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Stalker's Glamorous PTR


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So what started out as the coaster God's being against me and my friend Casandra, Sunday turned into a great day!! even with the rain!

So me and Casandra got up bright and early (me in KJ's and Ashers dilema of probably making a not so good choice to drink the night before lol) We had way to much fun getting ready, and trying to get our lovely styling products to work. How i found a crimper in my house i'll never know. Headed out on the road, took some time at McD's why we always stop at that slow one we'll never know. Passed an at least 3 car pile up on 75 with it and a fietruck taking up 2 lanes, then construction slowdown, but that new part of 75 at rt 4 is amazing btw. it started raining in Dayton, and ppl seemed to forget how to drive. driving so slow almost causing us to be in an accident. Hit every red light on tylersville mason road but 2, trust me i started counting. All the while my text messages are blowing up my phone :P Got to the parking lot got sunscreened up. went to HR to get my Haunt tickets, dealt with the line there then dealt with them going through an entire box of envelopes to look for the one with my name on it, that seemed to be in no particular order. Dealt with security and having every person in front of us with 3 bags each i swear! Finally got through the gate and pretty much ran back to DB before Angie hired a sniper to pick me off off the Eiffel Tower <3


I was looking pretty amazing if i do say so myself lol

We decided to wait on the rest of the group to get off DB before we went on for Justin's 100th ride, thinking it'd be better to have the KIC train and see if we could break the 22 person record. Went with steph and her girls to take pics of their train. Saw the MOST GLORIOUS site on the way to crypt. There was a basketball in the net


where it should be :)



The KIC'ers are in rows 4-14

then we took a nice big group photo


and thats when a few ppl dispersed and we went for Justin's 100th ride, doing the wave during the ride.



After DB i went and got my first ride on LBGC thanks to stephs little one :)


we then decided we needed to take the new KIC traditional picture :P


and while taking that one, the group that rode avatar met up with us and we nailed a 13 person pic, that still has taht "realistic" factor to it!


Then it was picnic time for us out by the employee lot, while the others went to wendy's. as me justin and cass headed back in we ran into kyle ashers and brother heading out and talked with them for a bit, and decided to part ways before we got caught in the impending rain. We then proceeded to head to AE as it started to drizzle, but it was closed, but we all happened to meet back up there, and went to go see if FoF was running. the entire filled outside queue made us turn right back around lol. So it was off to Festhaus after a quick radar check, and half the group stayed to watch the show, while dustin, dustin's dad, me, cas, beatle and his boys, derrick, and goofy went to go ride viking fury. It shut down just as we got in line. So i still have never ridden that ride. But the carousel was open! so we headed there


me and cass


the boys


Beatle's shortest boy lol he felt left out

...more in next post...

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Then we figured Dodgems was next. So.... i'm still annoyed with the MAJOR speed slow down on them.... i noticed that at the kick off party this year. they're mega slow. i didn't even make it 3/4 the way around! but then again that coulda been cuz the boys kept trapping me into the wall lol. The rain still didn't seem to be letting up, and FoF was still a mega long line, so we decided screw it lets go to the arcade. Unfortunately i didn't have Kat there to DDR battle this time, and no one else had the guts to take me on O:) by the time we were done there, the rain had let up still cloudy and grey but not really drizzling anymore. So we met everyone back at Festhaus (AE was still closed :( ) and we al decided to go on Invertigo. I somehow got dragged onto that ride.... i haven't ridden it since like the year or 2 it opened.... I now remember why i dont ride it lol. Altho Justin had a good time sitting across from me and cass laughing hysterically at us. Then it was on to Delirium... well for everyone else. i said screw it i'm only doing one backwards thing today lol. but that gave us time to go check the skyflyer and slingshot prices!! A few of us decided on Skyflyer for $5. so we got our tickets for it, and then went to Drop Zone to wait for the line to go down a bit. We were all strapped and buckled and ready to go... and then the darned phone rang, and off the ride we went to wait on the new storm. We did have some pretty interesting convos. Including that guy lol we were waiting in line and the guy ahead of me and angie goes "so whats the deal with this girl who got her legs chopped off on this ride" I kinda felt bad because EVERYONE in the group just groaned and he got that look on his face. oh boy but did angie set him straight! lol i was dying not to start laughing in his face. We quelled a few more rumors from him too while we were at it


and we still manage to look hot ;)

We finally got on and as we were sitting there we realized Ryan would make an amazing hurdler as he was stepping over the queue lines to get something that blew away, and it took him no effort whatsoever lol. Now it was time for skyflyer.

