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The Crypt so much potential. So little time...

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Really, all the Crypt needs is some blaring European techno music and flashing colored lights. Oh wait....

That was a filler for the first week when it opened....and it was awesome!

Seriously, the ride program is AWESOME. I *LOVE* the new Crypt. It's intense as hell, and there's always something different or new when I ride it. (Pretty regularly) I could careless if they added theming. Epic fail my ass!

You don't have to have theming to have a great ride.

Notice that I said my opinion...which did, indeed, mean my opinion. ;) I'm sorry, but I prefer the fully emersive ride it was to Dark Box: The Ride anyday though it does provide a more intense and fast paced thrill.

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I don't know what would be the best theming for the Crypt. There are so many places to go with it. But like so many movies gone wrong, most of these places need specific talent and research to be done right. ( Example: Compare 90's Batman movies with Batman Begins or The Dark Knight ) I think that a Dinosaur excavation would make a good theme for the Crypt. It would not fit the name though. With the proper special effects and visuals, time travel could be a good theme. A really cool planetarium would be another good idea, especially if it looked like you were traveling between the stars with some amazing visuals. In other words, a virtual reality ride with the best motion seats ever!!

Just a thought


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I haven't been on TR:TR since it switched over to The Crypt... that said, I'd like to see them gut any theming they have now and install Phantom Theater's Maestro figure into the ride.

They could remove whatever is in Shiva's old location and put in the Maestro figure that was playing the organ in the old Phantom Theater queue there surrounded by a giant pipe organ mock up. As the ride starts, Maestro would play some disturbed Victorian era music that would get faster as the ride goes on. Throw in wind and fog machines coupled with strobe lights, and you have a relatively low cost installation that not only reuses material that park owns, but also brings back a bit of nostalgia. The main entrance and holding area can reuse the old portraits and figures from the rest of the original ride.

Call it Maestro's Mayhem, and you're all done.

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I managed to get on it yesterday. I forgot to include it in my TR. I hadn't been on it since they re-made it from TR into The Crypt, so I was excited. Overall, I really liked it actually. I especially liked the theming in the two waiting areas. The ride program is plenty crazy, and overall it had a pretty dark, creepy feel to it. Although it leaves a lot to the imagination I guess. There's not much to look at in the ride room any more. That's the only thing I think they can improve on. Otherwise I really enjoyed it. Spooky stuff is always fun :)

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From what I've gathered, the queue for The Crypt was re-worked because of DB. For anyone that went to the park yesterday, was this re-work elaborate enough that it looks like it'll be there for awhile, or possibly just good enough to just last a season or so?

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From what I've gathered, the queue for The Crypt was re-worked because of DB. For anyone that went to the park yesterday, was this re-work elaborate enough that it looks like it'll be there for awhile, or possibly just good enough to just last a season or so?

They just removed the outside queue lines. It is all now actually inside "The Crypt". They also play music in there now, which I don't remember from last year.

I didn't get to actually ride the ride because it broke down, as it often does, but from what I hear the water effects are back :) Looking forward to riding it next weekend.

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