple of inches of snow on the roads. Cincinnati drivers freak out if there is even a couple inches of snow on the ground!

I`ve spent several four hour drives in my car going home from UC or my co-op jobs downtown. That`s four hours for a normal twenty five to thirty minute drive time, all because people insist on going super slow for just a couple of inches of snow! Trust me, its not fun when you leave UC at 3:30, and don`t get home until 7:30, and you`ve only traveled 16 miles!

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They topped off MF with snow on the ground so I'm sure they'll do just fine (and yes I know it wasn't Adena that built it).

Kudos to those guys though! Can you imagine being that high up, in winter weather, working on cold steel. That's courage, stamina, might etc...

As for bad drivers, In Fort Wayne they don't slow down and we have the most rediculous ammount of wrecks. Someone died yesterday. They were stopped at a light, in a low traffic area, and someone plowed into them from behind and sent them into oncoming traffic.

Again I note that we need some construction progress.

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