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10/4/08 PTR Halloween Haunt KI


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Off-topic but still on-topic:

Hey Ashers, what's your opinion on the roaming/creeping monsters running around the park (Action Zone, Coney, Rivertown)?

I think they did a really great job. As soon as we got in the park when we were walking back by Wings a scareactor started walking towards us and my cousin(who has never been before) decided to try and hide behind me and I said "um, not such a good idea, you're making yourself a target!" and sure enough he came up and terrorized us for a few minutes. I didn't get ambushed too many times but it was awesome watching all around us as people were talking or standing in line oblivious to the monsters standing inches behind them breathing down their necks! I saw so many people get the crap scared out of them by various roamers! The two clowns on their unicycles got us really good as we were walking down through Coney Maul...they flanked us on either side and blew their horns right in our ears...it was great. I saw more people getting scared in Rivertown/Coney Maul but we didn't spend too much time in Action Zone so I'm sure we would have seen more if we would have spent more time over there. I really think this has been my very best experience at Haunt and I can't wait to go back. I definitely want to try Urgent Scare and maybe give Massacre Manor another try this year.

And I do get what KI Man was saying about people getting tired at the end of the night....but you really can't use that as a total excuse. I work as a massage therapist and after doing so many massages in a day by the time you get to your last client you just want to give up, but you still have to give as good of a massage at the end of the day as you did at the beginning. Not saying that giving massages is like screaming/yelling all night but you get my point. I guess that's just my opinion but I enjoyed every other maze this year so far, and maybe I'll give Club Blood another try but I don't think I'll wait in line very long for it. We went in Massacre Manor last year and that was the first maze we did that night and we waited at least an hour, and I was disappointed with that one as well. Just wasn't scary. So I don't think it necessarily has to do with what time you go in a maze or what night(although that can play a factor), but if something doesn't scare you then I think you should be allowed to voice your opinion!


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I think they should retheme ClubBlood, maybe to a classic vampire theme instead of Dance Club Vampires :lol: Or maybe just come up with a new theme all together. And yes it was VERY bright throughout most of the maze on Friday, and according to Gnarkiller and Angrybeaver, it was no different for Saturday! Club Blood just isn't scary! Although some may call it "intense" I'd have to disagree with that also, it was very lame. I'd have to also agree with Ashers on the fact that you can't really improve on "Dancing in a cage" it just doesn't get any scarier no matter what time you go through it! I gve Club Blood 2 thumbs down!!!!

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I think they should retheme ClubBlood, maybe to a classic vampire theme instead of Dance Club Vampires :lol: Or maybe just come up with a new theme all together. And yes it was VERY bright throughout most of the maze on Friday, and according to Gnarkiller and Angrybeaver, it was no different for Saturday! Club Blood just isn't scary! Although some may call it "intense" I'd have to disagree with that also, it was very lame. I'd have to also agree with Ashers on the fact that you can't really improve on "Dancing in a cage" it just doesn't get any scarier no matter what time you go through it! I gve Club Blood 2 thumbs down!!!!

Sorry you didn't like it. Club Blood is primarily supposed to be on a different level then any other maze in the park. I know for a fact I've gotten a number of good scares in the bar where I am placed. So give us another shot and also consider the time of night you come into the haunt aswell as groups in front of you. Not all of us can reset quickly and have to adapt for groups getting bunched together.

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And I do get what KI Man was saying about people getting tired at the end of the night....but you really can't use that as a total excuse. I work as a massage therapist and after doing so many massages in a day by the time you get to your last client you just want to give up, but you still have to give as good of a massage at the end of the day as you did at the beginning. Not saying that giving massages is like screaming/yelling all night but you get my point. I guess that's just my opinion but I enjoyed every other maze this year so far, and maybe I'll give Club Blood another try but I don't think I'll wait in line very long for it. We went in Massacre Manor last year and that was the first maze we did that night and we waited at least an hour, and I was disappointed with that one as well. Just wasn't scary. So I don't think it necessarily has to do with what time you go in a maze or what night(although that can play a factor), but if something doesn't scare you then I think you should be allowed to voice your opinion!


