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I've had quiet a few bad guests. One that pops into my mind right now was a guest during one of the park buy outs I think from GE. Every year they buy out the park and instead of having a huge picnic in the picnic grove they only have bingo. Well aparently people were allowed to bring coolers and what not so they can leave their food out in the grove. Well they were all told repeatedly through out the day that the picnic grove would lock the gates at 7pm and all items must be removed prior to that. Well 7pm rolls around and there are about 12 coolers still left. So I pack them in our truck and take them all to guest relations and lock the gates to go back there with a note saying we took them there.

This guy comes back into the picnic grove around 8:30pm, just busts through the gates starts walking around looking for his stuff and then finds one of my line associates. They come get me and suddenly before I even get within 10ft of this guy he starts cursing up a storm. He was like "Why the f*** did you move my stuff? That stuff belongs to me and you have no right to touch it. I bet you stole stuff out of it and blah blah blah." Around this time I just stop paying attention to guy and try to interupt him. I give my wonderful "I pretend the guest is 2 and isn't screaming at me" speeches, telling him that I just moved it to guest relations at the front gate and he can pick itup there. He still wasn't happy so I point out that everyone was told that all items must be removed by 7 at least 6 times as well as quickly pointing out what time it was now. All the time he is still cursing up a storm at me in front of his kids who are like 5.

Eventually dude just stops yelling and he aparently heard that I mentioned guest relations back at the begining of my schpeal. He then was like, "Well I will go to guest relations and make sure they know what you did. What is your name?" So, I didn't care, I told him my name, where I worked and I even wrote it down for him. He takes it and leaves. I call guest relations letting them know he is on the way. The GR guy was in a great mood and just responded "Well Chris, this is great. I love handling people like this, its my job." He said it in a happy tone and was ready to give the guy total crap about what he did as well.

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Working over at SOB, we have to get some of the worst people.

My personal favorite was when one of the smaller girls on our crew measured this kid and he was too short. Well, the father just starts going off on her and tells her that she is doing her job wrong. I decide to trade spots with the girl and take care of the guest, cause she was almost in tears. I walk out and the guy suddenly doesnt have a problem at all about his kid being too short.

That and the usual "Why is the line so long?" on busy days. I got so sick of hearing it, I was about to say "Havent you looked around recently?"

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I'm in no way a PKI employee, but when it comes to ruthless guests, some of the non-ACEer guests can be quite evil whenever I do the ACE walk-back. I mean they scream, cuss, and yell at everyone on the walkback asking why we get to ride the ride before everyone else and cut them in line. Most of the time it's pretty darn funny, but one time on the Tomb Raider walkback I had one guy threaten me. Pretty freaky.

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The worst is the parents of kids at HB. I've delt with people from every area, every big ride... but none compare to the parents of HB! I had one guy go off on me for like 10 min., i would just keep workin and he would just keep talkin'. Eventually he came back into the ride sayin' F this- F that- F you...and so on. So i said in a smart attitude when he was done... Are you finished? That made him more mad, then another parent pulled him out of the ride, they got in to it and i was rotated off! Fun Day!

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  Return_of_Yogi said:
or the teens who hit you in the nuts.

I've seen that happon before. I felt sorry for (I guess) him. First of all, you guys have to wear a big, itchy costume. It gets really hot in there. And you just have to go on to the next group and welcome them.

To me, thats the worst job in the park.

Return_to_Yogi - I applaud you. (clap clap clap clap clap and so on...)

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Working in WaterWorks you can experience a multiude of annoying guests. Being a merchandise supervisor I had to deal with guests often because of our locker rentals and their lovely price. I love it when guests blame me for the swimsuit rules out in WW, as if I created them. It is even more fun telling someone that they cannot get a locker refund (full $10) because their suit is 'illegal'. They cry and moan, and I must politely point to one of the four signs at our rental stating the policy, and also the fact that every enterance to WW also has signs pointing out this policy. This policy has led to many occurences, from being cursed out, to being called a kid in front of 100 people, and seeing my associates recieve genuine death threats.

