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Has Anyone Seen The New Ford Fusion?


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i like the ideas of the park bringing in all these items to advertise the Diamondback, but i think since they just spent 22 million i think on Diamondback. that they wouldnt be spending money if they didnt need too, but knowig CF and KI they got some type of deals with the decals on the Tank busses i mean Metros ( sorry i am a kentuckian and used of TANKS) but thats my opinions of the spending of money that doesnt need to be spent.

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It is all about advertising and marketing. Those cars likely will not be in the park but if I had to guess would be featured at area Ford Dealerships. The whole point of marketing and advertising is to stir up interest in the product to hopefully bring in additional revenue. Just ask Hard Rock Park about how not marketing their park turned out for them! You have to get the word out that you have a new product.

On that subject, Kings Island commercials have hit the airwaves on both radio and television in the Cincinnati area the past several days.

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On that subject, Kings Island commercials have hit the airwaves on both radio and television in the Cincinnati area the past several days.

What channels? I don't watch TV that much, but I do have cable in my dorm room. Anything about Diamondback?

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And who pays whom in deals like the Coke contract and the Ford Fusion deal is an industrial strength trade secret. The Ford thing may even be barter...you put our decals on x number of Fords in your dealerships and we will display your car at x number of locations in the park (except on Toyota day and/or days any other automotive competitor rents out the park).

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A watch and quarters? I do not get how that is funny or a joke.

Actually having worked the Rock O Planes at Coney, if people start flipping their cars upside down, it is not uncommon for loose change that is in their pockets to begin raining down on the metal grating that serves as the platform. Luckily the controls are a good distance away from the ride, but sometimes when we are loading some cars are still rocking, and sometimes change can come out of the cars.

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Actually, I HAVE lost both a watch (three of them, actually) and quarters (many, many of them...in two instances only) in parks. Shivering Timbers (of all coasters) and Timber Terror at first known as Grizzly have eaten my watches....the latter twice! Quarters? Tatsu took an entire rubber Quikoin purse (those little rubber oval shaped things with the slit on top) full of quarters from a BACK pocket, and one of those inverting rides like Kennywood's Arrows inverter did so years before that down at Frontier City in Oklahoma. So yes, a watch and quarters. (Sorry, Mr. Kinzel, not nickels, just quarters, and not in your parks, even!...)

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I was expecting SO much more from KI. I love how they made Diamondback (an 80 MPH ride) look faster than it actually is by speeding everything up. I REALLY hope they have a commercial set up just for Diamondback within the next month or so. Maverick and Behemoth did and I hope they give Diamondback the respect it deserves.

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