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7/7 PTR :D


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ok so.... i was debating holding off my july trip till a little later in the month... but a few very persistent boys talked me into it monday night. and justin was whining in the meet up thread about not having a ride so i took pity on the kid and told him i'd get him if i could get out of helping my dad that night. and besides i needed to stop by the bank to pull out my entire life savings of $20 to get gas in my car. So by 8:30 i was ready to head out to stop by the bank hit the gas station and stop by McD's for breakfast... cuz thats the only thing that gets me up this early.

Of course 75 construction was a blast... /end sarcasm. but i knew i was halfway there when i see the glorious DB billboard outside dayton


finally got to Justins, and wasn't alone anymore!! lol (a 2 hour drive gets really boring when you're radio cuts out twice). I'm making this statement once and only once... construction zones suck! lol there i'm done and moving on... speculate what you will /*grumbles*)

Got to the park shortly before noon, and saw they had the overflow entrance open (which neither of us had ever seen) and decided to try our luck at the Gold Pass lot as opposed to the employee lot, and it was the first time i ever parked in Gold Pass


yeah i'm a bit of a dork

So we get into the park no problems, made justin find out where some others were, cuz mines on a hiatus til i find a job to pay the overdue bill, found out Gary (Beast79) was "just parking" lol when i found out he was already in here and was just going on a coffee or food run. so he came in and joined us, we met up with Andrew who had been texting us about the A Kid Again ppl there and DB being down (boooo... ) but it was back up with a full out under sign line, so for some strange odd screwed up reason, i let the 3 of them talk me into doing WWC.... once they found out i had never ridden it, i was done.. lol i tried hanging onto the fence but they pried me of and Gary and Andrew played bodyguard and wouldn't let me anywhere other than straight ahead with justin pushing/pulling me along. So let it be known... that i really really REALLY didn't wanna ride this ride LOL i just really hate wet pants first thing none the less.

so the 4 of us get on, and of course the boys can't let well enough alone... they gotta make sure the raft dips into every rapid and spins me into every wall... and sure enough to get the tower ops attention to blast me with EVERY SINGLE WATER CANON! ugh. so off i get dripping wet... attempting to give them all a swift kick in the butt and debating riding the thornberries one, as again i never have, but the line was waaaayyyy too crazy so we went off to DB to dry out. Boys found out i've only done 15 but not 16... so guess where i ended up? haha but since i was still dam i took in all the gloriousness of red train. and the water does hurt!! we decided next to head to Action Zone, but at about the tower, once we realized taht 2 of us hadn't ridden it yet this season, we were off to Adventure Express. And there was a LINE!!! back to thr first turn outside the station! but we waited anyways. and i've missed it. a little rough but not too bad from the 2nd car. Then Andrew pulled us towards Red Racer, which i haven't ridden for awhile. and i didn't staple myself in it. whoa!! lol the lap bars just seem to be too open or too stapled, no happy medium with me. but it was great! i got to see my Ambulance. oh i miss her.... haha

Then it was finally time for AZ lol and Drop zone, which Andrew sat out. it was around a 4 cycle rate, which was the longest i've waited but still a good ride and a packed parking lot ugh. Since there was nothing else worth riding open *halo* it was time for Top Gun yay!!! decided to opt out of the walk on and go for the 2 cycle wait for the front car, since i've stuck to the back car for quite some time. i forgot how much i liked the front yay. after favorite ride #3 decided to hit up #2 and go see my Vortex <3 well... that was the plan anyways, but we saw Dodgems didn't have a wait, soooo... we made a pit stop. and it was great. i actualy made it around the entire track this time... they're still so freakin slow! but it was good.. Then off to Vortex, and a line out to the first trash can in the queue line but we waited anyways. we were gonna go for the first car cuz its been awhile and andrews never been anywhere but 5, but the front car was such a loooong crazy wait. so we went for 2-1 and 2-2. which was really rough... back to 7-1 i go. so i decided when i was going up the lift hill, that being on Vortex made me in a happy sandwich :) on Vortex with DB on one side, and Beast on the other. oh and most adorable tiniest cutest little mouse ran across the station. even the ride ops were like "awww..." lol and i hate mice, but it was cute and i wanted to take it home!! Since we were in the area, we hit spongebob, since some boys haven't ridden it since days of thunder. it was nice, and i didnt get motion sick this time so it was good. and i miss my ambulance there.

by now we got hungry, so we stopped by the jukebox diner for water, and ice (for the pop in my car) and headed out. Gary went to get some wendy's me justin and andrew got my cooler, and then headed over the one row to andrews air conditioned truck. found out angie had gotten here, so ate quickly then headed back in, with a stroller that someone had left as a trashcan in the parking lot. so we did our good deed for the day