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I have a question for all of you. If death threats, people kicking staff members in costumes, cursing, and other things happen all the time, then why doesn't PKi get rid of security, and just expand Park Police? Kicking of characters is assault, and in the state of Ohio means at least a night in jail. Death threats can also be interpreted by an individual to be meaningful, and also have a nice punishment to them. Are there enough park police, and not just security, so that if something really bad happens, they can get to the situation and actually start arresting and beating on people? I have seen some of the park security, and not to offend anyone or anything, but they don't appear to be the most muscular bunch around. I mean most of the cops I have seen are decent size, and have enough attitude to take on anyone either individually, or with some other cops. Being a firefighter I am not "built" with a chizeled form or anything, but I think I would look a little bigger, than many of the security personnel I have seen. I'm not knocking anyone so don't take this the wrong way, its just a question. I am in support of all public safety personnel, such as myself and others.

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Well the thing is people don't really report any of these things. There is always park police which are a division of Mason Police, and tons of police and sheriffs can respond very quickly if needed. There aren't really anything happening where people are getting hurt from assualt so there isn't really a need to increase actual police when they have no idea if they are needed. Though when security guards respond to calls, usually a mob of them will respond. Enough to take someone down.

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I don't know why I am so surprised to read all of this, my hat is off to all of you guys for dealing with this kind of crap the right way. The ignorance and arrogance of some people will always tick me off and I hope it doesn't drive anybody away. Abuse of cartoon characters, that just blew me away. We still smile and wave when we see them, and my kids are teenagers now. Yogi has to make a living too, and all of those jobs are surely much harder than anyone realizes.

You guys (and girls) have no idea how much you are appreciated...in 17 years I have NEVER had bad/rude treatment ever by a PKI employee (okay, one exception, the cranky old lady at the front gate who told my daughter that she was too young for Fear Fest), in fact I find the majority to be extremely pleasant...which is a big reason why I drive 350 miles to go to PKI instead of 40 to go to Six Flags. Surely you guys have some memorable experiences to share with NICE (funny, interesting) guests too?

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My favorite moment is when i had this little girl who was terrified of characters just bawling when she saw me, i tried everything fro,m tap dancing to hitting my head on the pole to peek a boo and it wouldnt stop her from crying, so lowered my head and walked away , then she walked towards me, and poked my back and asked if i was sad because of her, i shook my head no, and she gave me a huge hug, then, sorry landscaping, i picked her a flower and she went back to her parents, later that week, i had the same girl comeback with a picture drwan by her of me and her, and some errr "flowers" she picked, actually weeds, i was so amazed, i took opur pic with my cam and it sits next to my comp ever since.

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THANK YOU MRS.G!!!! I am so glad to hear that someone understands. The job is hard but it is also fun, some guests need to realize that we are doing are job. When they get mad because we won't let their kid ride on a ride it is not because we don't like them, it is because we have to. The manufacturer sets height requirements not us. Get mad at them, we have nothin to do with it.

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Unfortunately for the employees, the summertime heat and crowds seem to fuel tempers. I've noticed that a lot from guests in the park, but then there are also those who would still be hateful, rude a-holes with a foot of snow on the ground. If you're not even going to enjoy yourself, then why put others in misery? My hat also goes off to all of you. Hopefully I'll get to give a "friendly" hello to the majority of you this summer. :P

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That was a nice story scoob... i mean yogi... I never really had a problem with anyone at Kings Island. People are pretty nice about that. But sears... people have problems with everything there. anyway... Almost all the people are really nice, or indifferent, which is cool. so yeah... no heart touching stories from me.

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So, you wanna know about rude and ruthless guests? I could go on all day telling you about guests who have insulted me, verbally assulted me, threatened me, threatened my life...There are too many situations that Ride Operators are put into. ESPECIALLY working on the larger rides. Some of the FUN stuff happens when the employee is in a "fun" mood. I can recall an incident where I was working at Days Of Thunder (The Go Carts) and had a highly intoxicated gentleman end up driving the car. After being rotated so I could deal with the situation, I removed the gentleman from the track, after calling Security. When he FINALLY decided to get out of his car, he threatened me, and told me he hoped I would die. As he walked up the exit from the ride (refusing to stay until Sec. got there) he was continuing to threaten me, and all I kept saying was HAVE A GREAT DAY AT PARAMOUNTS Kings Island, BYE NOW, THANK YOU, HAVE A GOOD DAY (smiling the entire time...guests in line laughing) Right as he got to the top of the exit Security showed up and took him to their office. I later found out, he was charged with DUI!