Like I said, don't give me to much grief for it, not that you did! I'm just putting it out there because there are people who are running/walking/jumping/crouching/screaming for hours on end, and as the time nears down, it's inevitable some people slack, or get tired...it's human nature! It's like how some enthusiasts like to wait until the last hours of operation to ride a coaster; to give it a chance to warm up...avoiding it during the day; well, some tend to wind down at night, why I recommend hitting the mazes you really, really want to go through first, when the actors are fresh and have the most energy. After a night of work, I'm dead tired (haha) from all of the above. People just run out of energy at some point! Some sooner than others.

But as I said before...I stick it out all night because, well I usually hear, "Wow, that's the only timeI got really scared! You're awesome!" A lot....that's what I live for...and that really encourages me and pumps me up! I freaking love doing what I do at the Haunt, and every weekend is something I just can't wait for.

-KI "Tomorrow's Thursdayyyy!!" Man

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I think they should retheme ClubBlood, maybe to a classic vampire theme instead of Dance Club Vampires :lol: Or maybe just come up with a new theme all together. And yes it was VERY bright throughout most of the maze on Friday, and according to Gnarkiller and Angrybeaver, it was no different for Saturday! Club Blood just isn't scary! Although some may call it "intense" I'd have to disagree with that also, it was very lame. I'd have to also agree with Ashers on the fact that you can't really improve on "Dancing in a cage" it just doesn't get any scarier no matter what time you go through it! I gave Club Blood 2 thumbs down!!!!

Sorry you didn't like it. Club Blood is primarily supposed to be on a different level then any other maze in the park. I know for a fact I've gotten a number of good scares in the bar where I am placed. So give us another shot and also consider the time of night you come into the haunt aswell as groups in front of you. Not all of us can reset quickly and have to adapt for groups getting bunched together.

I'll have to give it another try, if there's no wait for it. When we went through on friday, 10/03/08, there was a 2 minute line just outside the door, so we didn't even have a group close to being infront of us! But maybe we just went through at a bad time! I just don't like how people were bashing Cemetary last year, when I had an awesome time in that one last year, because t was FILLEd with fog, and the scareactors were good in it last year, then when someone says anything about Club Blood, it's like a crime! Also no one seems to care when people bash Trail of Terror, or Tombstone, when those ARE the best two mazes the park has IMO! Then everyone gets all defensive about Club Blood! In my opinion the maze in general sucked, and wasn't worth my time, it wasn't necessarily the scareactors fault, it was just the maze in general. It wasn't scary, it wasn't confusing, it wasn't intense, the lights were too bright, and nobody jumped out. Does that sound like an intense good haunted house to you? Well, it wasn't for me!

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ok i have a question

in urgent scare,the room w/ the two guys in a cage............. i dont get it

how does it fit into a hospital??

it's the "experimentation" room lol the girl that was in it the first night had it down what to say, but sadly she can't deal with teh strobes so we had to reassign her :( but thats what it is

FYI to all: You can give me all sorts of crap about how "it's open to 1am, so everything should be the same until 1am!" Well, people aren't like coasters....people get tired eventually...so I suggest going through something before 12AM. If not, going through it then, and again earlier on a different date. I'm always doing my best until the last group goes through, but not all actors are like me....

So! Don't judge a maze too harshly when you only go through it once when it's close to 1am....

A-freaking-MEN!!! lol I like to curl up behind a bush or under a bench and sleep or lazily put my hand out and go aughhh lol but not really.

We will be there Friday, in all liklihood. I don't think I'll expose the kids to Club Blood. I don't think they would get it (or at least I hope not). I agree with Ashers that Tombstone Terrtory was the best of the haunted attractions that we have been through this year. They want to do Red Beard's Revenge and Urgent Scare next. I'm a little reluctant on that one..... Cemetary Drive, Corn Stalkers and the Work Zone were good as well. One of these weeks I may go without the kids and check out Club Blood for myself.

