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Carowinds employee arrested

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$109 for that stuffed animal in who's mind? That is like the infommerical that claims store bought tweezers cost $100.

Lets see $16 for a 23" scooby here: Link

Or a 45" Tweety bird for $36: Here

I know there are cheaper places to buy these and when you buy in massive Bulk like CF. I just can't remember the company's names from my carny days.

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I think some of the people who commented on the website that this came from were correct in that the $109 figure is the projected amount CF and CW intend on duping the GP out of when attempting to win such a prize at $3 to $5 (or more) per "chance". Face it, everyone on this site knows that any item placed as a prize can be bought for a fraction of what it will end up costing to "win" said prize. Its like certain rides we all know of where you HAVE to sit in a specific spot to make it enjoyable... if you have to be a physicist to sit there and figure out the absolute perfect wind conditions/angles or have a laser guidance system to make a basket for instance due to its rim size being 1/8 inch bigger than the ball going into it.... its not worth it. The job dismissal will stand... the criminal charges will absolutely not.

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