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New Triains on SOB Anytime soon?


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I was just curious about the trains on SOB if they were going to get new ones in the next few years or not??? Those train's are going to get people torn up even more then they already do. I'm 5'8" and they kill my legs.The trains are not even made for all ages it seems like either so don't get me wrong on that. Please give me your thoughts on what will be done about it.....

Edited by hausty1983
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I would assume that if there were enough complaints and the amount of riders on SOB dropped like FoF did, perhaps they'd think about a change. I don't know if they'd get new trains since those are soooo expensive, but perhaps they could modify them some way. I'm 6'1" tall and very uncomfortable riding SOB and would not mind a change one bit.

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im about 6'2 and i havent had much problems riding SOB. its a great ride and think it runs just fine. as for getting new trains, i dont think that PKI would fork over money to get new trains to replace the old ones that dont really have any problems at all. wouldnt make any sense.

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I'm 6'6" and all the seats on SOB are uncomfortable to me. Gotta cross my legs, and push down, and then just barely, the lap bar will clear my knees. if they got rid of those stupid slants at the front of each car, i'm sure getting in would be a bit easier.

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The slants are for areodynamics. Take them away and it'll run a little slower.

I don't think that the slants in the first seat of every really effect aerodynamics that much. All you do is put your feet on them. If they made those flat, I'm sure it would be a bit more comfortable.

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Yes, I am and reading the press release on a website it said "Y-Shaped lap bar"

If you want to see those lap bars Here is a site those are the bars taht would be found on Millenium Force. Notice no outside bars to stop your legs from going under. I think that PKI would have benefited from going with the Y shaped, and guys don't worry they don't bother you.

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