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Coaster Mania 2009


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Coaster Mania 2009

Note I am behind on two other trip reports that will be done here in the near future (KI RWCW and ASA weekend) and apologize for the delay but due to unexpected work demands and various May activities (birthday, graduation, ect) I have not had the time to complete them. So this past weekend (June 5-6) I had the choice to finish them or attend Coaster Mania, well no self respecting amusement fanboy would pass up an opportunity to attend Coaster Mania, so the other trip reports we need to wait just a bit longer.

Cedar Point Coaster Mania 2009

Hi everyone it feels good to finally be doing another trip report, a month ago I would have never dreamed that my next trip report would be about Cedar Point Coaster Mania weekend, but life has a way of making the unthinkable a reality. I received a text a few weeks back from Indianapolisman (that man is always texting, never AIMing) and suggested I could join him as a guest to Coaster Mania and suggested the cost of the trip. I quickly contacted a few people to see if I could take the Friday the 5th of June off and that paved the way for me to be able to go. I accepted and thanked Indianapolisman (Sean) several times for for the opportunity and told him I have never been to Cedar Point. One big reason was because of the reports of the lines for rides are usually long and I could not think of a better way to go to Cedar Point than to go during Coaster Mania with several ERT scheduled.

Well June 5th arrived and Sean picked me up at my home at 8AM and we went to pick up Unrealsk8er (Zach). So the three of us set out for hopefully a great weekend


We were supposed to pick up another member but it there seems to be some confusion about us all being rapist, killers and reckless drivers so the other member would not be joining us on this trip. It seemed we needed to make a few stops along the way like Quiznos


I kept kidding Sean about us getting to Coaster Mania late so I started to take pictures of him with clocks in the back ground so I could show how long all the detours and such were taking.


In truth we were in no super hurry and arrived in Sandusky about 2PM and promptly checked into the Econo Lodge hotel right by the CP causeway .


We quickly stashed our clothes in the room and headed back out to go to Cedar Point


We check in early for Coaster Mania and wanted to get some early rides in before everything started.


I was awe struck with the size of the many coaster Cedar Point has and enjoyed walking down their front of the park Midway full of shops, eateries and it had plenty of exciting atmosphere.


The guys wanted to start the coaster weekend off right and picked Millennium Force to be our first ride at the park.


From there we rode several other coasters as most line were only about a half an hour long.


At 6PM we decided to go to the Coaster Mania Social at the Coral Courtyard by the Hotel Breakers which over looked lake Erie.


They listed on the site that they would offer some appetizers and a open bar and we found the appetizer choices to be many and plentiful.


Hats off to the food department they where very friendly and knew how to make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated. Then we head inside the convention Center just a few steps away to hear speakers including Dick Kinzel in talk about how Magnum was put in place 20 years ago. I always enjoy listening to amusement industry insiders telling stories of various activities around various parks.


Following the wonderful speakers, video and question and answer segment of the Magnum 20th Anniversary Presentation we decided it was time to get a ride on Top Thrill Dragster


Since many of the bus tour groups had left it was close to a walk on as you can see.


Then it was time to ride the birthday coaster Magnum Force


we had a great time riding Magnum with all her back ejector hills and hanging out with fellow enthusiast.


The bugs flying around got really thick and Sean and Zach tried to devise a bug sheild for their face while riding.


I think I know now where they get the ingredients for the popular kids drink, Bug Juice.


After a few rides there we went and rode Skyhawk and loved it so much that re kept reriding it over and over. We then got in line for Maverick which I have looked forward to riding since it was announced. I was disappointed with the long line here and the short ERT time of only one hour which limited me to only one ride. That was OK too because the Over The Shoulder restraints were chopping on my neck something fierce. Below is a blurred shot of some fellow KICentral crew enjoying there ride on Maverick.


The best part of Maverick ERT was getting some insider rider tips from Single Rider Bob.


Since Mavericks line was so long we decided to leave for the night.

Saturday June 6

Morning came quick and with only about 3 hours of sleep it was hard to get up.


The only thing that could motivate us enough to get up was that rare opportunity to ride Millennium Force as the sun was rising over Lake Erie.


WOW What A Ride at 6AM in the morning and now we are good to go for the rest of the day (sorta)


Next ERT up was Top Thrill Dragster.


Man is it short (17 seconds) but it is so worth the wait.

We wanted to fill a full train with KICentral members but only had 10 available in the ride area.


but we did get a good after the ride photo of us after the ride.