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Great story there Pooky. As for me, I have so many that none really seem to stick out. I will tell you of one story though. I was at Drop Zone and we had, like always, line jumpers. So I let them on the ride and when I get around to them I give them the usual spiel about line jumping and they refuse to get off and start cursing at me and the usual. So then I get close to them and tell them "look here, either you listen to me and get off the ride or I can call security and let them kick you out of the park." Needless to say, they got off and when they did, the whole que house was cheering and clapping for me. Ahhhh good times.....

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AZ Kinda Guy - That funny, how you let them wait in line and than kick them out.

The OTHER D - Just working at DOF ask to get yelled at. Question: Did he get charged with DUI because he was on DOT? Days of Thunder, not Depatment of Transportation. :rolleyes:

Return_of_Yogi - Flowers, err I mean weed's... Thats hilarious. Who drew the picture?

Mrs. G. - Thats funny because there is no minimum age for FearFest.

All - After all of the drama is said and done, at least you can look back at all of this and laugh, except if you get kicked in the go-nads. thats not funny, my old old gym teacher used to yell at these two kids that would do that to eachother. These kids finally stopped when he told them that you can get cancer that way, and that they know what happons if you get cancer there... :unsure:

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Ive done that before as well. During Bring a Friend Free, full queue (about 3 hour wait) and these people cut to ride the first and second rows of the train. They refused to get out of line, so we put them in the car, put the restraints down, told the line that we were having a technical difficulty, and called security. Even then they refused to move. Had to call the real cops to handcuff em. It was great.

Any other employees always notice that during the christian music concert, security has absolutly NOTHING to do?

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OK...So this was I THINK 2000, MAYBE 2001, but I was working Cobra and this black guy came up the exit in a wheel chair (you know the kind I am talking about, not really hurt). Well...he was all dressed like a pimp, with the hat with the feather and all. ALL YELLOW! From Hat to Shoes, YELLOW!!! Well, he OF COURSE wanted his entire group to ride...Ummm NO, so I told him he could wait with one other person until the group got through the like 20 minute line, if that. Of COURSE he didn't like that answer and told me they WOULD ride, you know how those fights go, so I won't go through it. So in the end of it, he told me to go buy some socks (I was wearing short sock) and I just started laughing at him and told him and his group to get off my station and leave! It was great, The outfit was REDICULOUS!!!!!! The entire crew laughed at this guy, and I SWEAR, everywhere I have worked, all the stuff happens when I am in charge, or when I am in the GR spot!!!!

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While were on the subject of funny outfits.

Gayday 2001.

guy who has to be 40 in a cub scout unifrom 3 sizes too small.

Best fight was the guy who was right. HE was yelling and screaming at me at greeter because his kid couldnt ride. My sup mike said he measured em and they the kid was short. At greeter the kid was there and was tall enough.

The guy was cursing up a storm. I gave a wrist band and called back up. Just as I was saying go up the exit and they will get you right on he left. I chased em down and he broke up laughing. I said sorry and go on up and he was like my best friend again. :lol:

Worst one was the knock down drag out fight with a cripples mom. Bout 10 mins before closing on a saturday. family comes up to TG. I let em on cause there wasnt a line. The kid starts smarting off to me and acting like a jackass cause i was enforcing the yellow line rule.

I was called everything in the book and some new ones I never heard of. She was irate. She demanded my name. Which I polietly gave. She gets on. She rides. I give em a freebie cause there was no line. She comes off and shes like I am so sorry. She had foundout that i was just enforcing the rules and that her son was infact a jerk. She was pleading with me what she could do to make it up to me. I said (im no good at guest relating) " just enjoy your night its cool"

All my fights ending up with me laughing with them or at them as they walked down the exit ramp at there sheer stupidity. :lol:

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