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IBEW_Sparky last won the day on May 8

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  1. I saw the 5pm final show on Sunday with @DJSkyFoxx, and now that I have experienced it I will say I would truly like to see it return! When I initially saw this announced, my initial thought was that it was going to be hokey and I was saying to myself "How have we declined from Cirque' to this?", and now that Ive seen the show my mind has been changed in a big way. Being honest, I was the one screaming the loudest in the entire theater when the "scream if you want more" screens were displayed, I wanted more of what I'd just seen. There were portions that were light, fun, and entertaining, portions that were technical and made me really enjoy observing what he was doing and how he was doing it, some portions that were meaningful and powerful that hit me, and I wish I could see it agai
  2. Make it an extension of the bubble show, I mean who doesnt like popping bubbles, right?
  3. it should have a picture of a football on it
  4. Its more of a "Lets see how far we can push our silliness and still have people be equally silly enough to keep playing into it" test is what it is.
  5. Absolutely nothing that unfolds within upper management surprises me one bit when it comes to the company, so I have not had one shadow of a doubt this is all true from day one. However, my thoughts are the best way to dump the naysayers as a final blank-you, would be to post this exact screenshot with your vki email addy posted and then one of you inside the main screen that shows nothing but proof so they cant slam you on any NDA you may have signed once you do land that new position. Id certainly get a big smile out of it.
  6. I assure you, it is not the only company that operates in this manner, the sheer nature of the job demands one to test their ethics on at least a semi-regular basis, which is exactly why signature says what it says.... DON'T ever sacrifice your honesty and integrity for a paycheck and a nice office. If I was ever offered a position anywhere that I had to slap on a nametag and a fake smile every single day and worry about how I was going to creatively turn facts into chocolate sprinkle covered bull**** in case something happened, Id tell them to shove their office, their "decent" salary and their name tag or desk name plaque. Also, as foolish as this act was, there is NO way I could ever be as cold as CS was, whether he was told to respond in this manner or not, at the end of the day its a human life that was lost.
  7. And you SURE as Hell dont say "The boat floated safely to port and the passengers walked away"! This is exactly why I DONT like spin-doctors in any fashion unless they are carrying a Pocket Full of Kryptonite, the entire nature of their job is BS, be it good BS or bad BS, its ALL BS and so many of these problems could be averted if spin doctor positions were A)Dissolved or B)ALL parent companies grow the balls to tell the truth when things happen, be they good things or. bad things, period. So the shareholders get a little ****y when bad events occur or bad news is reported, they can stuff it and take the bad with the good like all regular humans have to on a daily basis. What @brenthodge and @SonofBaconator said in their statements would be "doing it right". I applaud the employee for talking to the Fox outlet and if I knew who it was Id throw him a $20 for doing it!
  8. "We saved hundreds on power by switching the rides off and still allowing people to come in and spend money". Their version of a popular insurance commercial.
  9. It isnt the weather, their weather isnt much different than south central Indiana and/or the KI area. Your statement from 2021 is absolutely correct, and CF knows it WONT get the ROI from that park, I promise you I know this because I considered it my home park from 95 when I started all of this park jazz, until 2006 when we moved to Indiana. I then went back ONCE in 2011 for the disaster opening day, then again last year and oooohhhhhh how things have changed. It would have worked back in the early-mid 2000s, it wont work now, which was proven when they tried.
  10. That is theming I can get behind!! Also, after watching POVs ov both, I can see why HW demanded the "First open" clause, because instead of "Good Gravy" that thing is "weak sauce" in every way compared to SSBR. I will know how well this runs either this coming Sunday, or July 14th.
  11. The next time you ride it, look on the metal base in the center that covers the motor and all of the hydraulic pumps, etc. It will have a name plate on it somewhere quite visible, and it will very likely have the date of manufacture clearly stamped into the metal. EDIT: Also, the one at WoF is dope because it runs like a scrambler at the end of the ride cycle for quite a while with the cars at ground level, I wish SR and R or Troika did that.
  12. "They already have your money", and mine this final season for that matter, and until people stop freely handing over said money, CFSIX (sux) actions and feelings about us will not change. It was no different the 19th, there were more closed than open by far unless you wanted to waste 30+ minutes in line at one of the food joints. Hell, they didnt even open the concession stand that they paid all that money for over by Orion until 5pm!!
  13. And thats why it fails, repeatedly. If its verified… ESPECIALLY if a ride op or other associate sees it… the people caught need an escort to the parking lot, the back of the line is a joke. I know, as an associate at your level its not an issue you can do anything about, but that IS the issue and no member of Management at CF wants to address it because they are too worried about bad PR from a group of people who dont offer any positive contribution to the park
  14. Im sitting here laughing way too hard right now, because when I first saw the image before reading the Xpost and replies, I thought CF's new low was digitally blacking out everyones faces unless they paid for the Funpix
  15. No..... it would increase lines tremendously for MT and Beast in particular, and even the B&M FL lines would be a ton longer. Will the company do it? Yeah... wouldnt put it past them for a second to further dilute the $1000 that people pay for ASFL... but it is 100% not the correct thing to do. I will hopefully have odds on my side that they dont introduce that kind of mess until next season, when I will no longer be a passholder feeling like they paid for an iPhone and got the wish "equivalent".
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