And KIMan is one of their favorites:


Do I get a picture taken with me too next weekend!! :D lol

<<can't find any pictures of her, even tho i know some ppl ahve taken them with me. I'll have a half bent metal pole acting like a lost 5 yr old :P or demented big little kid. take your pick ;):P

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The two things I use when I start to get real tired are the Retarded Zombie Walk and the Statue Effect.

Retarded Zombie Walk is basically an over-exaggerated zombie walk where the arms flail about furiously and the legs give in all too often, as if I'm just too lazy to friggin walk ten feet.

Then, of course, the Statue Effect is just that-being a statue. Sometimes I'll do it standing up, and sometimes it's while sitting down. I believe the longest I've gone doing the Statue Effect is around 7 minutes without moving. People say it's freaky when they look me in the eyes because I don't blink and I just stare blankly into the distance.

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I just don't like how people were bashing Cemetary last year, when I had an awesome time in that one last year, because t was FILLEd with fog, and the scareactors were good in it last year, then when someone says anything about Club Blood, it's like a crime! Also no one seems to care when people bash Trail of Terror, or Tombstone, when those ARE the best two mazes the park has IMO! Then everyone gets all defensive about Club Blood! In my opinion the maze in general sucked, and wasn't worth my time, it wasn't necessarily the scareactors fault, it was just the maze in general. It wasn't scary, it wasn't confusing, it wasn't intense, the lights were too bright, and nobody jumped out. Does that sound like an intense good haunted house to you? Well, it wasn't for me!

But see thats the thing....it's all based on personal opinion, and unfortunatly there are some people on here who think there opinion is worth everything in the world and go around basing everything. You don't like how people were bashing Cemetery last year because in their opinion it wasn't good....but then you turn around and do the exact same thing to Club Blood....wow, hypicritical much?

I know that I stick up for the Haunt Attractions a lot, and of course those that know me know why.....but honestly it is because I believe in the fact that each attraction is good for someone, somebody likes it, somebody will get scared or jump. MAYBE that someone isn't you...but sit and watch the people coming out of the attraction, there will be groups with people coming out that are having a good time, people running out the exit and running into the wood fence in front of them, or running halfway down the street screaming. It happens....again, maybe not to you, but does that mean it is an awful attraction that "sucks" and isn't worth the time?? NO...it just may not be worth you're time...and my guess is the people who are in line will be happy that your not, but why ruin it for those people who do enjoy it by bashing it?

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I know that I stick up for the Haunt Attractions a lot, and of course those that know me know why.....but honestly it is because I believe in the fact that each attraction is good for someone, somebody likes it, somebody will get scared or jump. MAYBE that someone isn't you...but sit and watch the people coming out of the attraction, there will be groups with people coming out that are having a good time, people running out the exit and running into the wood fence in front of them, or running halfway down the street screaming. It happens....again, maybe not to you, but does that mean it is an awful attraction that "sucks" and isn't worth the time?? NO...it just may not be worth you're time...and my guess is the people who are in line will be happy that your not, but why ruin it for those people who do enjoy it by bashing it?

^ I agree with a lot in that paragraph (except for the last comment). Everyone likes or dislikes certain attractions for their own personal reasons. I have my favorites and my least favorites, but I'm not going to try to convince anyone that I'm right and they're wrong. Club Blood just happened to be one of my favorites last year, that's why I chose to work that one. Everyone's opinions are valid, both positive and negative. I like hearing both sides, as long as the criticism is constructive and not just "it sucked". That's why I asked for examples in post #6 of this topic. Thanks to those who gave examples of what they didn't like about it, that's the criticism I like to read. To be honest, I really don't know too much about what happens after the cage room. I've walked through some of the rooms, but only with the full house lights on and no scaracters. My section is very dark, but for all I know it could be as bright as a day on the beach in the latter half of the attraction. I just don't get out of my alley much! ;)

