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I have an idea.

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I was thinking it would be a great idea to have a forum where we can post who is going to which park on what day. Kind of like a meeting forum, so everyone's posts don't get lost in the shuffle with the regular Kings Island forum. Gator has posted a topic on his park trips this year, and that is a great example of what to put in the forum I am thinking about. Coincidentally enough, as I'm writing this, Stephanie (kittenpooh) just texted me and asked me when I am going to Kings Island next.

I realize that many members here are regulars and many of us know each other, but this is a great way for the new members to meet up with other forum members at not only Kings Island, but at other parks. It's also a great way for the regular Kings Island forum not to get flooded with topics titled "So who's going on (insert date here)?"

I'm just throwing out an idea here. I won't be insulted if you guys decide not to run with it.

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Yes, I've been thinking the exact same thing for the past few days!

Wow, thats kinda cool how this pops up out of nowhere like this.

But I seem to really like Terpys idea alot and think that its very creative and useful! Because, I would LOVE to meet some of the KIC Members, but since I'm rarely able to make the trip over there, I'd like to make the most of every visit!

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The dates in my signature are the dates I know FOR SURE that I'll be at the park. If anyone sees that our dates coincide PM me and maybe we can exchange phone numbers to call or text each other so we can meet at the park. I LOVED meeting some of you guys at Opening Day and only briefly got to talk to a few of you. Just an idea.

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What a great idea!

Am I the only one who finds it ironic that our very own "Invisible Man" thinks this is a great idea?! :P

<With this post I have finally become a KIC Expert...and I feel just like I did on my 18th birthday, it's all down hill from here! The next title is KIC Senior...God knows that sounds awful...and after that it is a KIC Star Member...could it get any cheesier? (I think these titles are out of order!)

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i saw this and thought it was for ideas. if so here is another. while i was in line i got to thinking. all of the land that sits empty with nothing there. i am talking about the spots the general public doesnt notice right off The Bat. why not invest in solar pannels and wind generators that link up to a huge storage shed that can house the batteries? it would greatly reduce the electric bill and pay for itself in the long run. causing; hypothetically speaking; the lowering of price admissions. which would result in more park guests coming to spend there money there on vacation. instead of traveling way far away. just an idea.

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and we could even have a section to see when she is going to be on her beloved Millie at the Point. :)

No need to go THAT far. :rolleyes::lol:

Especially now that you're a DBack fangirl... traitor! So let me rephrase:

"And we could even have a section to see when DVO is going to be on HIS beloved Millie at the Point." ;)

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I too love this idea. I've had so many conversations with many of you but have met no one. That's just weird for me. Also, what could be more fun than riding and hanging with a bunch of enthusiasts?

I like Terpy's idea of the calender. Make it interactive so you simply type in the park your going to and everyone can list their names under it. Then have threads titled by park name and date to discuss plans and all.

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This is great idea!

I want to take it even a step further. I was a little disappointed that I was not able to meet up with some of the groups on Saturday. The second reason I was excited to go to the park, (besides DB) was to get the opportunity to see/meet everyone. Since most people have the web on their phone now, it would be nice to post where we are at in the park at any given time, especially if there is a group together and you want to meet up with them. I don't know if KIC has a tool we could utilize for this besides making a bunch of posts? Maybe there is something is place that I don't know about? We could use something like twitter, but that is using someone else's site? Thoughts?

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Hi Indyguy4KI well if you have an Iphone a good App for that is called Bubbl'in users create a password and a user name then everyone can see each other on a map (within 10-15 feet). So Far i have no takers to try it at KI but i use it at times to keep track of my drivers to see if they are actually moving.

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Hi Indyguy4KI well if you have an Iphone a good App for that is called Bubbl'in users create a password and a user name then everyone can see each other on a map (within 10-15 feet). So Far i have no takers to try it at KI but i use it at times to keep track of my drivers to see if they are actually moving.

That seems like a cool app, but I have a windows Mobile device. Thanks for that suggestion.

I wonder if there are a lot of people with twitter accounts?

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