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how many days to take in KI?


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planning a vacation to Cincinnati this summer... trying to figure out what kind of passes to get and how many days to spend at King's Island. I have 2 kids, one loves roller coasters & will want to ride them all. The other will probably ride as many as they are tall enough for (just over 48 inches now), but will want to take in some kiddie rides as well.

Planning to visit on weekdays in July. Do we need more than 2 days to ride everything including the waterpark section?


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It depends a lot on when you go.

Weekdays in July = Great. Some of the emptiest days of the year here, so crowds shouldn't be a problem.

If you really want to take in Kings Island, ride most everything and not feel rushed, I would think for KI itself about 1.5-2 days will do. Try to plan out your trip in advance, because Kings Island is a big enough park that if you find yourself wandering around wondering what to do next that will waste some time. Factor in the kids, you might want to hit all of the rides the kids want to ride first so that they don't burn themselves out to early. Spend the first day figuring out what you like best, what you want to ride again, what routes to take, ect. Overnight, stay at the Great Wolf Lodge. It's an excellent resort and will be great for the kids. For Boomerang Bay (The waterpark), one day oughta do. It's small enough that only one day is enough.

Hope It Helps!

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Tommybear85 – First off welcome to KICentral, you definitely came to the right place for suggestive advice. My family is from Indianapolis and through the years we have really enjoyed spending some vacation time in Cincinnati as there is a lot a family can do together in the area. Without knowing how many days your family is planning to stay in the area I'll try to give you a few suggestive tips that we have found to work well for us. I think two days will be plenty for a family your size and considering the ages of the children. Too much of a good thing can spoil the mood, besides if you leave wanting more then you'll find yourself back in time. We try not to do two days of any amusement park in a row and when vacationing in Cincinnati we try to fit in one of the other family destinations in between the Kings Island days. I believe when you decide how many days will be best for your family you can check back here or check out Kings Islands specials at the time to pick which ticket option will work best for you.

Again welcome to KICentral and feel free to ask more questions or offer your opinion in some of the many topics here. Avatar

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planning a vacation to Cincinnati this summer... trying to figure out what kind of passes to get and how many days to spend at King's Island. I have 2 kids, one loves roller coasters & will want to ride them all. The other will probably ride as many as they are tall enough for (just over 48 inches now), but will want to take in some kiddie rides as well.

Planning to visit on weekdays in July. Do we need more than 2 days to ride everything including the waterpark section?


Welcome aboard.first off Season passes is the best way to go.You can save money and come anytime you like all season long.I would say 2 to 3 days would work.If it's not busy 2 days will give you time to enjoy the park with less wait time.If you can keep up with your kids,then what the heck enjoy 3 days.Hope you all have fun.
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If they're only going to be there for 2 days, a season pass wouldn't be worth it. 2 tickets from AAA or many other local merchants such as Wright-Patt CU would be around $50, and parking for two days would be $20. If he pays full price for the tickets it would be $120 each person. Right now they're selling 2-for-1 tickets good any day of the season on KI's website. So for $47.99, you get two days in the park.

If he stays for three days, a season pass becomes more feasible, though you can get discounted tickets easily enough that it still may be more expensive for just 3 days. For 3 days, the biggest reason to get a season pass will be the free parking.

There is also the consideration of the ERT and extra perks that come with the gold pass. They don't have a specified monetary value, they're more whatever the passholder makes of them. If there is no interest in the ERT, and they don't play any games and don't eat any of the foods that are discounted, then the upgrades are worthless. To me, the ERT alone would make it worth an extra $10-$20 to get the gold pass.