I know from working every Friday and Saturday that a lot of people do enjoy Club Blood. I'm able to scare a lot of people, or make some of them smile with some of my lines. And on the flipside, there are those groups that just totally ignore me yelling in their face, walking by as if I'm not there. That bothered me the first night, and I got to thinking "What's wrong with what I'm doing?" But I quickly learned to not let it get to me. If they choose to do that, fine, I'll quickly reset and work on the next group. There's plenty more people to get, and I understand that it's not everyone's cup of tea. You can't please everyone, just do your best to do so.

As for getting tired, yes, it happens. I try not to let it effect my performance, but every once in awhile towards the end of the night I find myself slacking a bit. When I do, I make sure to pump it up again. The people coming in at 12:30 deserve just as good of a performance as the groups that came in at 8:00. As I said in another post somewhere, I can only do my small part to the best of my ability and hope that the others do the same.

And for some reason, these lines have been running through my head while typing this:

"All the world's indeed a stage

And we are merely players

Performers and portrayers

Each another's audience

Outside the gilded cage"

- "Limelight" - Rush

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Everyone's opinions are valid, both positive and negative. I like hearing both sides, as long as the criticism is constructive and not just "it sucked".

And I agree with that....I'm not saying people can't post critcism....but Constructive criticism does a whole lot more than people just bashing and going "that sucked", or "that wasn't scary". There is a difference between Bashing/whining and being constructive...thats what I'm trying to get at.

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Everyone's opinions are valid, both positive and negative. I like hearing both sides, as long as the criticism is constructive and not just "it sucked".

And I agree with that....I'm not saying people can't post critcism....but Constructive criticism does a whole lot more than people just bashing and going "that sucked", or "that wasn't scary". There is a difference between Bashing/whining and being constructive...thats what I'm trying to get at.

I agree, plus Club Blood is still immensely popular... even though it's no longer in its inaugural year. Clearly something's done right.

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And I do get what KI Man was saying about people getting tired at the end of the night....but you really can't use that as a total excuse. I work as a massage therapist and after doing so many massages in a day by the time you get to your last client you just want to give up, but you still have to give as good of a massage at the end of the day as you did at the beginning. Not saying that giving massages is like screaming/yelling all night but you get my point. I guess that's just my opinion but I enjoyed every other maze this year so far, and maybe I'll give Club Blood another try but I don't think I'll wait in line very long for it. We went in Massacre Manor last year and that was the first maze we did that night and we waited at least an hour, and I was disappointed with that one as well. Just wasn't scary. So I don't think it necessarily has to do with what time you go in a maze or what night(although that can play a factor), but if something doesn't scare you then I think you should be allowed to voice your opinion!


Like I said, don't give me to much grief for it, not that you did! I'm just putting it out there because there are people who are running/walking/jumping/crouching/screaming for hours on end, and as the time nears down, it's inevitable some people slack, or get tired...it's human nature! It's like how some enthusiasts like to wait until the last hours of operation to ride a coaster; to give it a chance to warm up...avoiding it during the day; well, some tend to wind down at night, why I recommend hitting the mazes you really, really want to go through first, when the actors are fresh and have the most energy. After a night of work, I'm dead tired (haha) from all of the above. People just run out of energy at some point! Some sooner than others.

But as I said before...I stick it out all night because, well I usually hear, "Wow, that's the only timeI got really scared! You're awesome!" A lot....that's what I live for...and that really encourages me and pumps me up! I freaking love doing what I do at the Haunt, and every weekend is something I just can't wait for.