After our many rides on Top Thrill Dragster we rode some rides together as a group including Raptor


Then broke off into smaller groups to hit up some more rides before they let the general public in for the day.


for the Indianapolis delegation we rode Wicked Twisted and Disaster Transport


followed by many less busy attractions like the Cedar Creek Mine and since we were in the area decided to have a early lunch at Chuck Wagon since it comes highly recommended by someone who know how to interpret good pizza places.


We checked on the line for Maverick but it was way to long to wait, especially seeing how the restrsints beat you up. So we decided to have a nice ride on Paddlewheel Excursion.


I really enjoyed the ride and the ride operator had some good corny jokes.

We rode some more rides like corkscrew and then headed out of the park to change into some shorts.


At 2:30PM Cedar Point provide lunch for us at the Point Pavilion.


At this point we were getting tired from lack of sleep plus all the walking at such a huge park so we decided to head out to the beach to get some rest.


As I was sitting there I kept thinking how nice the beach area was and how far away from the park it seemed even though it was only steps away. .

So then early in the evening we ran into Jackson, Trooper Mom and Aunt Amy, we caught them on a ride of Wildcat.


Believe it or not Trooper Mom even rode Iron Dragon, don't ask me how I know this as a fact, just trust me it's true.

Well we ran into the group again and rode many more rides then split up as a group so some could go shopping, sight seeing or to get more rides in. I decided I wanted to see the Starlight Experience on the frontier Trail area of the park.


I really enjoyed the lighting experience and it was very scenic. I was just awed with it.

I then grabbed some chips from the chipery and found a seat to view the Hot Summer Lights Show where I met back up with my group.

I enjoyed the show but the video above is one of the best parts. I wish they would have spent less time running Cedar Point info commercials as part of the show. I kept saying why all the advertisement in the show I am already here now just wow me with a great show.

After the shows it was time for the final ERT consiting of maXair, Raptor and Blue Streak.


Since we were hungry we decided to head to Taco bell. When we tried to order at the window with three separate orders they said they could not do that so we had to go around three times to get our order.

The next morning we had to leave by 8AM so Zach could go to work and we foud out he is not a morning person.


Everything went well going home and I was in charge of making sure Sean did not fall asleep I say everything went well.


I thought Sean was a good friend but when I checked my pictures I found this


I guess from the looks of thing I did not do my part.


In conclusion of this report I would like to say Thank-You to Sean (indianpolisman) for inviting me to go to Coaster Mania as his guest. I also want to say I was overwhelmed with all that Cedar Point has to offer not only for coaster enthusiast but also to groups and families. I wish I had not waited so long to go to Cedar Point and now that I know all it has to offer I look forward to taking my family the first chance I get. I think Coaster Mania had a lot to offer as far as ERT rides, speakers, activities and food offerings. Cedar Point should really be proud of themselves as I feel they went way above and beyond in offering coaster enthusiast a great weekend of fun and never ending coaster rides.

Thanks for reading and hopefully see you real soon with another report.

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Hey if I didn't know you better I'd think you like picking on me :rolleyes: This trip will stand as my most memorable in CP going history. Thank-You for making the decision to come. The pleasure was all mine. So was our hotel room not photo worthy or did you just forget to snap a pic of it. I have many other details to share but this one sums up the experience we had. Great report Jesse. I hope to get back to KI soon.

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On maverick he you put your hands on the harness from the out side so your finger cover it by your ears you shouldnt get head banged. this always works well for me. just dont ride it he you have bruised thighs from magnum that makes for a very painful ride experience!

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What a wonderful trip report! I am glad y'all had a good time! Perhaps next year I'll see to it I get there! :)

Terpy, who hopes you liked the pizza (and who wonders if anyone in your group had any frozen custard...and if that is Ron Toomer...not Dick Kinzel in your speaker photo...)

No we did not try the custard this trip, we thought it would be great to wait until you could join us, hopefully next time. and yes that is Ron Toomer, i was just trying to point out that Dick attended a few of the events. i should have made that more clearer.

I am so glad you had such a great time. It was fun riding with you guys this weekend. I am ecstatic to see you understand why I love Millie so much. It's a fantastic ride experience.

Yes count me in for loving Millie too. I always enjoy riding with you guys and it was cool doing so outside of KI. KICentral should be proud of the group that went and the way the group stuck together while having good clean fun.