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You can do the whole park in one day, provided the park is not packed. Personally, if this was your first time I might add in an extra day (on the website its only $48 for two days) but really you probably only need another half day. Diamondback, Firehawk and FoF will have the biggest waits of any of the coasters but Invertigo can get long too, the major flats that have waits are Delirium, Drop Tower, the Crypt, and Scooby Doo. The waterpark can get mobbed midday (1-3) but if you go before or after those peak hours you can find very short waits for all the slides. Also, be sure not to just skip Nick U, there are two rides there that are fantastic even for adults, Scooby Doo (Sally Dark Ride) and Avatar (Disk-O coaster,) and the water rides are quite good as well, Congo Falls is just your standard Chute the Chutes but the flume and rapids rides are better then most, especially the rapid ride which is off in the woods.

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If you go through the week, 1 or 2 days should be plenty. You could easily do everything in one day, then the second day you can hit BB and reride everything you liked. Even on a normal Saturday you should be able to ride everything in one full day.

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thanks so much for the warm welcome & replies. I think we'll probably plan on spending 2 days at KI as we want to have time to see/do other stuff as well. I'll check into the online price for the 2 day tickets... sounds like a good deal.

any other recommendations on what to do in the area? We're Cardinal fans, so we're planning on taking in a couple of baseball games when they're in town. We'll probably have another 2 days to sightsee, maybe 3... thinking of the aquarium, the fire museum, and possibly another waterpark.

Thanks again -

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Consider going to the Cincinnati Museum Center too. The Newport Aquarium is a great aquarium and definitely worth a stop. The US Air Force museum is up here in Dayton - it's around an hour's drive, but it's worth it, the AF Museum is nothing short of amazing.

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I also recall reading in the paper that there is a park in Lebanon that is installing one of the biggest ziplines in the midwest in time for the summer season. I recall reading that it goes out over a gorge. I don't know the cost, but it sounds like fun! There used to be an attraction in downtown cincy that allowed you to walk over an old railroad bridge that crossed the river they converted to a pedestrian bridge, but high insurance costs (which in turn prompted high admission prices--think $50-60) eventually caused the attraction to close after only being open a year and a half. The ironic thing is that the operator of that attraction was one of the 'founding fathers' if you will of Kings Island waaaaaay back when before selling to Taft.

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Tommybear, I would recommend 2 days, so you can take your time and enjoy all KI has to offer. I have 2 kids about the same age as yours seem to be, and we went 2x last year, and I thought that was just about right to get to do everything without being rushed. As for other attractions, in addtion to the ones you mentioned, the Museum Center is worthwhile - http://www.cincymuseum.org/

If you go to a ballgame, if you do not mind walking a bit, I suggest parking at Newport on the Levee and walking over the Purple People Bridge - info here - http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2003/04/2...lebridge20.html

Actually, you could spend the day at the Aquarium, take in dinner at a restaurant on the Levee and then walk over to a game. It's about a mile each way. My kids did it no problem. You can actually come back on the white bridge, which makes the trip just a bit shorter, but the white bridge is a both a car and pedestrian bridge and not nearly as interesting.

Finally, my kids always enjoy going to the Cincinnati Zoo, which is pretty decent as zoos go - http://www.cincinnatizoo.org/

I have not been to the various water parks other than KI's so other people will have to chime in to help you with that info.

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The bridge Gabe referes to is the Purple People Bridge. You can still walk over it - I do on a weekly basis. I believe there were other activities you could also do on the bridge, but those existed before I moved back to town about 2 years ago, and I am not aware of the particulars.

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Honestly, for me as a non-Cincy dweller (anymore) the food has always been a highlight for me!

UDF malts, Gold Star, Larosa's, Graeter's, I mean, the list legitimately goes on!

In addition, the Bigg's down there have always been money carrying products I can no longer find in Indy. Colgate makes this awesome Winterfresh toothpaste that I can only find in Cincy!

All NOT great reasons just to go to Cincy, but if you have time to kill, there are some gems in the rough!

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The bridge Gabe referes to is the Purple People Bridge. You can still walk over it - I do on a weekly basis. I believe there were other activities you could also do on the bridge, but those existed before I moved back to town about 2 years ago, and I am not aware of the particulars.

You used to be able to walk on top of the truss all they way across, that is what you can't do anymore.

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