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Best Flatride at KI


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OK, among all the flatrides, which one is the best?

I decided to not include kiddie rides at Nick-U, simply because there would be too many to list then and many of them cannot accept older riders.

Note: For those who don't know, a flatride is just about any ride that isn't a water ride or roller coaster.

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Ever rode skyflyer? I don't understand the hype over dropzone. I don't feel the true free fall sensation like I do on Demon Drop.

I don't see how you can't feel the free fall sensation. You're freefalling. That's about how it feels. Demon Drop does the same thing, just shorter and with a more uncomfortable ending.

But alas, I vote Delirium.

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Ever rode skyflyer? I don't understand the hype over dropzone. I don't feel the true free fall sensation like I do on Demon Drop.

Meh, I've been on Skyflyer. They winch you all the way to the top of the launch tower on RipCord at Cedar Point.

Besides, I like the feeling of not knowing exactly when you will drop on Drop Tower. I have yet to ride Demon Drop.. I'm told it's good.

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HEY! I ride mosly coasters because most flat rides do a number on my stomach. Anyway, I vote for Scrambler with Dodgem being a very close second. Dodgem is fun, but it's only REALLY fun when you're trying to hit and are getting hit by people that you know. I will say that my favorite Scrambler was the one at Lesourdesville Lake. It was faster than the one at KI.

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