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Would you be interested in a monthly KIC e-mail newsletter?

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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away KIC used to send out monthly newsletters. Due to shifts in market demand, we stopped doing it after about a year. The time has come to ask you, the KIC Universe, if KIC had a monthly newsletter, would it be something which you were interested in receiving.


  1. This newsletter would be 100% voluntary -- you'd have to sign up for it to get it.
  2. We, of course, would never EVER sell your email address to any 3rd party. We promise. Scout's honor.
  3. Some information in the newsletter would be exclusively sent to people who get the newsletter... going above and beyond information on the forums.
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Some information in the newsletter would be exclusively sent to people who get the newsletter... going above and beyond information on the forums.

Would I sign up for it, yes. Do I think this is necessary, no. I frequent this site because I expect to get ALL of the KI info that the mods know...I don't see the need to hold things back for a newsletter. I do appreciate that you are striving to come up with new ideas though...really.

(I also like RailRider's idea though.)

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Yes from me and I also think an interesting section would be get to know your KIC member or actually have a member thats not staff contribute to an article occassionaly. Just a thought, but a huge yes from me.

What a GREAT idea!

Would I sign up for it, yes. Do I think this is necessary, no. I frequent this site because I expect to get ALL of the KI info that the mods know...I don't see the need to hold things back for a newsletter. I do appreciate that you are striving to come up with new ideas though...really.

(I also like RailRider's idea though.)

I don't see us neglecting info from KIC in order to do a newsletter, but rather have it as an augmentation of what's on KIC. User-written articles is a perfect example.

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I'm down.

Yes from me and I also think an interesting section would be get to know your KIC member or actually have a member thats not staff contribute to an article occassionaly. Just a thought, but a huge yes from me.

I would write something for that section if the need arose. That's an excellent idea.

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Absolutely yes, but I recommend not following in the footsteps of many other forums and making it just a reiteration of things that have already been posted. One of my favorite forums does this - once a month, sends out a "what's been happening on the forum" newsletter. Considering I'm on that forum daily, I pretty much just delete it, since it's links to news articles that have been posted and interesting member posts in the main forum. I read all those anyway!

Member articles, trip reports (especially to parks that not many of us have been to, like ones in California and such), get to know a KIC member ... all those are excellent ideas!

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