Andrew was a perfect gentleman haha

So we met up with my girl Angie (giga) and headed off to DB with her. got rows 1-3 i was in my favoritest row 2 <3 and i did the whole lean over and touch your toes thing going down the first hill... and OMG!!! AMAZING!!! I fell in love with DB (and angie lol) all over again! i can't even explain that feeling but you must try it! just make sure you dont land on your lap bar and staple it. Then it was time for Italian Job, didn't see gabe anywhere today me and justin got on front row while the others took up the back (same wait time, we went for it lol). hot as heck ride cuz we were sitting on the midcourse for what felt like forever with the helicopter and fire still going on ugh. annoying. then us being the dorks we are, hit the Eiffel Tower cuz i had yet to this entire season. Angie taught me a trick in the elavator! (shes full of all sorts of new experiences for me)


she taught me if you look out the window, towards the middle, so i dont see exactly how high up i am you won't feel as claustrophobic. and wouldn't you know it, looking at DB totally worked! and i didn't have to run off the elevator and my Eiffel Step wasn't too bad either haha


just imagine it darker... yet brighter... and glowing... and lots of smores... and weenies... mmmm.... LOL


Vortex looks so pretty up here






*giggles* they're so much better at night. altho i got told to jump in them first thing this morning and wasthisclose to it


its anotehr happy sandwich :) DZ, Skyflyer, Top gun, and the pickle on top... i mean.. smores... mmm....


for those of you who don't know what the webcam looks like or for others to back me up so the ones with me finally believe me lol

and for those of you that have been following facebook... Angie decided to divorce me this week... *tear* teehee so i decided to propose to her again... with style and class


*sigh* but sadly she told me she was more interested in someone taller, skinnier, blue-er, and with a house on the lake ;) but she said she'd share so i'm totally in!

and i just realized this is getting really long, so i'll continue it in another post :P

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So after my rejection LOL sorry ang i <3 ya, we headed over to take the traditional KIC pic before Andrew headed out for other birthday fun


i finally found it! lol and still can't figure it out. I've had one since i was 8... and i got 2 sides done once... and thats all the farther i am.... so not a math person. the art major in me goes "ooooo... pretty colors" haha


the lightings not so good on my crappy phone but you get the picture

then andrew took off and me justin and angie had never riden the lazy town sportcopters... so guess where we dragged gary too next. Man! that ride is a capacity nightmare. almost worse than reptar. but it was a fun little thing nonetheless. almost wish you could still use the actual peddle power


angie was scared!! oh noes


a different view at sunset <3


man thats a ginormous fry! O:) teehee

so this is where gary and angie went to go ride Drop Tower cuz both of them hate scooby (i love it) so justin kept me company, and it was a pretty quick line actually... quicker than normal. and i totally kicked his butt! :D by like triple the points neener neener neeennnnerrr....

we then decided we'd all meet up outside of beast for a night ride and say hi to dare-to-fly since we hadn't seen him yet, but this was about 9:30 and we literally prety much ran into Jesse(avatar), Mark (markr) and Kelli (Windishawne) who just came from there, and informed us the line was still a little long (poo... thats the 2nd trip in a row no night ride on beast) but thats ok cuz DB's just as good at night.so the 7 of us got in line, and wouldn't ya know it, the fireworks started yay!!

jesse's pics beat the crap outta mine tho that he took last night :P




*sploosh* lol




finally we got up to DB we got assigned the front couple of rows, i think. we heard row one, and me jesse and gary took off for it... those darn line jumpers... cutting off the poor little girl O:) hahahahaha i was just as happy if not happier with my row 2 again. And Wildman... good seeing you on the DB crew :) i had a blast joking around with you guys!!

and we decided to take one more on the way out :P


(this is temporarily here till i can get a copy of jesse's lol)

then angie and gary both headed their seperate ways to go home, and the 5 of us headed down to steak n shake... cuz i'd been craving a milkshake all day (and i've missed that steak n shake since Haunts been over. thanks guys for making that night so much fun ;) it was great seeing you guys again, even if we only hung out for those last couple hours! it was still a blast!

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We all had an awesome time, sorry Ang rejected you I was really rooting for you when I took the picture oh well :lol: Sorry for cutting you off for the front seat but you are just a little slow :rolleyes:

LIES!!!! had you not jumped through the poles :P hahaha oh wildman loved us about that time of night O:)

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Sorry guys as many know it has been a long week for all of us I feel bad That i have not even had time to respond to my on TR but i know you are waiting on this picture so here it is


I have more I like to say and will later. had fun and have a great day.

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Thanks - So does that mean I can become a member of the Glam Rockers Group, I hope so because in truth you guys Rock!! I was so glad we finally ran into you guys, Kings Island is so much better with friends and even better...enthusiast friends like you guys, Really.

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I told everybody if you guys tell everyone about the shake purchases, I would denie it. But if I was to purchase shakes for some I would say you are welcome and enjoy them. Mark me and Kelli were just talking about you tonight and how glad that we got to spend some time with you it was fun and if I did not live two hours away I would be on my way to meet you for seconds. Thanks

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LOL, when they said it was time to go back down the Eiffel Tower, I was pouting because I was gazing at DB and watching it run. :lol: I'm glad I could help you, Rach. I know how much it sucks when you are in an elevator and claustrophobic because I am the same way. I find that if I face the wall with space in front of me, or look out the window, it helps a lot.

I didn't mind getting row 3 on DB behind you guys. As much as I love rows 1 and 2, the ejector air in row 3 is out of this world. You get yanked out of your seat like you would not believe.

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