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Applying for a Job at PKI?


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  hausty1983 said:
Hey guys I needed help on applying for a job for PKI. I have never had a job before and I want to work there. I love the park and the evironment very much. I don't know what I should I apply for. <_< If you could give your advice I would be glad to write you guys back thankyou B) Mark B)

There is a Job Fair in the Festhouse this Saturday from 10-4. Feel free to stop by and apply, all departments will be onhand to meet with new applicants. If you are unsure on which department is for you, this would be a perfect opportunity to meet reps form every department and to see what they have to offer. You can also visit HR Monday-Saturday 9-5 and go through an interview.

A WORD TO THE WISE- positions are filling up fast so if you are interested in working at PKI I would strongly suggest coming in as soon as possible.

Any Questions Leave a post.

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Thankyou guys for your help I might be up there I'm not sure yet i'm looking forward to the 2003 season. I plan on visting Cedar Point for my first time sometime this spring or summer this season also.The new rides look great also from the construction pictures that were put on the site here :DB)

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If you did your app online, HR will probably have it already. Your best chance would be to go ahead and go to the job fair. Just go to where they're putting apps in (Probably the Festhaus), and ask if they have your app on file. If they do, they'll most likely interview you. And if they don't, grab an app and fill 'er out. They'll interview you after they look at it, there's a really good chance of it. Either way, you can't go wrong. B)


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Usually they will contact you after they have printed it out and gone over it. Though if you just did it a day or so ago it might take them a while since they are prepairing for the Job Fair. I would go ahead go to the job fair that way you can be interviewed and get a position before a lot are filled up tomorrow.

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  hausty1983 said:
I have one final question will I be contacted for my application I did online on pki.com or should I go up in the morning to the Human Resources Office for the Job Fair???? :unsure:

No, do not wait to be contacted. Chances are they will not contact you. You still need to come in and fill out a "hard copy" of the application. We do not except only online applications. All you have to do is come in, fill out a hard copy of the application and then you will go back for your interview. They will have you on file with ur internet app already, just ask at the front desk in HR and they will know what you are talking about. Tell them u filled out an app online and they can help you from there.

Any Questions feel free to contact me via email or posting.

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Just wanted to wish you all luck who do go to the job fair and apply for this seasons jobs. PKI seems like a great place to work since you have so much fun while you're there. The only bad thing is the heat, long hours, bratty children (and some adults included also) and no overtime pay! Good luck to you all! :D

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theres also the website you can apply for a job there and theyll call you for the interview over the phone if you want or go in for it on your own time. thats what i did for the 2001 season and it seemed to work for me since im goin into my 3rd season. youl have fun. good experience in "people skills" for sure.

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Well I wouldn't bother filling out an online application, becuase I had an errorous one (they called me because my age line didn't send) and you have to fill out a hard copy anyways. I'd go to the job fair (Saturday Feb. 15th) and fill out an application there and you will most likely get an interview and hired. It may take time, but it will save you time as in days.

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