Hey if I didn't know you better I'd think you like picking on me :rolleyes: This trip will stand as my most memorable in CP going history. Thank-You for making the decision to come. The pleasure was all mine. So was our hotel room not photo worthy or did you just forget to snap a pic of it. I have many other details to share but this one sums up the experience we had. Great report Jesse. I hope to get back to KI soon.

Pick on you? Oh I guess I picked the wrong picture of the room, that one should be in the next trip report. Here is the one from our room.


On maverick he you put your hands on the harness from the out side so your finger cover it by your ears you shouldnt get head banged. this always works well for me. just dont ride it he you have bruised thighs from magnum that makes for a very painful ride experience!

Thanks for the info House I'll try to remember that for my next trip I was surprised how my neck and head was bounced around, I was ready for the ride to end about half way through.

Nice TR, guys. And nice seeing you all up there. Sorry I was kind of an outcast from the KIC group. I was hanging out with some friends from up there all weekend :)

It was good to see you up there too DVO and maybe next time you can ride more with us. I did catch you in a picture at the picnic, I did not know iI did till I got home and looked at them.


If anyone is interested in seeing all the photos and videos here is the link to my online album, If you go to the album may I suggest seeing them in the slide show with the roller coaster music playing in the background


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I forgot you'd taken this picture! Wish it hadn't been so blurry, that woulda been a cool shot. This was the ride on Maverick that ripped out my earring so unfortunately the rest of the night was not as fun for me. :(


For those who don't know all the players involved - rear row (green shirt) is Avatar, in front of him is me (throwing up the "rock on" signs), beside me is pkiboy, in front of me is dare-to-fly and beside him is Tom (no, he wasn't throwing up, that was his reaction to the sudden brakes at the end), and in front of dare-to-fly is Jackson/Beast1979. I believe that's The Beast Rider beside him but I don't remember now. You can't see gigacoaster2k, indianapolisman or Unrealsk8r but they're in there too.


Back row, l to r: Beast Rider, dare-to-fly, Tom76257, Beast1979, Avatar, Unrealsk8r

Front row, l to r: pkiboy, gigacoaster2k, violakat03, indianapolisman

I love this group shot. :)

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Great report, Jesse. It was a pleasure riding some rides with you. I WILL get you back for a certain incident that happened in a room of rest the next time I see you at KI, though! :P

Ok chunks, what happen???? come on you can fess up.... ha ha

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Great report, Jesse. It was a pleasure riding some rides with you. I WILL get you back for a certain incident that happened in a room of rest the next time I see you at KI, though! :P

Ok chunks, what happen???? come on you can fess up.... ha ha

I'll leave it up to Jesse if he wants to tell the story. I'm not gonna embarass him or myself on his topic! :P

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As always, a great/fun trip report! :) (As if I expected anything else.) I think my favorite shots are the dashboard cam shots...it's kind of like Sean's own personal On-Ride Photo service...do they come with their own cardboard frame? (I am curious, were they taken with a timer?)

I'm glad you you all had a good time...and it's refreshing to know that there is still a place where rapists, killers and reckless drivers can go where they feel accepted! :P

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Angie - Sounds like i may have missed something

Kat - Thank you so much for adding the names to the photos. Sorry about the blurry picture I took four from there of you guys but the camera self adjusted for a night shot and looks like I did not hold the camera still long enough to get the proper shot.

Great report, Jesse. It was a pleasure riding some rides with you. I WILL get you back for a certain incident that happened in a room of rest the next time I see you at KI, though! :P

Ok chunks, what happen???? come on you can fess up.... ha ha

I'll leave it up to Jesse if he wants to tell the story. I'm not gonna embarass him or myself on his topic! :P

Tom I also enjoyed riding with you too, you have a great personality and always seem to be smiling :) .

Now for the room for rest incident. I left it out of the report because I did not want to embarrass Tom or have anyone think less of him. To cover myself I did explain to Angie and Kat what had happen so if any verification of what happened needs to be explored, I'm sure they can back me up. Also if you recall no other explanation was given about the incident.

So here is what happened; I went to to the rest room by TTD and because my right foot was sore I was leaning more to one side in a stall, well out of no where someone (Tom) pushes me violently forwards from behind well I almost lost complete balance but at the last second was able to recover but not before getting my hands a bit wet. I could not believe what had happend and when I saw who had done this and seen he was laughing at my misfortune I was appauld, and laughed it off. Tom told me not to tell anybody about it but I had to tell Angie and Kat so that if Tom decided to buley me around any futher someone would know what had happend. But now it looks like I am being threntend and intimidated again as Tom feels he needs to get me back for telling. I will not stand silent as us older folks are being pushed around by big young bullies.

