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Season Pass question


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I'm looking to buy a Gold Pass for the first time this year, and I was wondering what the difference is between the single adult, and the 4 or more pass. Obviously the single is for one person, and the 4 or more is for families and such. However, my question is whether it's for 4 specific people, or if I can pay 5 dollars less and bring along friends?

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However, my question is whether it's for 4 specific people, or if I can pay 5 dollars less and bring along friends?

It would be for specific people when you go to pick up your pass. They will take a pic of the person that will be using the card the first time and will verify your pic on your way into the park each visit. So the first person to use the card wil be the owner of the card

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That's true as well, but I doubt anyone will go more than once except myself...I could get one for my family though, they wouldn't go more than once or twice either, but five bucks is five bucks.

However, I just realized my logic is flawed anyway, it's 94 a piece, I feel kinda dumb now. Oh well...everyone else will just have to make do with 20 dollar tickets from kroger.

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Hey im nuts to.If i lived near by,i would be there every day.But i live 3 hrs away so i only make it there about 10 times a year.

Ditto, little over 2 hours away and would be there every day closing the park if i could!! I usually make it 12 to 15 times.

Same here, but I'm appreciating my situation more and more. An hour and a half, and my new record was set in '09 at 27. Here's to setting a new record in 09. My goal is 31...a full month of KI days. :)

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I am starting to doubt them even looking at your picture and then viewing yourself in person. If you went in on a crowded day I think that they wouldn't even look at you. I have never had this problem even though I have came close due to taking my picture with sunglasses on.

Posted from my iPhone!!!

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^^Just make sure you mix up your wardobe a little on these visits...you want to make sure the D-back crew knows you've at least been showering!! ;)

You mean I have to wash off the KI smell???? :blink: I guess it's for the best. ;) I'm up to 19 amusement related T-shirts, so I guess I'll have to add a few to my collection to wear something different each time. Though, I tend to wear my Racer T-shirt since I looked for one for 5 years before I found one. I'll have to buy another one as long as they're still there.

Actually, it will probably be the crew on The Beast and The Racer that will notice. Not to knock Diamondback by any means, but the line will be too long for it to be more than a one-or-two-ride-per-trip ride for a while.

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