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Why no Steel Coaster To Dominate?


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Hey everyone. I just discovered this awesome site and wanted to post. I'm from Cleveland and am normally a dedicated fan of Cedar Point. I'm a member of ACE as well as The Great Ohio Coaster Club. However I have been to Kings Island the past 2 summers and may I say we are blessed to live in the best state for Amusement Parks and Roller Coasters!! I definately will be back this year to see Delirium and the Scooby Dark Ride. I loved Kings Island from the minute I stepped inside and saw the fountains and Eiffel Tower, and The Beast DOMINATES. It's the best wooden coaster I've ridden. You guys need a STEEL coaster to DOMINATE. You have so much space, I'm just wondering why they havent added a coaster that I'm sure would be off the charts and dominate the coaster wars. Cuz right now I have to say CP is running things with MF and now the addition of Dragster. Anyways If someone could answer this question, I feel PKI would get a lot more recognition with a steel, why havent they built one?? I look forward to reading your responses! Thanks

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PKI is filling a market that Ohio does not have: A family park. Up north, you have the coaster capitol of the world, CP, and another park that is trying to fill the same market as CP, SFWOA. But PKI fills in the family park area in Ohio, making it one of the best states for parks. There is no real demand for a big time steel.

Although if we got one, I wouldnt have a problem at all.

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KI definetly is playing off the opposite group that CP mainly attracts. KI knows they can't compete for the same groups and win because they just don't have the rides like CP. Though as you can see, they are doing very well for what they do have, if not better than CP. Though this isn't about CP so I'm shutting up about that.

KI very well knows that they can't keep building the same type of ride or attraction, thus the whole park will have the same feel no matter where you go. I'm sure we will see a big steel sometime but I don't expect to get a bunch and try to break records like CP or SFMM. KI mainly goes for the thrill and excitement from a ride that will create an experience or memory that you won't forget. So if we get big steel its obviously going to be something that blows most other coasters out of the water and still be pretty small, possibly.

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Just wait until next year. I have a feeling we will be getting either an awesome but small steel, like Face-Off, tethered with a new waterworks attraction, super saturatior, and then in 2005 get a massive and memorable steel coaster, hopefully top 10 material. But more than likely I've got it in reverse, 2004=Massive Top 10 Coaster(Top 10 inferring not just the biggest, but the best, like Beast)2005=Smaller Thrilling Coaster, Saturator. I'd definetly look to see more dark rides entering PKI as the years start flying by. Problably another one when we build another world. Remember, PKI's philosophy is the best coasters, not the biggest, and rides for everyone, flat, thrilling flat, dark, kids, water, free waterpark, or coasters. Not to mention the worlds' theming. Cedar Points is numbers and records, which is not a bad way to go either, but all you'll attract is thrill riders. However I have nothing against Cedar Point and am happy they once again have the most coasters in the world(Magic Mountain claimed too last year). I just want to see PKI have the best or most memorable.

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But don't you think a massive steel would end up crushing the park's atmosphere? I do. The great thing about PKI is that is is relatively normal, but it does what is can do in an extrodinary way. At CP you can hear screams all the way across the park resonating from MF, and soon TTD. I can't see this fitting in anywhere at PKI. I like the direction they are going with Huss' Land of Giants. It is a sight to see, but still relatively small. If they do build a new steel coaster anytime in the future, I would wish they design it the way they did The Beast. Fit it to the landscape. Blend it in. Make it seem more forboding than nausia-inducing. That would just be the PKI way. Anyone else agree?

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I don't really expect anything to tall but definetly a custom tight layout most likely partially hidden. Yeah those things are massive no matter what but I feel they will hide most of it. Like you can only see the lift for SOB and not the rest of the ride, Beast... well that speaks for its self and the others. I'm sure KI won't go and just build it say in the middle of an area (IE the antique car zone) unless they plant a lot of trees or something to hide part of it.

I just know that a new B&M (if that is what we get next) won't upset anyone and will be a great addition no matter what.

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But don't you think a massive steel would end up crushing the park's atmosphere? I do. The great thing about PKI is that is is relatively normal, but it does what is can do in an extrodinary way. At CP you can hear screams all the way across the park resonating from MF, and soon TTD. I can't see this fitting in anywhere at PKI. I like the direction they are going with Huss' Land of Giants. It is a sight to see, but still relatively small. If they do build a new steel coaster anytime in the future, I would wish they design it the way they did The Beast. Fit it to the landscape. Blend it in. Make it seem more forboding than nausia-inducing. That would just be the PKI way. Anyone else agree?

PKI does have the largest, fastest, and only looping wooden coaster just built just a short 3 years ago. What did that crush, besides records?

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I think what they are saying is that a massive STEEL coaster would stand out like a sore thumb. Even though SOB is big and record-breaking...in a way it does blend in with the surroundings. It doesn't really take away from the look and feel that PKI has worked so hard to maintain.

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