-KI "Tomorrow's Thursdayyyy!!" Man

Yeah I saw you doing a really good job on Friday night. You got my mom really good at the end :D

Yes we all have our own opinions and yes I guess I didn't need to be so harsh ;)

And to everyone else I didn't feel like I was whining, I felt like I was offering valid points of criticism. But, I digress! I say we stop cluttering up gnarlkiller's trip report and just agree to disagree! :D


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But see thats the thing....it's all based on personal opinion, and unfortunatly there are some people on here who think there opinion is worth everything in the world and go around basing everything. You don't like how people were bashing Cemetery last year because in their opinion it wasn't good....but then you turn around and do the exact same thing to Club Blood....wow, hypicritical much?

No, actually I never said that "i didn't like how people were bashing cemetary because it wasn't good." I SAID that I didn't like how people were bashing Cemetary last year, and saying it sucks. But when I do the same thing to Club Blood because I had a bad experience in it, suddenly I am WRONG for thinking that it wasn't good! everyone goes crazy and says it's intense! When I just didn't think so! I didn't mean to offend anyone working in that haunt, it just wasn't my idea of a scary maze. Sure some people might think it is scary, I was just saying that I didn't like it, and no matter what time I go through it, the MAZEwill not change and neither will the positions meant to be used, there will always probabaly be some guy eating poop out of a gross toilet and girls dancing in cages, and you can't really improve on that... MY point was that I don't see why everyone is so defensive about CLub Blood... I'll have to give it another try, but I just don't thin it will ever be scary or intense for me. Once again, I wasn't trying to offend anyone in the maze, I was just saying that I didn't like it! But now I'm done arguing over whether or not Club Blood is a good maze, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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While I know a lot of people who have loved Club Blood, only one of them have said that they found it scary. They go because they think it's cool and enjoy the club view / atmosphere with the dancers and whatnot. They found it unique, interesting, and, given that most of them were guys, the loved looking at the girls. So they would go through it a few times so they could see the views, not to be scared. When I went through it, I will admit, I hated it. For me, and me alone, I was disgusted at what I saw and refused to reenter. I wasn't scared, but I highly despised the atmosphere and what the maze portrayed. I didn't like clubs in college, especially not the seedier ones like Club Blood is portraying. It is NOTHING against my fellow scare actors, because they did an absolutely amazing job given the cirumstances, and did their own jobs well. They are amazing people who put just as much energy and enthusiasm into it as does everyone else. The motorcycle / alley scene got me good. It was simply not a maze I wished to be around, simply due to it's theme. Though I'm not sure why people are so defensive about it. If any maze besides Club Blood or Urgent Scare gets bad reviews, no one jumps up to the defense of them as if it were a crime. But if one word against either of them comes to light, it's like discussing politics or religion. Some mazes are better, some are worse, depending on who is or isn't working , who the visitor is, and what year it is. While I didn't like Club Blood due to the content and theme, it doesn't mean someone doesn't and that the scare actors aren't doing their job... but it also doesn't mean that it's necessarily a popular scare. Perhaps it's just a popular theme, even though if I take out the vampires, it was like being at a college club or bar at 2 am. Just like people who love pirates may go through RedBeard's because they love pirates and for no other reason... or the Wild West because they like that theme, or CarnEvil because they like clowns or carnival atmospheres. Some people will repeatedly go through those even though they themselves know they won't be scared, but they like that THEME and they enjoy just being there and having fun and use it as an escape. No maze scares everyone... every maze scares SOMEONE. Just some mazes may scare more than others, doesn't make them any more or less of a success.

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Very wise words...and there are those of us who do not enjoy the types of entertainment Cedar Fair has chosen to conduct as Halloween Haunt. That, too, is okay. The company just doesn't need to expect our nickels during that time, as they won't be getting them. It appears there are plenty of people from which they will be, and that's okay, too. . . heaven knows they need them right now.

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^^ That's pretty much my view on Club Blood. I don't think it's scary at all. Anything scary about a vampire strip club? In my opinion...no! Haha...but I do think it's a really fun maze. It might not be the longest, it's just completely different than any other maze out there. It's just on its own level. Last year I went numerous times just to look for things I missed in the previous times I went through....just fun all in all.

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