Jesse I wish I had known you were up there....Tycoonrebel and myself were up at the point on Saturday! We would have at least said hi!

Cory sorry we missed you I did see Captain Picard and his wife a couple times and suprised I missed you guys all day. I did sign the I'm going to Coaster Mania list though. Funny story though,At 6AM as we entered through the parking gate at Cedar Point the man told us "well we should call Kings Island and tell them to close today" we asked why and he said" because it looks like everyone from there is here today". Well hopfully soon we can catch up and get soom rides in togeter.

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Jesse I wish I had known you were up there....Tycoonrebel and myself were up at the point on Saturday! We would have at least said hi!

Cory sorry we missed you I did see Captain Picard and his wife a couple times and suprised I missed you guys all day. I did sign the I'm going to Coaster Mania list though. Funny story though,At 6AM as we entered through the parking gate at Cedar Point the man told us "well we should call Kings Island and tell them to close today" we asked why and he said" because it looks like everyone from there is here today". Well hopfully soon we can catch up and get soom rides in togeter.

Yeah, I will let you know when I have some days off!

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As always, a great/fun trip report! :) (As if I expected anything else.) I think my favorite shots are the dashboard cam shots...it's kind of like Sean's own personal On-Ride Photo service...do they come with their own cardboard frame? (I am curious, were they taken with a timer?)

Thanks J.D. for the comments. It must have been a built in camera that came with the rental car because I did not see anything. I know you have questions and I think Sean will need to answer those questions but if I may i would like to add a question too. Sean in the second picture of us driving home the one that looks like your picking my nose (and he ask if I was picking on him earlier...huh) What did you do with the boogie?

I'm glad you you all had a good time...and it's refreshing to know that there is still a place where rapists, killers and reckless drivers can go where they feel accepted! :P

Well it was a topic of intrest for us as we did not know that we were. I mean imagine waking up and reading on KICentral and Facebook that we were Rapist, Killers and reckless drivers. At first I had to reread that statement to make sure that it did not say that a concerned mother was saying that we "could be" but no it said we "were" . I meant to get a picture of us at CP in the publis lock stocks, but that did not pan out. :lol:

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Funny story though,At 6AM as we entered through the parking gate at Cedar Point the man told us "well we should call Kings Island and tell them to close today" we asked why and he said" because it looks like everyone from there is here today".

And while at KI on Saturday, I was thinking how empty it was for a Saturday since so many people were at CP. Not that I was complaining.

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And while at KI on Saturday, I was thinking how empty it was for a Saturday since so many people were at CP. Not that I was complaining.

It was kind of dead for a Saturday at the Point too. Nothing was over a 1/2 hour wait.. I was shocked. Usually a trip to the Point on Saturdays means 2 hour waits for all my favorites.

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Funny story though,At 6AM as we entered through the parking gate at Cedar Point the man told us "well we should call Kings Island and tell them to close today" we asked why and he said" because it looks like everyone from there is here today".

And while at KI on Saturday, I was thinking how empty it was for a Saturday since so many people were at CP. Not that I was complaining.

There was noone at Cedar Point on Saturday either! Sunday was nothing but walk-ons!

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Here I thought you just fell a sleep on the pot. After that weekend, I don't think anyone would have blamed you if you did. :P

OH...I never thought of doing that, thanks for the idea.

Nice PTR Jesse! Too bad I couldn't make it, but atleast I got to go to KI for 2 Days, and I'm going in a few days. You guys seemed to have a great time, and hopefully we can maybe hangout sometime at KI or CP.

We missed you and it s good to hear you got some coaster time in.

Funny story though,At 6AM as we entered through the parking gate at Cedar Point the man told us "well we should call Kings Island and tell them to close today" we asked why and he said" because it looks like everyone from there is here today".

And while at KI on Saturday, I was thinking how empty it was for a Saturday since so many people were at CP. Not that I was complaining.

There was noone at Cedar Point on Saturday either! Sunday was nothing but walk-ons!

Makes me want to go back. It's one of those thing that we hope they are busy so they can make lots of money for new attractions, except on days we are there.

Thanks again for all the comments

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