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SFOT Re-Doing Texas Giant

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That is a costly facelift for Texas Giant. Has only gotten more and more rough as I have road it. Makes, Son of Beast and Mean Streak feel very smooth. Definately in need of some tlc. Seems like this could be a growing trend for Six Flags parks, SFKK has shut down the twins for the seasson and now Giant. Hope they aren't blowing smoke and really do start the repairs, then again who knows who will be running the show next year.

Post Number 3000 :D

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I rode the Giant about 5 years ago, and I'll be riding it again in a month. (Depending upon my pain threshold that day.) It was, as previously stated, horribly rough. A complete overhaul is no doubt in store. I'd expect GCI is involved. Rather, I HOPE GCI is involved.

The Giant is easily one of the most amazing coasters to look at, but worst coasters to ride. It's part of that elite group of woodies that you WANT to succeed, but just don't. Others I'd include:

1. Rattler

2. Mr Twister

3. Hercules

4. Psyclone

5. Ghostrider (Simply because of it's poor upkeep)

6. The Boss

7. Mean Streak

8. Hershey Wildcat

9. and of course... Son of Beast

I've not ridden the first two, (I'll let you know about Rattler later this year...) but I have ridden the last 7. And we know what happened to #3 and 4.

Rumor has it that Mean Streak is up for a complete overhaul itself in 2010, so it seems GCI may be busy in the future.

By comparison, I STRONGLY feel that the best woodies are the most underrated ones. Viper at SFGAM, Thunderhead at Dollywood, Lightning Racer at Hershey, Cyclone at SFOG and Kentucky Rumbler are all some of the least discussed coasters, yet are are absolutely incredible to ride.

As far as the wooden coasters I feel are the worst... The Boss is by far the roughest wooden coaster I've ridden. Son of Beast is basically insignificant now that the loop is gone, and Mean Streak is just a waste of valuable CP real-estate. In addition, the most overrated, blown way-out-of-proportion, non rider friendly, and far too intense woodie is hands down Voyage.


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I think Six Flags should be renovating another wooden coaster in Texas... Although I haven't ridden Texas Giant, It's very similar to Mean Streak, which isn't really that bad.

Yes Mean Streaks design was based off of Texas Giant, but it is nowhere near as rough as the Giant. Giant just beats the living tar out of you from start to finish. The end is the worst part, some folks Ive heard refer to it as the magic carpet section, but it litterally just snaps your head side to side and throws a few pops of airtime in while your in pain. Not fun.

Here is a front car pov, starting at the 1:09 mark you can watch the brutal magic carpet section. Mean Streak has nothing on Giant.

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...In addition, the most overrated, blown way-out-of-proportion, non rider friendly, and far too intense woodie is hands down Voyage...

Oh.my.goodness! I couldn't possibly agree more. Second on my similar list would be Shivering Timbers, and third would be Hades.

I've never been one to adore coasters just because other people adore them. Nor have I been one to dislike coasters just because others do/did. Pysclone will forever have a soft spot in my heart, and I miss that ride terribly. I much prefer Avalanche to Hades; I am totally wowed by Cyclops!...and I'd rather ride Cornball Express any day than most wooden coasters built in the last forty years (but not all)! And I don't really care what anyone else thinks, I adore Rolling Thunder (hey, somebody besides Rich and Sue has too!)

Terpy, who is funny like that

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I personally love the Giant, but it is unbelievably rough. Even though it is rough I think it has an awesome track layout that is fun, unlike Mean Streak that is just boring and rough. The Giant is also one of the coolest looking coasters I've ever seen.

The last time I rode the Giant in the back (~5 years ago) I felt like I had broken ribs when I got off, maybe that is why I never understand the complaints about Son of Beast.

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I've never been one to adore coasters just because other people adore them. Nor have I been one to dislike coasters just because others do/did. Pysclone will forever have a soft spot in my heart, and I miss that ride terribly. I much prefer Avalanche to Hades; I am totally wowed by Cyclops!...and I'd rather ride Cornball Express any day than most wooden coasters built in the last forty years (but not all)! And I don't really care what anyone else thinks, I adore Rolling Thunder (hey, somebody besides Rich and Sue has too!)

Terpy, who is funny like that

I think we have the same philosophy on coasters. Titan is one of my favorite, yet very few enthusiasts speak of it and Drachen Fire will always hold a place in my slightly bruised heart. Also I find Raven still to be the best coaster at Holiday World and I find Grizzly at KD one of the most underated woodies around. I also think too many people overlook Blue streak at CP and they don't know what they are missing, same goes for Scorpion at BGT. Finaly I must asky why were more coasters like Mr. Freeze and Tennesse Tornado not built?

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Mr. Freeze seems like it always has maintenance problems. I know I went there 2 or 3 times a year for the first few years after it was built and I've been able to ride it once because it was always closed. It is an awesome ride, though.

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From an article I posted yesterday about Premier Rides:

....In 1996, several LIM magnet housings cracked on a Premier ride called Mr. Freeze, at Six Flags Over Texas. "One of our suppliers decided to save some money," Seay says.

The flaw was discovered in the course of routine maintenance. As a result, four of Premier's LIM rides had to be shut down. It took nine months to replace all the faulty components. Premier was not sued, nor did it sue its supplier. Seay says such problems are integral to a business where nearly every product is a prototype. Relatively few rides are replicated. ...


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  • 7 months later...

Major redesign on Texas Giant coaster begins at Six Flags Over Texas:

...There will be big changes will be to the track and cars. Martindale promised a steeper, faster ride loaded with special effects.

“The profile is going to be substantially different,” Martindale said. “We’re probably going to change 15 percent of the track configuration.”...


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i think its interesting to go back and read some comments made about the voyage earlier in the thread. I only say this because when I heard it described by a user here as "sheer wooden coaster perfection", I (a.) had to chuckle and (b.) had to disagree because I found it, while fun and exciting, not something I would travel to several times a season. But sometimes if you dont jump on the band wagon it seems as though you might have to start dodging flames.

When I read some of the users continually rant and rave about le' Voyage, all I can ever think is how I've ridden wooden roller coasters much smaller and slower in speed that I thought were much more intense and thrilling, what I would consider closer to 'perfection'.

I guess I have to remind myself that we all have not had the opportunity to ride the same roller coasters and that peoples' tastes vary.

Just my random thought as I scrolled back through Shaggy and The Interpreters posts from several months ago...

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I wonder how both the Kings Island fan community and the general public would take Kings Island doing something similar with The Beast... :rolleyes:

Don't you remember 5 years ago when they "Hollywood-ized" The Beast for its 25th? The random light in the station and speakers leading up the lift hill made me feel like I was ACTUALLY on a Hollywood backlot!!!

Oh wait, no. It was fail.

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Guest TombraiderTy

^I was referring to actual track and train changes. For example, new trains, and possibly track modifications like additional banking and/or new airtime hills, etc.

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...Wooden beams from the original Texas Giant may be salvaged and stored for other construction and maintenance projects, park officials said. Other pieces of wood from the coaster will be turned into Christmas ornaments and sold at park gift shops.


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...Nearly every day for 12 years, Dannie Lancaster has climbed the Texas Giant to help keep Six Flags' wooden flagship roller coaster running as safely, if not as smoothly, as possible. On days when the heat was most intense, Lancaster says, he and the inspection crew might replace 50 heavy track bolts that had broken under the strain...

"It's something we're gonna miss," Lancaster says, though after a dozen years of sweltering climbs weighed down by a heavy homemade leather tool belt, he's thankful the replacement ride -- a wood and metal hybrid -- should need less work....


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