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Snow Land?

Ki Man

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I'm pretty sure sure that Rollercoast19 nailed it. KI has a good neighbor policy with the Lodge and it helps them promote their winter activities in the offseason. Additionally, you'll see advertisements for Mason's holiday festival at KI, but this is not to be mistaken for a teaser for Winterfest coming back, because it's not.

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  BEAST1979 said:
Sorry, WHY did Winterfest failed.

I think the biggest reason was that it was too expensive (like $25 for adults) with not a lot to do! Other than ice skating on the fountains, what else was there?? I'm pretty sure no rides ran...and also, as living right by KI for Winterfest in 05, yes, it did snow like 5 inches on a Thursday night (I think Dec. 8th), but other than that, I don't care what people say, the weather was NOT that bad other than that snow! Cold temps? Yes, but nothing freezing, and I recall a couple weekends in the 40's. I also think the promotion was sort of weak in fully explaining Winterfest.

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  tigellinus said:
  BEAST1979 said:
Sorry, WHY did Winterfest failed.

I think the biggest reason was that it was too expensive (like $25 for adults) with not a lot to do! Other than ice skating on the fountains, what else was there?? I'm pretty sure no rides ran...and also, as living right by KI for Winterfest in 05, yes, it did snow like 5 inches on a Thursday night (I think Dec. 8th), but other than that, I don't care what people say, the weather was NOT that bad other than that snow! Cold temps? Yes, but nothing freezing, and I recall a couple weekends in the 40's. I also think the promotion was sort of weak in fully explaining Winterfest.

They actually had the train running with a unique, though badly executed, idea of a story about WW2 soldiers returning home for Christmas, or something along those lines. Also I believe the Carousel was running. They had some shows and crafts as well, so there were things to do, but they still didn't equal the price of admission.

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I didn't even hear about Winterfest until this summer ... if that gives you any idea. :P

I may check out the Beach's festivities this winter. Ever since Fairborn stopped doing horsedrawn carriage rides, I've been sad. My husband and I have never gotten to do one in a snowy area..

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  violakat03 said:
I didn't even hear about Winterfest until this summer ... if that gives you any idea. :P

I may check out the Beach's festivities this winter. Ever since Fairborn stopped doing horsedrawn carriage rides, I've been sad. My husband and I have never gotten to do one in a snowy area..

Go to The Greene if you want a horse drawn carriage. They do them there starting in December, though I believe you have to pay for them. Next weekend is the Christmas in Springboro festival which is pretty fun (I've gone the last 3 years) and they have horse drawn carriages for free, though they're big have multiple people in them, almost like wagons; but hey, they're free. Also have lots of good food.

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  LongLiveTheSmurfRide said:
Go to The Greene if you want a horse drawn carriage. They do them there starting in December, though I believe you have to pay for them. Next weekend is the Christmas in Springboro festival which is pretty fun (I've gone the last 3 years) and they have horse drawn carriages for free, though they're big have multiple people in them, almost like wagons; but hey, they're free. Also have lots of good food.

Hey cool! Thanks! :D Yeah, I expect to pay for them, but hopefully they aren't as expensive as they are in Memphis ... I just never saw a reason to spend $40+ on a horse-drawn carriage ride when it isn't even snowing and romantic-Christmasy. ;)

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  masonguy21 said:
Definantly not worth the 25 or thirty dollars when the beach was right down the road and had multiple tobogan sleds, horses and caragges, a live nativity, ice skating, paddleboats in the lazy river, and a huge train set up, for less or the same price as winterfest.

Wow! That does sound a lot better than Winterfest!!

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The 2005 Winterfest was a great time. The Christmas Tree show on Swan Lake was excelent, as where the parade and the toy factory show. Really a great time and the park was very beautiful. I think it was the best thing Paramount did at KI, but was also one of the most poorly executed things they did.

Winterfest could be successful at KI, but the price would need to be much less and CF wont make the investment any time soon. Not until the economy turns around.

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  WooferBearATL said:
  masonguy21 said:
It would be nice, but it's not going to happen. They have no reason to spend labor on putting it up, or the electricity to light it. *sigh*

Relatively easy installation and essentially not a lot in the electrical cost when you consider it as advertising and community good will.

However, they don't own the pieces to it anymore. They were sold. And I would agree on the easy installation except for the "new" star they bought for it!

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  WooferBearATL said:
  masonguy21 said:
It would be nice, but it's not going to happen. They have no reason to spend labor on putting it up, or the electricity to light it. *sigh*

Relatively easy installation and essentially not a lot in the electrical cost when you consider it as advertising and community good will.

Sorry for the double post

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i liked winterfest 05. could have been more with the train.... needed to be cheaper and personally the only thing i liked about the beach's setup was that they had ice skating but id rather skate on the ki fountains.... much cooler than that tiny crowded rink. oh and i think they tried to run the tiny coaster (then top cats taxi jam, now little bill's gigglecoaster). *sigh* that video makes me miss our old carousel organ even more *cries in mourning, shaking angry fist at cd*

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