Steph and Kat went first


then derrick went after them. and then it was mine and Justin's turn


i started to think this might fit my look better


we had some great ride ops! "You are now about to have a very close and personal relationship with the floor in about 3 seconds"


going up


my life is hanging in the balance.... *yipes*


and down we come... and yes i screamed lol


hi guys!!

so after that we took a quick walk on spin on top gun. my poor baby needs paint so bad... then some ppl took off, and we met back up with angie and gary and headed towards Vortex. well some of us went there the others did The Racers. Vortex's line was to the first landing. when does that happen?! lol then we all decided it was dinner time again before it was too late to leave and come back. so me kat, justin and cass went for more picnicing and changing clothes and grabbing hoodies while we were out there. headed back in and met with ryan and steph as they were headed out. they had to tell us about teh idiot who hopped the exit fence at DB to go under the track to get a shoe. Security was more than waiting for his butt when he came out. that was nice to hear :) the 4 of us then went to Beast to try to get a night ride in before fireworks (as it was 9:30 already) saw daretofly working and said hi.

ok now i have to stop here and give mad props to him. he had something new to say everytime, and everytime it was a priceless nugget! and we were rolling even if no one else was. and talking to the ghost train was great. kudos nick! well wouldn't ya know. there was one train in front of us and fireworks shut down :( booooo so we decided we might as well go get a ride or 2 on DB. well it was only going to be one. but it was a great one!


yeah we were in one of those moods again lol

we messed around in the gift shop when we met back up with angie gary and derrek. then headed over to Firehawk so justin could get his stuff from the lockers tehre. and let me tell you. it was so much fun just walking through the empty park at well after 10:30 its gettin foggy. the music coulda been better but it was still danceable to lol then we decided on a pit stop at the end of coney mall, and us 4 girls were being way to slap happy with our bathroom conversations lol


yes we took a bathroom pic lol no one has one of those. and kat's talking about letting her know if an employee comes in cuz this is probably illegal as one is cleaning up 7 stalls down lol. and then as we're leaving angie does this hop skipp duck and weave thing to avoid a tiny little bug and i just about fall over her. yeah it was one of those slap happy tired sunday night of RWW kinda nights. then it was off to taco bell well at least for me kat justin and cass. and kat freaking us out with her hubby's police lights in her car >.< it was a great weekend! thanks everyone!! especially those of you that were actually crazy enough to go with the whole dress up idea!! i can't wait til the next one! :D

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Muahahahaha they were saying that you are the kind of person who would of been up in the Eiffel Tower looking down and laughing haha your waiting on me!

HAHAHAHA the thing is... is something along those lines did cross my mind... but it was more the walking through rivertown and into the line and then calling going dude! i'm in line where are yall O:) but i'm gonna have to remember that Eiffel Tower thing for some other time ;)

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For the short amount of time I hung out with you guys, I had alot of fun! We should hangout some more!

^ I think you may get a good laugh of that! :)

Haha! I love the end of it. You just hear Rachel out of nowhere "I hate you!"

Everytime KIC people start to dance, someone invariably shoots a video of it :D

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For the short amount of time I hung out with you guys, I had alot of fun! We should hangout some more!

^ I think you may get a good laugh of that! :)

Haha! I love the end of it. You just hear Rachel out of nowhere "I hate you!"

Everytime KIC people start to dance, someone invariably shoots a video of it :D

ROFL!!! i said "i hate you" cuz he said its going on KIC lol you brat! i COMPLETELY!! forgot about that

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Pshh, watching the videos of yourselves acting like idiots if almost as much fun as it was acting like idiots in the first place.

You only live once, have a little fun :D

For some of us, videos of us acting like idiots do exist (and I admit are fun to watch) - but luckily this was in the pre cell phone video cam/YouTube days, so we can control who sees them (thank goodness).

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Pshh, watching the videos of yourselves acting like idiots if almost as much fun as it was acting like idiots in the first place.

You only live once, have a little fun :D

For some of us, videos of us acting like idiots do exist (and I admit are fun to watch) - but luckily this was in the pre cell phone video cam/YouTube days, so we can control who sees them (thank goodness).

Eh, people seeing me acting like an idiot doesn't really bother me, otherwise I'd not have let anyone take pictures of me in that wig :D

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the 4 of us then went to Beast to try to get a night ride in before fireworks (as it was 9:30 already) saw daretofly working and said hi.

ok now i have to stop here and give mad props to him. he had something new to say everytime, and everytime it was a priceless nugget! and we were rolling even if no one else was. and talking to the ghost train was great. kudos nick! well wouldn't ya know. there was one train in front of us and fireworks shut down :( booooo so we decided we might as well go get a ride or 2 on DB. well it was only going to be one. but it was a great one!

Well...I guess I have been caught. Since you brought it up, it gets kind of difficult to find new ways to say the same thing...but I try my best. Wait until Halloween Haunt. Bwaaa haaa haaa haaa!

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Great TR! Looks like you guys had an awesome time all day. It sucks the rides we're closed for a while, but I guess you guyd made some fun memories while waiting for the "big rides" to reopen! :D It was nice meeting you and talking in the parking lot. BTW I wasn't the hungover one, it was just Ashley and our brother. :lol:

Next time we won't leave so early!

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